©2024 Ark of Grace Ministries

Hawaii Dreams, Obama, Pfizer, Ties to Scientology, and X

Hawaii Prophecies
This dream was on 10.29.21 and shared on the November 1, 2021 broadcast--A Powerful Dream from the Lord, A Visitation, and What’s Coming!! I am in this stone building up high on I perceive to be a mountain with carved openings like windows. In front of me on a very large pure white horse. And on that very large horse dressed in a leather armor centurion garb was a man approximately 7 feet tall or taller black wavy curly hair that came just past the ears and a deep voice not sure whether coming from the angel or it was the voice of the Lord. I was told to look to the left first and the voice said to me Sodom is burning to the ground however it was white buildings and domes with crosses on them but it was engulfed in flames, the whole city. Then I was prompted to look to the right I saw large dark storm clouds coming in, and I was told a large flood was going to hit and that is why we had to come up to the top here to be safe, that type of event that hit the earth. This angel looked to be guarding me.




Hawaii shall see another shaking this year, those false Gods must fall and My spirit is rushing across Hawaii for the remnant of the righteous it shall be spared.  However, the invincible facade within these states, for there was one who came forth as President connected to Hawaii watch for events surrounding him this year.

Now let me tell you the dream I had:

It looked like a place in Hawaii, there was a hill a high place. I was down below watching. Up on the hill was a black temple ruin. In front of that temple ruin were 3 individuals. The one to the left and in the middle were dressed identically! Both had grey t-shirts on, and both had their t-shirts tied up identically exposing their abdomens. They both had Hawaiian floral skirts on they were dressed IDENTICAL, doing the same Hawaiian Hula-type dance! All the way to the right a dark figure doing it with them influencing them. They were doing this in front of the temple ruin at the high place!
Then next thing I knew I was on the phone with a voice that was the voice of truth because the person who was this voice of truth, or the Holy Spirit, exposes myths, lies, and false doctrine. He was talking about one of the people at that high place saying they were not listening, that He was trying to get them to listen (meaning they think what they are doing is of God and there was a high place mixed in) a tie to paganism, pagan worship or pagan practice but they could not see it. They were actually deceived into thinking what they were doing was Godly when it was very clear it had nothing to do with the Lord.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day Honolulu shall be embroiled amidst a very mortal and fatal scandal says the Lord of Hosts, just watch as the gods of the luau and the Polynesian false gods they serve cannot stop what is set to occur as Hawaii, large populated areas shall flip says the Lord amidst what is set to occur.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day HAWAII, STOP WITH YOUR IDOLS Says the Lord for your leadership is under the control of such dark rulers that is bringing this smog of darkness upon your islands. Hawaii return unto Me. I WARN YOU THIS DAY OH LEADERSHIP IF YOU DO NOT TURN THERE SHALL NOT ONLY BE ERUPTIONS OF HISTORIC PROPORTION BUT EXPLOSIONS THAT SHAKE THE GROUND AND HOTELS WILL FALL, THEY WILL LITERALLY FALL FOR I AM ISSUING JUDGMENT AGAINST THE gods of the hula and what has so defiantly been taught to the people. Off the coast of Hawaii is much untapped resources says the Lord that shall be found by the ones I lead to it and it shall be worldwide news as this comes forth. However, Hawaii is out of alignment and has been for some time and has an Obama secretly doing business there still and secretly using bases and control centers to meet with those who are of a world economic status to plot and scheme as they utilize the false gods to help do their bidding.

April 28, 2023
And says the Lord of Hosts from the depths of Hawaii evidence shall come forth, from the depths of the sea, treasure, and History shall be found, however in this hour the people of Hawaii need to turn from their false gods and their hulas and the embedded mysticism that has been in the soil of the ancestors, I am calling in this hour for them to turn as an even greater eruption and shifting of plates and ground is set to occur, for the earth is groaning says the Lord, that spirit of alcoholism and addiction broods over Hawaii.

Obama resurfaces amongst his home state of Hawaii being on fire.


Just think about this in the midst of these indictments, in the midst of a very corrupt judicial system, in the midst of Biden and Hunter’s dirty dealings, Obama’s home state is suddenly engulfed in flames…Just something to think about.

Scientology –The House of Cards is coming down….

In the 1970s the CIA coined the phrase remote viewing Scientologists were the
ones involved in that program.
Danny Masterson a high-ranking Scientologist ends up on that '70s show…
Ocean Gate submarine implosion was a sign of the implosion of Scientology that began.

June 2023
Follow me on this….

