©2024 Ark of Grace Ministries

Jesus as Our Passover Lamb: Celebrating Passover as Messianic Believers

The Passover feast was established to remember God's salvation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. God instructed the Israelites to sacrifice a lamb and put its blood on their doorposts so that the Angel of Death would pass over their homes. This sacrifice protected the Israelites and allowed them to escape from Egypt. As believers, we also have a significant reason to celebrate Passover since Jesus is our Passover Lamb.

We recognize that Jesus is the ultimate Passover Lamb. He died on the cross for our sins and shed His blood so that we could be saved from eternal death. In John 1:29, John the Baptist called Jesus "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." Paul also referred to Jesus as "our Passover Lamb" in 1 Corinthians 5:7.

Celebrating Passover is a way to remember and honor the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross. It is a time to reflect on our salvation, our freedom from sin and death, and our hope in Jesus Christ. By celebrating Passover, we can deepen our understanding of our faith and draw closer to God.
If you are planning a Passover Seder, it is important to have the right items and foods to ensure that the ritual is performed correctly. Here is a list of items and food that you will need for your Seder:
Matzah: Matzah is unleavened bread that is eaten during Passover to commemorate the haste with which the Israelites left Egypt. You will need three whole matzahs per Seder plate per seder and two matzahs for every other participant per Seder. 
Seder Plate: You can use a regular plate(s). You do not need to purchase a seder plate. While any plate can do, it is customary to use a beautiful plate to honor and venerate this momentous occasion. You do not need to buy a new one each year.
Matzah Covers/Afikoman Bags: Matzah covers have been made from a wide range of fabrics and even from silver, ornately designed in honor of the special mitzvah. They often come with matching bags in which to place the afikoman. If you are unable to obtain a matzah cover, stack the matzahs atop each other, with each matzah resting on a piece of cloth or napkin. Cover the top matzah with a cloth as well.
Wine and/or Grape Juice: During the Seder, each person should drink four cups of kosher wine or grape juice. The goblets must be filled to the top for each of the four cups, so make sure to buy enough for four full goblets per person plus a little extra.
Wine Goblets: Each person should have his or her own wine goblet. The goblet may be made of any material. 
Maror (Bitter Herbs): Make sure to purchase enough for each person to have a portion at least the size of an olive for the ninth and tenth steps of the seder respectively. 
Haggadahs: Ideally, each person should have his or her own Haggadah so as to make it easier to follow along and participate in the Seder. The Haggadah has been translated into tens of languages—you are sure to find one that speaks yours!
Ingredients for Charoset: The Chabad custom is to use ground walnuts, apples, pears, and red wine. Others may add one or more of the following: cinnamon, ginger, figs, dates, pomegranates, and almonds. 
Zeroah (Roasted Shank-Bone): Each seder plate will need one zeroah. The Chabad custom is to use a section of a fowl's neck bone and to remove almost all of its flesh so that it does not resemble the Paschal sacrifice. Others use the leg of a chicken or an actual shank-bone. Whichever you use, it should be well-roasted.
Beitza (Hard-Boiled Egg): You need one hard-boiled egg per seder plate.
Karpas Vegetable: The karpas vegetable is placed on each seder plate. During the third step of the seder, each person should eat a small amount (less than the size of an olive) of karpas that has been dipped into salt water. The Chabad custom is to use a piece of cooked potato or raw onion as karpas. Others use celery, radish, or parsley.
Salt Water for Karpas: Water with salt for dipping. That's it. Prepare the mixture before the holiday begins.
Holiday candles. You can use any type of candles.
In conclusion, Passover is a time to come together with family and friends to remember and have fun!. Whether you are using handmade shmurah matzah or machine-made shmurah matzah, a regular plate or a beautiful plate, or celery or parsley for your karpas vegetable, the most important thing is to come together with loved ones and celebrate the joy of Passover. For more information, please reference www.chabad.org.

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