The Mystery of the Chaos at the DNC
The Mystery of the Chaos at the DNC
Watch Here:
Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters marched through Chicago on Monday as the Democratic National Convention began. The crowd was significantly smaller than predicted and remained largely peaceful.
Several people were arrested in the early evening after a few dozen protesters broke away from the march and pulled down sections of the first ring of security fencing surrounding the United Center, where President Joe Biden was scheduled to speak Monday night. Police later moved to clear a park near the convention site of protesters.
Why this Democratic convention will not be like Chicago in 1968
3 days ago
When 21-year-old Indiana University philosophy student Craig Sautter drove to Chicago for the 1968 Democratic National Convention, he had an "inkling" that he would be in for a "wild day".
There had been a series of riots after the back-to-back assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr and presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy just months before, and he could tell that simmering tensions were ready to boil over when thousands of protesters, police, politicians, and delegates gathered that August to pick who would be the next Democratic candidate for president.
The 1968 Democratic National Convention was held August 26–29 at the International Amphitheatre in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Earlier that year incumbent President Lyndon B. Johnson had announced he would not seek reelection, thus making the purpose of the convention to select a new presidential nominee for the Democratic Party.[1] The keynote speaker was Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii.[2] Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Senator Edmund Muskie of Maine were nominated for president and vice president, respectively. The most contentious issues of the convention were the continuing American military involvement in the Vietnam War and voting reform, particularly expanding the right to vote for draft-age soldiers (age 18) who were unable to vote, as the voting age was 21.
The convention of 1968 was held during a year of riots, political turbulence, and mass civil unrest. The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in April of that year following his opposition to the Vietnam War further inflamed racial tensions in addition to the draft and popular opposition to voter suppression. King assassination riots in more than 100 cities followed.[3][4] The convention also followed the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, a candidate in the primary, on June 5.[5] Kennedy's assassination further derailed the convention, paving the way for the pro-war Humphrey. The Humphrey–Muskie ticket competitively failed to win the confidence of the democratic voters and so failed to unite liberals or attract anti-war voters. They were later defeated in the presidential election by the "silent majority" Republican ticket of Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew.
The convention was among the most tense and confrontational political conventions ever in American history. The convention's host, Mayor Richard J. Daley of Chicago, had refused permission for "anti-patriotic" groups to demonstrate at the convention, and had the International Amphitheatre, where the convention was being held, ringed with barbed wire while putting the 11,000 officers of the Chicago Police Department on twelve-hour shifts.
5th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is HEH:
The word hei has three meanings: The first is “here is,” as in the verse, “Here is seed for you”16 (hei lachem zera).17 The next is “to be disturbed,” as it states in Daniel18 “And I Daniel was disturbed....(nih’yeisi)” And the third is “behold”19 as in “Behold, this is our G-d...,” (hinei Elokeinu...) which refers to beholding a revelation
6th letter of Hebrew alphabet is VAV:
While the design of the vav looks like a hook, the word vav actually means “hook.”17 A hook is something that holds two things together. It is also a means to connect the spiritual and the physical.
Here is a hook.
A disturbing hook.
Behold the hook.
Definition of Hook:
a curved or bent device for catching, holding, or pulling
: something intended to attract and ensnare
Behold here is something that is intended to attract and ensnare.
And this is how the enemy works in cycles to accomplish his exploits and agendas within the earth.
I saw protesters holding a sign that said, "My body, my choice”--YES it was your choice whether to jump in bed with a man, maybe you shouldn’t be so quick to get in bed with.
That was your choice, from that CHOICE there is a consequence.
That sign should say MY Body MY CONSEQUENCES.
Imagine if protesters were made to hold a sign like that how many would bow out.
They say they are fighting for reproductive rights.
Well, if you are fighting FOR reproductive rights you are actually fighting for the right to reproduce and HAVE BABIES which is fighting for life!
You cannot say you are fighting for reproductive rights and then in the next breath be pro-abortion, then you would be fighting AGAINST reproductive rights.
These people have it you know what backwards, what they call a donkey in the bible and that is what the DNC is choc full of this week!
Also, there appear to be a lot of pro-Palestinian pro-Hamas activities:
Let's look at the book of Amos pertaining to Gaza:
Amos 1:6-8
This is what the Lord says:
“For three sins of Gaza,
even for four, I will not relent.
Because she took captive whole communities
and sold them to Edom,
7 I will send fire on the walls of Gaza
that will consume her fortresses.
