Power-Packed Purim Word
Power-Packed Purim Word
This Purim, starting tomorrow night at sundown, is marked by a blood moon and same for Purim 2026.
Purim has to do with divine reversals.
3.12.25 Word=40
ALL Glory honor and praise be to the Lord of Hosts, the Righteous Judge, King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Who rules from a throne of Righteousness and is Holy and perfect in ALL of His ways. The earth is the Lord’s and the Fullness thereof, wonderful counselor, mighty God everlasting father, prince of peace. And the government shall rest upon HIS shoulders. The Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. The Almighty comes forth from HIS throne with power and Might and HIS rulings are entering the nations! And to His kingdom there is no end.
And the spirit of the Lord says this day, in the beginning was the word and the word was WITH God and the word WAS God and the word became flesh and dwelt among us. I AM, says the Lord. I AM THE WORD, I AM TRUTH, I AM LIGHT, I AM WISDOM, I AM COUNCIL, I AM EVERLASTING, I AM RIGHTEOUS, THE GREAT I AM EL SHADDAI, YAWHWEH, ADONAI, I HAVE RULED FROM A THRONE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE SINCE BEFORE THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EARTH WERE LAID, I AM, SAYS THE LORD. I, the Lord, am coming forth with Might and Power and rulings that will overturn nations in this time, says the Lord, that will lay their foundations bare, that will overturn and expose the underbelly of what has laid hidden for decades for centuries. I, the Lord in this time, am tilling up the soil and exposing the root systems that have grown and twisted together that were never meant to be such. And I, the Lord in this time, shall TARE such a part before the leaders of nations. I, the Lord, shall CUT OFF the deepest and thickest of roots that have been protected by clusters of smaller roots. I, the Lord, shall make sense of the mess in this season, says the Lord.
Thus says the Lord, in this time, I, the Lord have decreed siftings and shakings within the nations that have been cried out for by the people for decades, says the Lord. Siftings and shakings that are in this time revealing what has buried itself within labyrinths of documents, of shells, of vaults, intentional mazes of confusion that were meant to lead to DEAD ENDS in order to protect the corrupt dealings of men intent on continuing in paths of destruction and I, the Lord, have plucked from their own. I, the Lord have taken those who once plumped up the pockets and filled them full of organizations and man made entities that were intent on continuing in your nation, in Ukraine, in Europe, I, the Lord, suddenly REWIRED and redirected and plucked from their own, ones who now dig up their secrets, dig up their waste, dig up their thievery, dig up their scandals, dig up their deals and shell companies, dig up their lies that were THINNLY VEILED by a fraction of a truth. I, the Lord, plucked for a time and fashioned weapons from the corrupts own platoon, from their own fields, I, the Lord, plucked up and re located such men who in this time are exposing corruption even though they be corrupt themselves still in their thinking, their dealings, their lives, though corruption exists, I, the Lord, have taken such and am utilizing them for a time as the great excavators, and movers in order to bring forth the great heist committed against the people for decades.
For I have fooled the people, says the Lord. The corrupt I have fooled them, and ones who were brought up in their systems in their forums, one who was taught their ways, those are the ones being utilized to dismantle and oppose the very ones who trained them up, says the Lord.
Moses was trained up in the palace with Egypt’s money, with Egypt’s servants, learning the ways of Egypt, one who was brought up among their ranks decades later was utilized by Me, the Lord God almighty, to stand and oppose and expose Pharaoh’s regime and ultimately bring its demise for the centuries of blood they shed and slavery they committed against My people. I, the Lord, exacted upon Pharaoh such a wage that had to reach its fullness the account and recompense what was taken and the destruction committed, says the Lord.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, there is coming a reversal in the markets, says the Lord. There is coming an exposure of one of the largest insider trading scandals to ever be found, says the Lord, for the golden calves of the markets are coming down that Congress and those within the deep have utilized and have moved upon in order to capitalize on coming destructions. They have done such for decades, says the Lord, the soothsayers of the markets are being exposed, says the Lord.
For I, the Lord, shall allow the economy to shake in your nation, says the Lord. I shall allow such. I, the Lord, shall break bilateral deals. I shall bring forth and teach My people what MY ECONOMY is, says the Lord.
