2025 The Soul Condition & The Changing of the Guard
2025 The Soul Condition & The Changing of the Guard
We are about eight days into the New Year and Happy New Year to everybody!
I wanted to read to you a couple of scriptures and just say a few words so this is going to be very fast and first one is...
Psalm 107:9
9 For He has satisfied the thirsty soul, And He has filled the hungry soul with what is good.
Psalm 33: 18-22
18 Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him,
On those who wait for His faithfulness,
19 To rescue their soul from death
And to keep them alive in famine.
20 Our soul waits for the Lord;
He is our help and our shield.
21 For our heart rejoices in Him,
Because we trust in His holy name.
22 Let Your favor, Lord, be upon us,
Just as we have waited for You.
Our hope is most certainly in the Lord right now with what we have seen happening in this first eight days going into the new year. I wanted to read you some scriptures that had about the soul also we also see in scripture in the New Testament; beloved I wish above all that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.
I believe what is happening going into this new year in 2025 is the Lord is dealing with the soul condition. He is dealing with the soul condition of the church, he is dealing with the soul condition of nations, including our nation, including other nations in North America, nations in Europe, in the Middle East. He is dealing with the soul condition a very corroded and tormented Soul condition of some of these nations and that is why you see this immense Changing of the Guard that is happening.
There is upheaval in England right now. One of the greatest scandals to come out of England is happening real time we're probably going to talk about that tomorrow, this is all happening because that Changing of the Guard at the appointed time God has determined has been released in the realm of the spirit. It has gone into the natural, into the nations of the earth and we see this but I also believe the Lord is dealing with the so condition of his people.
What do I mean by that? That in our soul we have wounds, we have things that have happened to us from childhood, we have traumas, we have issues that affected us when we were young that can play a part in shaping how we act in relationships now. How we communicate, what we do are disciplines and I truly believe the Lord is going in and healing this year many of these soul wounds.
These soul wounds from going back to when we were children and these soul wounds from relationships, soul wounds in marriages, the Lord is coming in with his healing balm.
He is the great physician, he is Jehovah Rafa and he is healing the Soul condition of his people. Because when the soul does not Prosper, the body and the life cannot Prosper. They are connected and there is no way to unconnect them.
Beloved I wish above all you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. So for the soul to prosper, then you would prosper, you would be in health, you would see various things bloom in your life, you would see the fruits of the spirit heavily blooming in your life. You would be bearing good fruit because the the soul is the soil, the soil condition has to be right, it has to be tilled, it has to have the right amount of nutrients for something to flourish take anchor and grow in it. We want our soul to be tilled by the Lord and have the right conditions for wonderful things to grow. Because when we have these soul wounds, when we have these dry brittle areas in our soul going back to Childhood, going back to past relationships, going back to traumas that have happened it leaves an open door for the enemy. It also leaves an open door to shape our personalities in ways that God may not desire.
Many of us develop protective mechanisms in order to protect our emotions, to protect our minds, to protect our lives. We start developing these protective mechanisms and our confidence, hope, trust and security should be in almighty God. It should not be in the things of this Earth. It should not be in man, man is a tool in the hands of an infinitely powerful God.
God is Not subject to the systems of this world. The systems of this world. the church, the economic system, the global system, the nations of the Earth are all subject to him. The Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof, the Earth is his foot stool so therefore our security, our hope, our Reliance, should be in the Lord.
We have have a father that owns cattle on a thousand hills. I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their seed begging for bread. We have a father that is the creator, he speaks and it is so. We have to understand that for those things to come and and see those things grow in our lives, the Lord has to deal with our own soul condition. I believe this year the Lord is breaking the chains off of many of these Souls that have been not only tormented, but have been bound up by what has happened to them during childhood. These people; what has happened to them in relationships, the traumas that have happened to them God is delivering his people from these things this year.
The healing balm of the Lord is going upon these areas of the Soul; restoring them, healing them, setting people free, lifting that burden off of them, breaking that heavy oppressive yoke so God's yoke can go on. Because his burden is light, the Yoke of God his burden is light. So I believe this is what we are going to see happen this year so prepare your heart and prepare yourselves to receive that healing. Don't lock it out don't build a wall and shut out God.
Walls are great for borders; don't build a wall that shuts out almighty God from coming in and dealing with the very things that are holding you back from walking in the fullness of what he has for you. This year there's going to be promotion for many people. This is a year of promotion we're walking into. So because we're walking into that, God has to deal with these things now so they do not become a snare, they do not hold us back, they do not make an issue.
So I just want to encourage you to pray to seek the Lord, to be in the word to prepare your hearts and to know and trust and confidently rely on almighty God. He is the restorer of our souls and that he also coming into this year wants to heal your souls and prepare you. Because this is a year of promotion.
Keep the faith!
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