8 I will destroy the king[a] of Ashdod
and the one who holds the scepter in Ashkelon.
I will turn my hand against Ekron,
till the last of the Philistines are dead,”
says the Sovereign Lord.
This is why what we see happening is happening in the Middle East.
The Palestinian people are originally from Edom–Edom is in Jordan that race was created when Esau–Jacob's fraternal twin brother, in rebellion married a Canaanite woman–a pagan nation who worshiped Baal. A mixed-race came from that, that has been in turmoil over the generations because they serve a false god.
So they are from Jordan this people.
Secondly, the Roman Empire when they conquered gave Israel the name Palestine as a SLUR.
What is a SLUR?
A shaming or degrading effect.
To disparage.
An insulting remark.
So the name Palestine is a slur created against Israel by the very wicked Roman Empire.
If the name has to do with shame and degrading the people continue to use that name there will be no prospering, just destruction and that is exactly what has happened.
And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, they shall come with chains and fetters to bind you, and if you humbly come to ME I shall break their chains of iron. Their charges shall befall them for they have been doing even worse in the dark behind the door to the inner chamber. They have met–4 leaders have met from such committees and in this meeting, they have discussed a leader swap with each one at the table playing a role. Thus says the Lord they have discussed shutting down grids and markets in key parts of the country to scare the people and herd them like cattle into their plans. The paper that outlines your points and plan shall be revealed says the Lord it shall be by one who has had a yoke of conviction come upon them. It shall surprise you says the Lord it shall.
Secret Democrat plot to replace Biden revealed: How Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer would topple the aging President… and when they'd do it.
It's the idea that somehow, some way the President will be swapped out as the Democratic Party's candidate ahead of the 2024 election.
SWAPPED--What did the word say from January 2023: four have met and discussed a LEADER SWAP.
We are watching all of this unfold now so we need to go back and look at these words again.
June 5, 2024 Word delivered June 8th Reawaken America Detroit:
The root shall and will be dug up in a public excavation before the people, for the wicked have mixed in sand with the soil and it has weakened the root.
The root shall be exposed by the same measure they so choose to destroy this nation, a great spectacle, an open spectacle where there shall be no way to escape this excavation for it shall be long and deep says the Lord. The parties whose root systems have joined together shall be split and broken by an axe retrieved by one I have called to do so.
When fire begins and grows there is a great potential for a backdraft. A phenomenon when a fire has taken up all available oxygen and suddenly a door is OPENED and that fire SUDDENLY explodes because unexpected oxygen has been made available.
Thus says the Lord that door, is about to open and this nation must prepare for the enormous political backdraft that will occur because of a door suddenly opening.
I the Lord thy God have put a hook in their jaw, I have put a bit in their mouths and I have drawn them in, I have ALLOWED, the wicked corrupt, and darkest of men and women to take on a bridle of an insatiable desire for power, and that bit in their mouths, in their offices, in their seats has lead them right in for such a backfiring and reversal
Lots were illegally cast for the days of destruction of political opponents and those who speak truth, where truth is in their hearts, MY TRUTH says the Lord. Lots were illegally cast for such destruction outside the legal scope of my covenant and Holy days says the Lord.
Thus says the Lord, Haman did the same, illegally cast lots for the destruction of an opponent who saw through who he was and the seat of King he so desired. Therefore, according to My Word, a reversal had to go forth that caused a series of doors to open that led to a backdraft and explosion upon Haman and his family. The same has been done here says the Lord, A gross miscalculation of Covenants times and seasons a gross miscalculation of their power and pull to hunt down prey in the political arena and the Church and have the security enough in seat to get away with such wickedness says the Lord. They have in their foolishness in their hearts thought they could ascend, however, they shall now descend down a steep hill, and upon that slope are the thistles, thorns, and Briars they so sowed that have grown to now ensnare them with every charge they attempted to smear others with shall now catch and ensnare them and tear apart all they have amassed from such treachery says the Lord.
There has been a violation of order, says the Lord. And those who have been charged, says the Lord, will be taken through the valley in order to stand on the hills.
“Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind
And makes flesh his [c]strength,
And whose heart turns away from the Lord.
6 “For he will be like a bush in the desert
And will not see when prosperity comes,
But will live in stony wastes in the wilderness."
