©2024 Ark of Grace Ministries

When Ben Stops, Judah Begins: A Major Changing of the Guard in the Earth

April 24, 2024 first full day of Passover

Now, remember the name Stormy is of British origin….

Five horses from the king’s mounted bodyguard were startled at a construction site and galloped riderless through central London during morning rush hour before being recovered Wednesday. One of the horses appeared to have blood on its chest and legs after colliding with a vehicle. Three soldiers and one member of the public were injured.

“A number of military working horses became loose during routine exercise this morning. All of the horses have now been recovered and returned to camp,” a military spokeswoman told The Washington Post. “A number of personnel and horses have been injured and are receiving the appropriate medical attention.” The horses were from the Household Cavalry, which participates in the ceremonial Changing of the Guard and major royal celebrations. These horses are selected for their temperament and are trained to remain calm while working amid chaotic crowds and unexpected noises. Throwing their riders and bolting are highly unusual.


Big Ben's clock stopped for more than an hour today, leaving Westminster sleuths baffled.
The timepiece in the structure was frozen at 9am until gone 10am, before its hands were seen being moved forwards to display the correct time.

A House of Commons spokesman admitted that the dials on what is formally known as the Great Clock of Westminster were 'temporarily displaying the incorrect time' before the issue was rectified.

The hourly strikes of the bells were also paused and will resume at midday. They too reportedly malfunctioned by performing 11 chimes at 10.06am.
The quirk has occurred despite the fact that the clock, tower and bells were refurbished in 2022.

The clock's stoppage, along with news that five Household Cavalry horses have run loose in Central London, prompted social media users to joke that it is the 'end of days'.

Now, when Ben stops–when Benjamin stops–Judah begins.

Benjamin in Genesis 35 means Son of my right hand so it’s the symbol of strength.

King Saul was a Benjamite.

We see in Samuel….

1 Samuel 8:4-9 Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah 5 and said to him, “Look, you have grown old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint us a king to judge us [and rule over us] like all the other nations.” 6 But their demand [a]displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge and rule over us.” So Samuel prayed to the Lord. 7 The Lord said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being King over them. 8 Like all the deeds which they have done since the day that I brought them up from Egypt even to this day—in that they have abandoned (rejected) Me and served other gods—so they are doing to you also. 9 So now listen to their voice; only solemnly warn them and tell them the ways of the king who will reign over them.”

So Saul comes as a rejection of God by Israel, Samuel warns the people what the coming king was going to do to them.

Saul’s rule comes as a rejection of the people of God’s ways.

Saul continues to become corrupted, starts losing his mind, becomes rageful and delusional and even is at complete odds with his son Jonathan, sound familiar?

Then Saul seeks to completely destroy David from the tribe of Judah who served in Saul’s court and was anointed to be king over Israel by Samuel in a secret ceremony.

In 1 Samuel 31, we see Saul’s complete demise after seeking the witch of Endor out to call up a dead Samuel because God would not answer him and his enemies were closing in.

When Ben stops–Benjamin stops–Judah begins its reign.
When Saul died from the tribe of Benjamin, David, and Judah began his 40-year reign as king.

Big Ben stops at 9am the first day of Passover April 24, 2024.

The 9th plague on Egypt was darkness–it was dark for 3 days.

However, April is the 4th month….

4+24+20+24= 72

What happened in 1972?

Watergate scandal where Nixon ends up resigning

September (9th month) 5-6 Munich Massacre, 11 Israeli athletes are murdered after 8  members of arab terrorist group black September invade the olympic village.
The summer olympics is this year in France, watch those olympics, with what is going on in the world and with Israel. I would keep a close eye on what happens with them and on their opening ceremony.

However, back to this when Ben stops–Judah begins.

Netanyahu’s first name is Benjamin, so keep an eye on Israeli elections.

Also, this happens in England where the royal family has been plagued with issues.

Joe Biden is a Saul as he has lost his mind just like Saul!

When Ben stops–the reign of Judah begins.

This is signaling a major changing of guard throughout the earth that we are about to see unfold.

And at the same time, Ben stops, the horses from the Household Cavalry break loose and multiple are Injured!

The horses in the photos are a black horse named Quaker and a whitish-gray horse named Vida.

Quaker means to tremble.

Vida means life.

Life is to tremble.

As Ben stops.

These things are not random.

In fact, in the prophetic, we are supposed to be able to spot these cycles, events, and patterns and not be spoon-feeding words every day to people.


Annie Rebecca S Martin - May 16th, 2024 at 2:05pm

I do not have your God given gift of prophesy; but I am thankful to God Almighty that your gift helps my clarity of the facts. Thanks and God bless you and your ministry.

.MISH LYDON - May 16th, 2024 at 11:51pm


nking Charles >>TURN DOUBLE IMAGE OF PORTAT. UPSIDE DOWN AND LOOK AT THAT BEHEMOTH[as I say]...HORNS ALSO...A..ALSO 1st thing I saw was butterfly on mouth of a girls face over his shoulder like anyone opening mouth 2 expose POOF eventually...ALSO THE REVEALING The king FLINCHES ON THE RIGHT SIDE AS THE DARK CLOAK LIKE COVERING COMES DOWN...There definitely have several looks of facelike as the huge face on other side of him...3 things I saw immediately...the right eye like the "blackeyed" initiations and the nose like drunkard and sunken eyes...pouting small lips💋

nSoooo...ALWAYS in prayers and I TOTALLY DO THE "ROD POPEL CYCLE" I call it...slice n dice n I break details down from Revelation Knowledge.ALLLLL OF HEAVEN BACKING YOU I PRAY 4U2🤗Michie






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