I shall in this time shake the Federal Reserve, says the Lord. I shall allow a breach at the forts to expose an even deeper threat that has moved about hidden by aid, and finances, hidden by agencies, for the surface has just been scratched, says the Lord, as to the darkness and corruptness that has been hidden away in vaults, within codes that have been continued on for decades, says the Lord.
What has laid hidden for decades and evaded truth, truth in this time in this season shall drill and excavate down to the root and what has been hidden for decades within unsolved crime, highly publicized unsolved crime, heists that were never solved, national events and shakings that the truth was buried far beneath a wall of tape and lies, what banks have hidden for decades what the Church has hidden for decades, what fell decades ago, what was attacked and bombed decades ago in this season the truth shall come forth.
DAR PA, what has been buried in Pennsylvania in this season, is coming forth, says the Lord.
And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, reversals have gone forth. I, the Lord, have ruled from MY throne there shall be a reversal in the Israel-Hamas war, says the Lord. There shall be a reversal in Iran, says the Lord. There shall be a reversal in Japan, says the Lord, in Norway, says the Lord. There shall be a reversal in Ukraine, says the Lord, in Russia, says the Lord. I, the Lord, from MY throne have decreed it forth and sent such forth.
Thus says the Lord, fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God. Behold I will strengthen you, I will uphold you with MY righteous right hand, says the Lord, for behold, says the Lord, an announcement has come forth this day. An announcement on this day, the day of the REVERSAL.
AND SAYS THE Spirit, hear ye this day the inhabitants of the earth, the Lord, strong and mighty, has taken His justice seat. The Lord, strong and mighty, is speaking forth reversals into the earth. The Lord, strong and mighty, has come forth from His holy habitation to deal with the wicked matters of men and nations and to ratify an excavation, a season of excavation and tearing up and breaking up what has been embedded for decades amongst the soil of your governments. What has been embedded for decades amongst the Church, amongst denominations that have been nothing more than 4 stone walls for decades with stagnant air and no move of the Spirit of God, the excavation shall expose a stagnation and a deflation within the nations, within the house of God, within nations that have appeared dormant until now; however, in this season shall be rattled and shaken at the word of the Lord God Almighty in order to fool the governments and free the people, says the Spirit. The Lord with His hand outstretched and scrolls of redemption, recompense, and scrolls of rectification are now going forth into the earth, says the Spirit! Humble yourselves before the Lord, MAKER of THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH CREATOR AND SUSTAINER OF EVERY PLANET, OF EVERY BLOCK OF TIME, OF THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EARTH THAT ARE HELD IN PLACE BY WHAT PROCEEDS FROM THE MOUTH OF THE EVERLASTING ALMIGHTY GOD!
Thus says the Lord, I, the Lord, strong and mighty, am coming forth in your nation and I have plucked forth from the wicked’s own crop, from their own assembly those who have been commissioned as excavators. Though they do not KNOW ME, I, the Lord, have allotted a time of grace and have fashioned the wicked’s own weapons against them that they raised up in their camp, that they taught their ways, that they brought into their forums and were planning on utilizing them for domination on a global scale before its time. And I, the Lord, have plucked those from the crop of the wicked and I, the Lord, have ordained a season of excavation, says the Lord.
The great excavation in your nation, OH America has gone forth. The great unearthing has begun in order to expose what has been buried for decades, says the Lord. I am going back and reaching back decades, says the Lord. I have fooled the corrupt, allowing them to think they have buried such deep enough. HOWEVER, says the Lord, I am coming forth in this time and causing the soil to be tilled, the roots to be broken, the resource systems to be disrupted. I, the Lord, am allowing a BREACH of their walls, their firewalls, their vaults, their filings, their programs and their bugs that have caused these activities to be veiled from the people of your nation, from the people of Iran, from the people of Russia, from the people of Denmark, from the people of Europe. What has been hidden for decades is being excavated in this time, says the Lord, for I am allowing it for a time and a time.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the rams have gotten into their positions to vie for dominance, says the Lord. The bilateral rams have gotten into position, says the Lord. The rams of Europe have positioned themselves, the rams within the administration of America have all stepped into the area of dominance and they vie in this time for their portion. Unaltered rams whom many have no direction in ME, says the Lord, these rams have come forth in this time in the spring the CLASH, says the Lord.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, what has become a cancer within the government, within the Church, within the lives of My people, what the enemy has exploited, I, the Lord, in this season am cutting such out, says the Lord. I, the Lord, am removing the root for the enemy looks to bring such vile and bile and it has attempted a super spread, says the Lord, and I, the Lord this day, order it be cut out, says the Lord, for a super spread was attempted in your government, says the Lord, a super spread was attempted in the Church.