Their flesh has led says the Lord in such an escapade to hold onto and keep a crip on stolen property says the Lord, This nation and land was given to me says the Lord, the covenant the promise made from New York, they have attempted to steal such PRIDEFULLY steal such and put it in the house of their gods says the Lord. The nation needs to turn to me in an hour of tumult and uprising says the Lord and seek forgiveness, however, says the Lord that is still my covenant, and those who have played the thieves for your gods, your gods shall be thrown on their face in this hour and shall be powerless to protect you from the wage to be paid you for your sin. This is the last moments before the window of grace closes for such, repent now says the Lord of your heinous deeds, for those who sit on the bench of power, shall be weighed in this hour and their briefcases and filing cabinets opened and searched as it shall be smeared what riches their hands so took and what deals they made to the beast on the hill and a department that has little to do with justice and MUCH to do with JUSTIFYING their detestable behavior, hearing August, as they cling to the horns of the altar for the box they have opened is dark and shall swallow up their titles and power and influence as many will attempt to jump from a sinking ship after all the liferafts have gone forth. Thus says the Lord align with MY WILL MY WAYS and MY TIMING, do not think your know better in this hour for if I the Lord delivered peter from the prisons and the jailer I can do the same for those who sing MY PRAISES in this hour instead of fight out of the flesh, the praises of peter opened the prison doors, the faithfulness of Joseph in prison interpreting the dreams for the cupbearer and baker opened the prison doors for Joseph, and david refusing to kill Saul when he had the chance after all saul had done to try and Destroy Him, I the Lord protected and Blessed David, and By MY hand righteously Saul was removed, it is the full surrender to ME the Lord God through My Son Jesus Christ, that unlocks doors of prisons, breaks chains, delivers from the snare of the fowler, and temptations satan dangles to entice the flesh. HEAR ME THIS DAY SAYS THE LORD THERE IS NO PRISON I CANNOT GET TO, THERE IS NO COURTROOM THAT I CANNOT ENTER, THERE IS NO OFFICE IN THE CAPITAL OF YOUR NATION THAT I CANNOT VIEW THEIR FOUL PLOTS WITH THE STENCH OF SUCH DISEASED BRANCHES, THERE IS NOWHERE MY ARM CANNOT REACH TO SAVE, IT'S A MATTER OF SURRENDER SAYS THE LORD, AND I THE LORD AM WALKING YOUR NATION THROUGH THIS VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH FROM ONE WHO CAME OUT OF THE SHADOW VALLEY WHO LED YOUR NATION INTO SUCH WHEN THE NATION DID NOT HUMBLE ITSELF AND TURN. HOWEVER I AM A MERCIFUL GOD AND I SHALL LEAD YOU THROUGH THIS VALLEY OF DECISION AND DELIVERANCE, FOR IN THE VALLEY WHEN IT SEEMS ITS DARKEST THERE IS A LIGHT THAT SHALL SUDDENLY BREAKTHROUGH THE DARKNESS AND I SHALL PULL THIS NATION FROM ITS GRIP A TABLE A FEAST SHALL BE PREPARED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE MY ENEMIES, YOUR NATION'S ENEMIES AND THE ENEMIES OF THOSE WHO I HAVE ANOINTED FOR SUCH A TIME, AND I SHALL MAKE THEM SIT THERE AND WATCH THEIR DELICATE DAINTIES OF DECEIT BE TURNED OVER BEFORE THEM FOR THEY HAVE MERCHANDISED THE POLITICAL THIS NATION AND ITS COVENANT TO THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH, THEY HAVE TAGGED IT WITH A PRICE AND ONE OF THE PRICES WAS THE DESTRUCTION OF POLITICAL OPPONENTS FOR LUCRATIVE DEALS TO FILL THEIR POCKETS HOWEVER DRIVE YOUR NATION DEEPER INTO THE BONDAGE OF DEBT. MY SON JESUS PAID THE LARGEST DEBT IN HISTORY THE SINS OF HUMANITY AND THAT BLOOD SO SHALL BE APPLIED TO CANCEL THE CONTINUED ROBBERY IN PROGRESS OF A NATION AND A ROBBING OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH ISRAEL. HOWEVER CALL ON ME NOW FULLY SAYS THE LORD, DOORS MAY CLOSE SAYS THE LORD WEEPING MAY ENDURE FOR A NIGHT HOWEVER JOY, COMETH IN THE MORNING, THE JUSTICE OF YAHWEH SHALL CARRY OUT THE VERDICT ALL MEN SHOULD TREMBLE AND HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND BRIDLE THE TONGUE IN THIS HOUR FOR I THE LORD THY GOD WANT TO BE THE LOUDEST AND SHARPEST VOICE THAT SPEAKS OVER YOUR NATION, YOUR LEADERS SHOULD TREMBLE FOR SCROLLS HAVE ENTERED WASHINGTON DC