The contract Scientologists sign is by the SEA organization and has 2 sea HORSES
on it (remember this.
The month of June is PRIDE month.
Around the 1st of June, around the same time, Biden falls onstage.
Danny Masterson a high-ranking Scientologist is convicted of 2 counts of rape in
which Scientology played a key role to cover up the crimes and try and silence the


Then 18 days later, on June 18, 2023, the Ocean Gate submarine imploded attempting to dive down to the Titanic.
The contract Scientologists sign is by the SEA organization.
At Church Hill Downs 12 horses died between the span of 6 weeks – April to late
May to the beginning of June 2023.
At the beginning of June, Church Hill Downs stopped its racing and suspended it in the
wake of the unprecedented event.
12 is the number for government and rule.
The contract for Scientology has 2 sea HORSES on it….

Church Hill Down
Where is the biggest church of Scientology located? In the Hollywood Hills, LA area.
Church Hill Down….
This is a house of cards, a very large domino has now fallen and will CRUISE to the

There was something going around the internet about Pfizer spelled backwards. In fact, our social media manager brought it to my attention.

Pfizer backwards is Rezifp.
Resheph (also Reshef and many other variants), see below; Eblaite 𒀭𒊏𒊓𒀊, Rašap, Ugaritic: 𐎗𐎌𐎔, ršp, Egyptian ršpw, Phoenician: 𐤓‬𐤔‬𐤐‬, ršp, Hebrew רֶשֶׁף‎, Reshef) was a god associated with war and plague, Nergal the Mesopotamian god is the equivalent.

What does Reshef mean in Hebrew? Resheph, (Hebrew: “the Burner” or “the Ravager”) ancient West Semitic god of the plague and of the underworld, the companion of Anath, and the equivalent of the Babylonian god Nergal. Here Resheph functions like Nergal, the Babylonian god of the underworld, who was a master of plagues. 

What is the meaning of Rezipf?
A close spelling in Hebrew:
In Biblical Names, the meaning of the name Rezeph is: Pavement, burning coal.
There is also Rezeph [N] [H] [S]
Meaning solid; a stone, ( 2 Kings 19:12; Isaiah 37:12 ), a fortress near
Haran, probably on the west of the Euphrates, conquered by Sennacherib.

Now how is all of this connected?:

2 Kings 19:10-13

10  “Thus you shall say to Hezekiah king of  [c] Judah, ‘Do not let your God in whom you trust
deceive you saying, “Jerusalem will not be given into the hand of the king of Assyria.”  11  Behold, you have heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all the lands, destroying them
completely. So will you be  [d] spared?  12  Did the gods of  [e] those nations which my fathers destroyed deliver them, even Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the sons of Eden who were in
Telassar? 13 Where is the king of Hamath, the king of Arpad, the king of the city of Sepharvaim, and of Hena and Ivvah?’”

In the ancient world from the mid-third millennium up until the end of the first century BCE, Resheph was a well-known deity. The worship of Resheph is found in Ugaritic, Phoenician, Aramaic, and Egyptian texts. In these texts, Resheph is described in various ways, such as the god or gatekeeper of the underworld, god of pestilence, god of war, and god of healing. In the Hebrew, I mention Bible Resheph 7 times. Here we will examine the nature of Resheph in the Hebrew Bible. We will demonstrate that Resheph has several meanings; among them “pestilence,” “arrow,” and “fire.” Each occurrence has the connotation of some type of destructive force.

King Sennacherib came up against Hezekiah and attempted to Destroy the people of God. He would have attempted to call on such deities for help.

2 Kings 18:28-35
Then Rabshakeh stood up and shouted with a loud voice in Judean,  [t] saying, “Hear the word of
the great king, the king of Assyria! 29 This is what the king says: ‘Do not let Hezekiah deceive
you, for he will not be able to save you from  [u] my hand.  30  And do not let Hezekiah lead you to trust in the LORD by saying, “The LORD will certainly save us, and this city will not be handed over to the king of Assyria.” 31 Do not listen to Hezekiah, for this is what the king of Assyria says: “Make  [v] your peace with me and come out to me, and eat, each one, from his vine and each from his fig tree, and drink, each one, the waters of his own cistern, 32 until I come and take you to a land like your own land, a land of grain and new wine, a land of bread and vineyards, a land of olive trees producing oil, and of honey, so that you will live and not die.” But do not listen to Hezekiah, because he misleads you by saying, “The LORD will save us.” 33 Has any of the gods of the nations actually saved his land from the hand of the king of Assyria? 34 Where are the gods of Hamath and Arpad? Where are the gods of Sepharvaim, Hena, and  [w] Ivvah? Have they saved Samaria from my hand? 35 Who among all the gods of the lands are there who have saved their land from my hand, that the LORD would save Jerusalem from my hand?’” Now King Sennacherib might have worshipped Resheph who is close to Rezifp.