The enemy in this time in a rageful campaign is attempting a super spread across the airwaves, a fast moving campaign of visceral and spiteful vendettas for HIS interest are being put on display and exposed in this time for the world to see. However, says the Lord, in the midst of this, I, the Lord, shall take My right hand and destroy the idolatry that has entered your nation, that has entered CPAC, that has entered and permeated areas of your nation that has attempted to entice the leadership within the White House to come into agreement with such and I, the Lord, shall destroy that idol at its base, says the Lord, I shall bring perspective, says the Lord, I shall bring order, and I shall utilize the excavators for a time and then their idol shall be brought low as well.
For I, the Lord, use whom I please and I, the Lord, am making unexpected moves and changes in leadership within the window from Purim to Passover. I, the Lord, am causing a sudden sharp maneuver to cause a weakening of Russia and Ukraine. I, the Lord, am bringing forth sharp maneuvers against Hamas, in this time. They shall destroy their own, they shall be stricken with plague like events until they free whom they have held. Iran shall have an iron curtain torn that has been for more than 40 years, says the Lord, yes the 40 year mark is pivotal, says the Lord.
Thus says the Lord, I, the Lord, have ordained deliverance and reversals in the lives of MY people. I have ordained such on scrolls to go forth in this time and those who have been a cancer and an infection of sin and open doors shall be relocated and removed, for the enemy has attempted to unleash a vengeful strife against my people against my children in order to distract, he has stirred up the weak in mind to attempt to harm from within.
There shall be a shaking in the middle of your nation and points of the map, says the Lord, that shall be strategic and confirm what is to come, says the Lord, for a plot is about to be unearthed, says the Lord. A plot is about to be unearthed. Esther 2, says the Lord, Esther 2 it shall be exposed, says the Lord.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, a violation of airspace by a nation being stirred up in this time shall add even greater weight to their crimes, for they shall violate airspace within your nation and it shall trigger events to drive back and weaken such a nation. The ports are about to be battled for, says the Lord, strategic global ports, says the Lord.
Japan, Japan, I am calling you, says the Lord, for you are about to endure another shaking. You must fortify, says the Lord, for the snake of China has reared up for a strike against you, says the Lord, and against India, says the Lord. A program with the name of a certain viper has gone out to attempt to hack the pentagon, says the Lord. For out of the Pentagon shall be unearthed a plot involving missiles and weapons trade and a positioning of a nation that was meant to weaken the United States in this time.
Another Strzok and Page, cells within your own government have met cells of individuals intent to crash the system. They have a set time, says the Lord, before the end of the first year to do such. Pray it is unearthed and exposed for disaster has been determined with the help of communist nations against the president and his cabinet, says the Lord. Pray and it shall be exposed and dismantled before your nation, a coup within a coup occurs, says the Lord.