AND THEY ARE ABOUT TO BE OPENED BY ANGELS PREPARED TO OVERTURN IT AT THE OPENING OF THESE SCROLLS, MY CHURCH NOW IS YOUR HOUR TO RISE UP AND BE THE VOICE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS PROCLAIMING THE WAY OF SALVATION AND LEADING A VERY LOST NATION THROUGH THIS DARK VALLEY, YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD A CITY ON A HILL AND IF PART OF THE CHURCH WANTS TO DIE IN THAT VALLEY OF DRY BONES THEN CONTINUE ON MY LITTLE FLOCK. PROPHESY TO THE VALLEY OF BONES IN YOUR NATION THAT THE GRAVE WILL RELEASE ITS GRIP AND YOUR NATION COMES FORTH FROM THE TOMB OF SODOM IT WAS SO PLACED IN, know this day I am God there is no other, a historic and unprecedented time calls for such measures, the sword of the Spirit and your faith My children is what will make a very broken nation a new vessel upon the wheel of the Potter, the winds of change shall suddenly bring a storm that is one of judgment and correction, prepare My children the desperation they so unleash will be what causes their fall, PRIDE shall now be their judge and jury thus says the Lord of Hosts in Jesus' name.
Emotional Joe Biden cries then mangles his words during swansong speech that is bumped off primetime in final humiliation for dumped president.
He began by wiping away a tear as his daughter Ashley introduced him in front of thousands of supporters chanting 'we love Joe' in the packed United Center.
Biden admitted he had made 'a lot of mistakes' in his career. 'But I gave my best to you,' he said. 'For 50 years, like many of you, I gave my heart and soul to the nation.'
I want to focus on the 50 years for a moment….
It was 50 years ago that Nixon resigned this year.
Exactly 50 years ago, a beleaguered President Richard M. Nixon entered the Oval Office, stared into a television camera and performed an act that still echoes in today's very different political world.
He resigned the presidency.
"By taking this action, I hope that I will have hastened the start of that process of healing which is so desperately needed in America," Nixon said in a prime-time address on Aug. 8, 1974.
The level of political healing in America over the past half-century is debatable.
Nixon's resignation remains a singular event in American history. It, and the Watergate scandal that devoured his presidency, bequeathed a political environment that is more partisan, cynical, and distrustful of government.
When Will They Speak Again? Once Close, Biden and Pelosi Are at Odds.
President Biden is upset that Representative Nancy Pelosi worked to get him out of the race. She is losing sleep over it.
It is not clear when they will speak again, a painful reality that Ms. Pelosi admits keeps her up at night. “I hope so, I pray so, I cry so. I lose sleep on it,” she told David Remnick, the Editor-in-Chief of The New Yorker, earlier this month, when pressed on whether her relationship with Mr. Biden would survive.
What she did not say is that you can’t make friends of 50 years when you are in your ninth decade, the kind who knew you way back when.
There is the number 50 again as well as Pelosi being one of the names in the Daily Mail article of the 4 leaders who met to swap Biden Out….
After almost 50 years in power, 81-year-old Fidel Castro is formally stepping down as Cuba's president.
2008 was a Shemitah year on the Jewish calendar and also the year the worldwide banking crisis occurred.
50 years is the Jubilee on the Jewish calendar:
What happens on a Jubilee year….
Watch Here:
Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters marched through Chicago on Monday as the Democratic National Convention began. The crowd was significantly smaller than predicted and remained largely peaceful.
Several people were arrested in the early evening after a few dozen protesters broke away from the march and pulled down sections of the first ring of security fencing surrounding the United Center, where President Joe Biden was scheduled to speak Monday night. Police later moved to clear a park near the convention site of protesters.
Why this Democratic convention will not be like Chicago in 1968
3 days ago
When 21-year-old Indiana University philosophy student Craig Sautter drove to Chicago for the 1968 Democratic National Convention, he had an "inkling" that he would be in for a "wild day".