In the ancient world from the mid-third millennium up until the end of the first century BCE, Resheph was a well-known deity. The worship of Resheph is found in Ugaritic, Phoenician, Aramaic, and Egyptian texts. In these texts, Resheph is described in various ways, such as the god or gatekeeper of the underworld, god of pestilence, god of war, and god of healing. In the Hebrew, Bible Resheph is mentioned 7 times. Here we will examine the nature of Resheph in the Hebrew Bible. We will demonstrate that Resheph has several meanings; among them “pestilence,” “arrow,” and “fire.” Each occurrence has the connotation of some type of destructive force.

King Sennacherib came up against Hezekiah and attempted to destroy the people of God. He would have attempted to call on such deities for help.

2 Kings 18:28-35
Then Rabshakeh stood up and shouted with a loud voice in Judean,  [t] saying, “Hear the word of
the great king, the king of Assyria! 29 This is what the king says: ‘Do not let Hezekiah deceive
you, for he will not be able to save you from  [u] my hand. 30 And do not let Hezekiah lead you to trust in the LORD by saying, “The LORD will certainly save us, and this city will not be handed over to the king of Assyria.” 31 Do not listen to Hezekiah, for this is what the king of Assyria says: “Make  [v] your peace with me and come out to me, and eat, each one, from his vine and each from his fig tree, and drink, each one, the waters of his own cistern, 32 until I come and take you to a land like your own land, a land of grain and new wine, a land of bread and vineyards, a land of olive trees producing oil, and of honey, so that you will live and not die.” But do not listen to Hezekiah, because he misleads you by saying, “The LORD will save us.” 33 Has any of the gods of the nations actually saved his land from the hand of the king of Assyria? 34 Where are the gods of Hamath and Arpad? Where are the gods of Sepharvaim, Hena, and  [w] Ivvah? Have they saved Samaria from my hand? 35 Who among all the gods of the lands are there who have saved their land from my hand, that the LORD would save Jerusalem from my hand?’” 
Now King Sennacherib might have worshipped Resheph who is close to Rezif.
The Grammys awards ceremony was sponsored by Pfizer. The same was discovered after Sam Smith and Kim Petra’s Unholy performance. 
Dressed as a demon with hellish fire. It’s the same thread… “our god rules, your
god cannot deliver you no one gets hurt if you just go along with what we want you to do
otherwise there will be hell to pay”…
$10 billion US-Pfizer COVID-19 Contract Includes Provision That Allows  Pfizer to Charge More in the Future - Knowledge Ecology International
I want to focus on the F and the I which look to fuse to make one letter.
This looks like 2 Hebrew letters together.
The letter nun.
Hebrew Letter Nun Sofit
The Zohar 13  tells us that the nun stands for ona’ah—deceit. It also means
miscarriage or kingship….
The second letter of the Hebrew alphabet we are looking is Resh.
Intelligent wickedness in Psalm 119, Resh | Glenda Faye Mathes
The word reish stands for rash, one who is poor. The Talmud 13  tells us that the reish also stands for the word rasha, which means an evil person. So if you turn the Hebrew letter nun to the right and combine it with the letter Resh you have a darn close image to what Pfizer did with their F and I. The meaning together is one who deceives and miscarries the poor. An evil person.
That is no coincidence….

The X Change of Twitter
It was while serving a ten-year sentence in prison for burglary that Malcolm X became passionately committed to furthering his education. It was also at this time that Malcolm’s brother alerted him to the teachings of the Nation of Islam (NOI) and encouraged Malcolm to convert to the Muslim faith. Intrigued by the NOI, Malcolm began studying the work of Elijah Muhammad who preached about systemic oppression and fought for a world separate from one inhabited by White people. 

“Human rights are something you were born with. Human rights are your God-given rights. Human rights are the rights that are recognized by all nations of this earth” –Malcolm X

By the time Malcolm X was released from prison he was a devout follower and soon after meeting Muhammad and agreeing to work for NOI, changed his surname to “X”. The change was intended to symbolize the shedding of what he thought of as his slave name and the “X” many slaves received as a brand on their upper arm. 

BRANDED like cattle, slaves were branded like cattle with an X. The Classical Greek word charagma (χάραγμα), translated as mark (of the beast) in Revelation 13:16 can also mean any mark engraved, imprinted, or branded; stamped money, document, or coin. [51][52]
This X is either mocking the globalists or setting up to try and brand us all like cattle… be in prayer.

Trump’s Fourth Indictment
4 ways the devil operates to steal, kill, and destroy.
4 tactics, now 4 indictments do we see a pattern?
Diversion, Trump is a diversion to cover what they are about to do to Biden and his son….

December 2022, about 10 days before January 6th I had a dream.

I was in some sort of hotel lobby or restaurant and I was in Washington, DC from what I could see. Suddenly this strange black military-looking phone appeared in my hand and I heard a voice say – “Georgia and Pennsylvania”. CALL THE CAPITAL. Isn't it interesting the indictment has now come down in Georgia? So watch what happens in Pennsylvania in this hour.

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