Thus says the Lord, is My arm too short that it cannot reach? Is My hand too short that it cannot save? I, the Lord, am exacting a wage upon those who have butchered my people in the Congo, says the Lord. Your fate shall be as Haman, your fate shall be as Pharaoh and I, the Lord, shall raise up an enemy against you, you liars who claim you butcher to serve Me. You are thieves and wicked children of Belial and I shall raise up an enemy against you that shall destroy your villages and drive you out of the areas you took for plunder, says the Lord, in the Congo, says the Lord. I am raising up an arm of strength out of Africa, says the Lord, those leaders that have stolen from their own people and assisted terrorist groups to stay in power. Over the next 2 years, you shall see those leaders fall, says the Lord. SUDDENLY, says the Lord, for I gave time and mercy; however, says the Lord, the cries out of Africa are great and a revival and renewal is about overshadow the continent of Africa that they shall be free for a time and leadership, who knows Me, shall be raised up, says the Lord, who knows me, whom I call friend says the Lord. Africa, your day of deliverance is upon you and South Africa, your day of recompense is upon you, says the Lord, for you have entertained the whisperings of apartheid over and over again and you have begun to move toward such a temptation. That spirit has moved to take power in South Africa, that spirit has oppressed and now, says the Lord, there shall be a decompression of such.
And says the spirit of the Lord this day, shock out of Ukraine, says the Lord. Shock amidst an attempted deal as Putin shall attempt a power move and there shall be a triangular hit to Russia, Iran and China, says the Lord. It shall be in tandem, says the Lord, for those that have gone out to hunt, the hackers that have gone out to hunt shall in this time be hunted, says the Lord. THE HUNTER SHALL BECOME THE HUNTED SHALL ECHO AGAIN IN THIS TIME IN THIS SEASON, SAYS THE LORD, FOR THE LEADER OF NORTH KOREA HAS HUNTED DOWN PREY TO ATTEMPT A PREEMPTIVE STRIKE ON SOUTH KOREA, SAYS THE LORD. THE MISSLES ARE BEING LOADED, SAYS THE LORD, AND THAT LEADER SHALL BE HUNTED IN THIS TIME FOR HIS CRIMES, SAYS THE LORD OF HOSTS.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, there shall be a burning bush from Purim to Passover, says the Lord. A burning bush, this you shall see, says the Lord, as well as what has burned against the bushes for decades. A smoldering fire, says the Lord, that is about to have a door opened and a backdraft occur, says the Lord.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, My people must come under my wings and take refuge in this time. My truth is their shield and buckler, My truth, says the Lord, is a shield that is why, says the Lord. Ephesians 6, the shield of faith because faith is the EVIDENCE, it is the truth of things not seen. The enemy has gone out on a rageful campaign to distract, weaken, weary. Do not focus on the noise, SAYS THE Lord, or the strife he stirs up, do not even give it your speech, says the Lord, for that fire shall be depleted of its oxygen and the enemy's ploys put down and those who were utilized to cause such strife shall be restrained and removed, says the Lord. For those who have become invasive weeds and poison plants are being removed, says the Lord, within the government and within the Church, says the Lord, the toxic agendas the tonics that have been poison are being removed, says the Lord, for breakthrough is at hand, deliverance is at hand the enemy is about to lose his puppets, says the Lord for a time of severance, of separation from the fleshly things that tug and pull and drain, a time of severance for multiple AGs on the east coast and another on the west coast, for the time of their severance has come and they shall be cut off from the platform that they so violated in order to make a name for themselves, says the Lord. Haman attempted to make a name for himself and the price was the destruction of his family line. I, the Lord, promote and I position. Seek ye first the kingdom of GOD and HIS righteousness and all these things shall and will be added unto you. The pruning shall bring forth MATURE fruit in this season. MATURE including in the capital of Albany, for a surprise rupture of seats is imminent in New York, the winds of change have picked up speed into a whirlwind that shall run down the east coast. I, the Lord, shall speak through the wind, are you ready to hear what I, the Lord, Ruach Elohim, have to say in this season for I, the Lord, am a consuming fire and the tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit shall rest upon capitals and overturn cities at My word. Judgement and deliverance in the same day shall come in multiples. Doors are opening for promotion of what I, the Lord, have promised. Continue to endure amidst attacks, do not weary of well-doing; however, stand firm in your faith with your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace and watch what I, the Lord thy God, do in this time. Thus says the Lord of Hosts in the name of Jesus Christ who sits at MY right hand and advocates for you.
Amen and Amen
This Purim, starting tomorrow night at sundown, is marked by a blood moon and same for Purim 2026.
Purim has to do with divine reversals.