There had been a series of riots after the back-to-back assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr and presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy just months before, and he could tell that simmering tensions were ready to boil over when thousands of protesters, police, politicians, and delegates gathered that August to pick who would be the next Democratic candidate for president.
The 1968 Democratic National Convention was held August 26–29 at the International Amphitheatre in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Earlier that year incumbent President Lyndon B. Johnson had announced he would not seek reelection, thus making the purpose of the convention to select a new presidential nominee for the Democratic Party.[1] The keynote speaker was Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii.[2] Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Senator Edmund Muskie of Maine were nominated for president and vice president, respectively. The most contentious issues of the convention were the continuing American military involvement in the Vietnam War and voting reform, particularly expanding the right to vote for draft-age soldiers (age 18) who were unable to vote, as the voting age was 21.
The convention of 1968 was held during a year of riots, political turbulence, and mass civil unrest. The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in April of that year following his opposition to the Vietnam War further inflamed racial tensions in addition to the draft and popular opposition to voter suppression. King assassination riots in more than 100 cities followed.[3][4] The convention also followed the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, a candidate in the primary, on June 5.[5] Kennedy's assassination further derailed the convention, paving the way for the pro-war Humphrey. The Humphrey–Muskie ticket competitively failed to win the confidence of the democratic voters and so failed to unite liberals or attract anti-war voters. They were later defeated in the presidential election by the "silent majority" Republican ticket of Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew.
The convention was among the most tense and confrontational political conventions ever in American history. The convention's host, Mayor Richard J. Daley of Chicago, had refused permission for "anti-patriotic" groups to demonstrate at the convention, and had the International Amphitheatre, where the convention was being held, ringed with barbed wire while putting the 11,000 officers of the Chicago Police Department on twelve-hour shifts.
5th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is HEH:
The word hei has three meanings: The first is “here is,” as in the verse, “Here is seed for you”16 (hei lachem zera).17 The next is “to be disturbed,” as it states in Daniel18 “And I Daniel was disturbed....(nih’yeisi)” And the third is “behold”19 as in “Behold, this is our G-d...,” (hinei Elokeinu...) which refers to beholding a revelation
6th letter of Hebrew alphabet is VAV:
While the design of the vav looks like a hook, the word vav actually means “hook.”17 A hook is something that holds two things together. It is also a means to connect the spiritual and the physical.
Here is a hook.
A disturbing hook.
Behold the hook.
Definition of Hook:
a curved or bent device for catching, holding, or pulling
: something intended to attract and ensnare
Behold here is something that is intended to attract and ensnare.
And this is how the enemy works in cycles to accomplish his exploits and agendas within the earth.
I saw protesters holding a sign that said, "My body, my choice”--YES it was your choice whether to jump in bed with a man, maybe you shouldn’t be so quick to get in bed with.
That was your choice, from that CHOICE there is a consequence.
That sign should say MY Body MY CONSEQUENCES.
Imagine if protesters were made to hold a sign like that how many would bow out.
They say they are fighting for reproductive rights.
Well, if you are fighting FOR reproductive rights you are actually fighting for the right to reproduce and HAVE BABIES which is fighting for life!
You cannot say you are fighting for reproductive rights and then in the next breath be pro-abortion, then you would be fighting AGAINST reproductive rights.
These people have it you know what backwards, what they call a donkey in the bible and that is what the DNC is choc full of this week!
Also, there appear to be a lot of pro-Palestinian pro-Hamas activities:
Let's look at the book of Amos pertaining to Gaza:
Amos 1:6-8
This is what the Lord says:
“For three sins of Gaza,
even for four, I will not relent.
Because she took captive whole communities
and sold them to Edom,
7 I will send fire on the walls of Gaza
that will consume her fortresses.
8 I will destroy the king[a] of Ashdod
and the one who holds the scepter in Ashkelon.
I will turn my hand against Ekron,
till the last of the Philistines are dead,”
says the Sovereign Lord.
This is why what we see happening is happening in the Middle East.
The Palestinian people are originally from Edom–Edom is in Jordan that race was created when Esau–Jacob's fraternal twin brother, in rebellion married a Canaanite woman–a pagan nation who worshiped Baal. A mixed-race came from that, that has been in turmoil over the generations because they serve a false god.
So they are from Jordan this people.
Secondly, the Roman Empire when they conquered gave Israel the name Palestine as a SLUR.
What is a SLUR?
A shaming or degrading effect.
To disparage.
An insulting remark.
So the name Palestine is a slur created against Israel by the very wicked Roman Empire.
If the name has to do with shame and degrading the people continue to use that name there will be no prospering, just destruction and that is exactly what has happened.
And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, they shall come with chains and fetters to bind you, and if you humbly come to ME I shall break their chains of iron. Their charges shall befall them for they have been doing even worse in the dark behind the door to the inner chamber. They have met–4 leaders have met from such committees and in this meeting, they have discussed a leader swap with each one at the table playing a role. Thus says the Lord they have discussed shutting down grids and markets in key parts of the country to scare the people and herd them like cattle into their plans. The paper that outlines your points and plan shall be revealed says the Lord it shall be by one who has had a yoke of conviction come upon them. It shall surprise you says the Lord it shall.
Secret Democrat plot to replace Biden revealed: How Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer would topple the aging President… and when they'd do it.
It's the idea that somehow, some way the President will be swapped out as the Democratic Party's candidate ahead of the 2024 election.
SWAPPED--What did the word say from January 2023: four have met and discussed a LEADER SWAP.
We are watching all of this unfold now so we need to go back and look at these words again.
June 5, 2024 Word delivered June 8th Reawaken America Detroit:
The root shall and will be dug up in a public excavation before the people, for the wicked have mixed in sand with the soil and it has weakened the root.
The root shall be exposed by the same measure they so choose to destroy this nation, a great spectacle, an open spectacle where there shall be no way to escape this excavation for it shall be long and deep says the Lord. The parties whose root systems have joined together shall be split and broken by an axe retrieved by one I have called to do so.
When fire begins and grows there is a great potential for a backdraft. A phenomenon when a fire has taken up all available oxygen and suddenly a door is OPENED and that fire SUDDENLY explodes because unexpected oxygen has been made available.
Thus says the Lord that door, is about to open and this nation must prepare for the enormous political backdraft that will occur because of a door suddenly opening.
I the Lord thy God have put a hook in their jaw, I have put a bit in their mouths and I have drawn them in, I have ALLOWED, the wicked corrupt, and darkest of men and women to take on a bridle of an insatiable desire for power, and that bit in their mouths, in their offices, in their seats has lead them right in for such a backfiring and reversal
Lots were illegally cast for the days of destruction of political opponents and those who speak truth, where truth is in their hearts, MY TRUTH says the Lord. Lots were illegally cast for such destruction outside the legal scope of my covenant and Holy days says the Lord.
Thus says the Lord, Haman did the same, illegally cast lots for the destruction of an opponent who saw through who he was and the seat of King he so desired. Therefore, according to My Word, a reversal had to go forth that caused a series of doors to open that led to a backdraft and explosion upon Haman and his family. The same has been done here says the Lord, A gross miscalculation of Covenants times and seasons a gross miscalculation of their power and pull to hunt down prey in the political arena and the Church and have the security enough in seat to get away with such wickedness says the Lord. They have in their foolishness in their hearts thought they could ascend, however, they shall now descend down a steep hill, and upon that slope are the thistles, thorns, and Briars they so sowed that have grown to now ensnare them with every charge they attempted to smear others with shall now catch and ensnare them and tear apart all they have amassed from such treachery says the Lord.
There has been a violation of order, says the Lord. And those who have been charged, says the Lord, will be taken through the valley in order to stand on the hills.
“Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind
And makes flesh his [c]strength,
And whose heart turns away from the Lord.
6 “For he will be like a bush in the desert
And will not see when prosperity comes,
But will live in stony wastes in the wilderness."
Their flesh has led says the Lord in such an escapade to hold onto and keep a crip on stolen property says the Lord, This nation and land was given to me says the Lord, the covenant the promise made from New York, they have attempted to steal such PRIDEFULLY steal such and put it in the house of their gods says the Lord. The nation needs to turn to me in an hour of tumult and uprising says the Lord and seek forgiveness, however, says the Lord that is still my covenant, and those who have played the thieves for your gods, your gods shall be thrown on their face in this hour and shall be powerless to protect you from the wage to be paid you for your sin. This is the last moments before the window of grace closes for such, repent now says the Lord of your heinous deeds, for those who sit on the bench of power, shall be weighed in this hour and their briefcases and filing cabinets opened and searched as it shall be smeared what riches their hands so took and what deals they made to the beast on the hill and a department that has little to do with justice and MUCH to do with JUSTIFYING their detestable behavior, hearing August, as they cling to the horns of the altar for the box they have opened is dark and shall swallow up their titles and power and influence as many will attempt to jump from a sinking ship after all the liferafts have gone forth. Thus says the Lord align with MY WILL MY WAYS and MY TIMING, do not think your know better in this hour for if I the Lord delivered peter from the prisons and the jailer I can do the same for those who sing MY PRAISES in this hour instead of fight out of the flesh, the praises of peter opened the prison doors, the faithfulness of Joseph in prison interpreting the dreams for the cupbearer and baker opened the prison doors for Joseph, and david refusing to kill Saul when he had the chance after all saul had done to try and Destroy Him, I the Lord protected and Blessed David, and By MY hand righteously Saul was removed, it is the full surrender to ME the Lord God through My Son Jesus Christ, that unlocks doors of prisons, breaks chains, delivers from the snare of the fowler, and temptations satan dangles to entice the flesh. HEAR ME THIS DAY SAYS THE LORD THERE IS NO PRISON I CANNOT GET TO, THERE IS NO COURTROOM THAT I CANNOT ENTER, THERE IS NO OFFICE IN THE CAPITAL OF YOUR NATION THAT I CANNOT VIEW THEIR FOUL PLOTS WITH THE STENCH OF SUCH DISEASED BRANCHES, THERE IS NOWHERE MY ARM CANNOT REACH TO SAVE, IT'S A MATTER OF SURRENDER SAYS THE LORD, AND I THE LORD AM WALKING YOUR NATION THROUGH THIS VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH FROM ONE WHO CAME OUT OF THE SHADOW VALLEY WHO LED YOUR NATION INTO SUCH WHEN THE NATION DID NOT HUMBLE ITSELF AND TURN. HOWEVER I AM A MERCIFUL GOD AND I SHALL LEAD YOU THROUGH THIS VALLEY OF DECISION AND DELIVERANCE, FOR IN THE VALLEY WHEN IT SEEMS ITS DARKEST THERE IS A LIGHT THAT SHALL SUDDENLY BREAKTHROUGH THE DARKNESS AND I SHALL PULL THIS NATION FROM ITS GRIP A TABLE A FEAST SHALL BE PREPARED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE MY ENEMIES, YOUR NATION'S ENEMIES AND THE ENEMIES OF THOSE WHO I HAVE ANOINTED FOR SUCH A TIME, AND I SHALL MAKE THEM SIT THERE AND WATCH THEIR DELICATE DAINTIES OF DECEIT BE TURNED OVER BEFORE THEM FOR THEY HAVE MERCHANDISED THE POLITICAL THIS NATION AND ITS COVENANT TO THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH, THEY HAVE TAGGED IT WITH A PRICE AND ONE OF THE PRICES WAS THE DESTRUCTION OF POLITICAL OPPONENTS FOR LUCRATIVE DEALS TO FILL THEIR POCKETS HOWEVER DRIVE YOUR NATION DEEPER INTO THE BONDAGE OF DEBT. MY SON JESUS PAID THE LARGEST DEBT IN HISTORY THE SINS OF HUMANITY AND THAT BLOOD SO SHALL BE APPLIED TO CANCEL THE CONTINUED ROBBERY IN PROGRESS OF A NATION AND A ROBBING OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH ISRAEL. HOWEVER CALL ON ME NOW FULLY SAYS THE LORD, DOORS MAY CLOSE SAYS THE LORD WEEPING MAY ENDURE FOR A NIGHT HOWEVER JOY, COMETH IN THE MORNING, THE JUSTICE OF YAHWEH SHALL CARRY OUT THE VERDICT ALL MEN SHOULD TREMBLE AND HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND BRIDLE THE TONGUE IN THIS HOUR FOR I THE LORD THY GOD WANT TO BE THE LOUDEST AND SHARPEST VOICE THAT SPEAKS OVER YOUR NATION, YOUR LEADERS SHOULD TREMBLE FOR SCROLLS HAVE ENTERED WASHINGTON DC AND THEY ARE ABOUT TO BE OPENED BY ANGELS PREPARED TO OVERTURN IT AT THE OPENING OF THESE SCROLLS, MY CHURCH NOW IS YOUR HOUR TO RISE UP AND BE THE VOICE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS PROCLAIMING THE WAY OF SALVATION AND LEADING A VERY LOST NATION THROUGH THIS DARK VALLEY, YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD A CITY ON A HILL AND IF PART OF THE CHURCH WANTS TO DIE IN THAT VALLEY OF DRY BONES THEN CONTINUE ON MY LITTLE FLOCK. PROPHESY TO THE VALLEY OF BONES IN YOUR NATION THAT THE GRAVE WILL RELEASE ITS GRIP AND YOUR NATION COMES FORTH FROM THE TOMB OF SODOM IT WAS SO PLACED IN, know this day I am God there is no other, a historic and unprecedented time calls for such measures, the sword of the Spirit and your faith My children is what will make a very broken nation a new vessel upon the wheel of the Potter, the winds of change shall suddenly bring a storm that is one of judgment and correction, prepare My children the desperation they so unleash will be what causes their fall, PRIDE shall now be their judge and jury thus says the Lord of Hosts in Jesus' name.
Emotional Joe Biden cries then mangles his words during swansong speech that is bumped off primetime in final humiliation for dumped president.
He began by wiping away a tear as his daughter Ashley introduced him in front of thousands of supporters chanting 'we love Joe' in the packed United Center.
Biden admitted he had made 'a lot of mistakes' in his career. 'But I gave my best to you,' he said. 'For 50 years, like many of you, I gave my heart and soul to the nation.'
I want to focus on the 50 years for a moment….
It was 50 years ago that Nixon resigned this year.
Exactly 50 years ago, a beleaguered President Richard M. Nixon entered the Oval Office, stared into a television camera and performed an act that still echoes in today's very different political world.
He resigned the presidency.
"By taking this action, I hope that I will have hastened the start of that process of healing which is so desperately needed in America," Nixon said in a prime-time address on Aug. 8, 1974.
The level of political healing in America over the past half-century is debatable.
Nixon's resignation remains a singular event in American history. It, and the Watergate scandal that devoured his presidency, bequeathed a political environment that is more partisan, cynical, and distrustful of government.
When Will They Speak Again? Once Close, Biden and Pelosi Are at Odds.
President Biden is upset that Representative Nancy Pelosi worked to get him out of the race. She is losing sleep over it.
It is not clear when they will speak again, a painful reality that Ms. Pelosi admits keeps her up at night. “I hope so, I pray so, I cry so. I lose sleep on it,” she told David Remnick, the Editor-in-Chief of The New Yorker, earlier this month, when pressed on whether her relationship with Mr. Biden would survive.
What she did not say is that you can’t make friends of 50 years when you are in your ninth decade, the kind who knew you way back when.
There is the number 50 again as well as Pelosi being one of the names in the Daily Mail article of the 4 leaders who met to swap Biden Out….
After almost 50 years in power, 81-year-old Fidel Castro is formally stepping down as Cuba's president.
2008 was a Shemitah year on the Jewish calendar and also the year the worldwide banking crisis occurred.
50 years is the Jubilee on the Jewish calendar:
What happens on a Jubilee year….
Posted in Prophecy Fulfilling and Prophetic Insight
Posted in Democratic National Convention, DNC, Biden, President Joe Biden, Chicago, Palestine, Hamas, Gaza, Roaman Empire
Posted in Democratic National Convention, DNC, Biden, President Joe Biden, Chicago, Palestine, Hamas, Gaza, Roaman Empire
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1 Comment
n"Fires in Hawaii," as told per Hawaiian young man, & his mom; while he was driving me to my CT Scan, He received a call from his mother, (who resides in Hawaii); he had his phone on speaker, since he was driving; she stated that Oprah & other elites, started burning her home down, because she refuse to sell her home & property!
nWhen my dad was stationed in Scolfield Barracks, we lived in Hawaii fir three years; the state of Hawaii was promised by USA, they would never have to sale their property, (upon becoming one of USA states)!
nI prayed for that young man & his family! I am thankful that state of Hawaii, (while we were living there, taught me about our LORD & Savior, Jesus Christ; I was blessed to make my First Communion there! I continue praying in my little bedroom!
nI was an RN working a military hosp., when I was assaulted by what I think was a hybrid/nephillin; his eyes did not have any iris; they were pitch black; other nurses have seen them; (described as wicked, evil; very negative)! Please keep me in prayers too! I am believing in a miracle; Devine healing (lower back injury). I enjoy learning God's WORD, & am thankful for all that you teach! Thank you so very much! Love y'all.