3.12.25 Word=40
ALL Glory honor and praise be to the Lord of Hosts, the Righteous Judge, King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Who rules from a throne of Righteousness and is Holy and perfect in ALL of His ways. The earth is the Lord’s and the Fullness thereof, wonderful counselor, mighty God everlasting father, prince of peace. And the government shall rest upon HIS shoulders. The Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. The Almighty comes forth from HIS throne with power and Might and HIS rulings are entering the nations! And to His kingdom there is no end.
And the spirit of the Lord says this day, in the beginning was the word and the word was WITH God and the word WAS God and the word became flesh and dwelt among us. I AM, says the Lord. I AM THE WORD, I AM TRUTH, I AM LIGHT, I AM WISDOM, I AM COUNCIL, I AM EVERLASTING, I AM RIGHTEOUS, THE GREAT I AM EL SHADDAI, YAWHWEH, ADONAI, I HAVE RULED FROM A THRONE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE SINCE BEFORE THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EARTH WERE LAID, I AM, SAYS THE LORD. I, the Lord, am coming forth with Might and Power and rulings that will overturn nations in this time, says the Lord, that will lay their foundations bare, that will overturn and expose the underbelly of what has laid hidden for decades for centuries. I, the Lord in this time, am tilling up the soil and exposing the root systems that have grown and twisted together that were never meant to be such. And I, the Lord in this time, shall TARE such a part before the leaders of nations. I, the Lord, shall CUT OFF the deepest and thickest of roots that have been protected by clusters of smaller roots. I, the Lord, shall make sense of the mess in this season, says the Lord.
Thus says the Lord, in this time, I, the Lord have decreed siftings and shakings within the nations that have been cried out for by the people for decades, says the Lord. Siftings and shakings that are in this time revealing what has buried itself within labyrinths of documents, of shells, of vaults, intentional mazes of confusion that were meant to lead to DEAD ENDS in order to protect the corrupt dealings of men intent on continuing in paths of destruction and I, the Lord, have plucked from their own. I, the Lord have taken those who once plumped up the pockets and filled them full of organizations and man made entities that were intent on continuing in your nation, in Ukraine, in Europe, I, the Lord, suddenly REWIRED and redirected and plucked from their own, ones who now dig up their secrets, dig up their waste, dig up their thievery, dig up their scandals, dig up their deals and shell companies, dig up their lies that were THINNLY VEILED by a fraction of a truth. I, the Lord, plucked for a time and fashioned weapons from the corrupts own platoon, from their own fields, I, the Lord, plucked up and re located such men who in this time are exposing corruption even though they be corrupt themselves still in their thinking, their dealings, their lives, though corruption exists, I, the Lord, have taken such and am utilizing them for a time as the great excavators, and movers in order to bring forth the great heist committed against the people for decades.
For I have fooled the people, says the Lord. The corrupt I have fooled them, and ones who were brought up in their systems in their forums, one who was taught their ways, those are the ones being utilized to dismantle and oppose the very ones who trained them up, says the Lord.
Moses was trained up in the palace with Egypt’s money, with Egypt’s servants, learning the ways of Egypt, one who was brought up among their ranks decades later was utilized by Me, the Lord God almighty, to stand and oppose and expose Pharaoh’s regime and ultimately bring its demise for the centuries of blood they shed and slavery they committed against My people. I, the Lord, exacted upon Pharaoh such a wage that had to reach its fullness the account and recompense what was taken and the destruction committed, says the Lord.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, there is coming a reversal in the markets, says the Lord. There is coming an exposure of one of the largest insider trading scandals to ever be found, says the Lord, for the golden calves of the markets are coming down that Congress and those within the deep have utilized and have moved upon in order to capitalize on coming destructions. They have done such for decades, says the Lord, the soothsayers of the markets are being exposed, says the Lord.
For I, the Lord, shall allow the economy to shake in your nation, says the Lord. I shall allow such. I, the Lord, shall break bilateral deals. I shall bring forth and teach My people what MY ECONOMY is, says the Lord.
I shall in this time shake the Federal Reserve, says the Lord. I shall allow a breach at the forts to expose an even deeper threat that has moved about hidden by aid, and finances, hidden by agencies, for the surface has just been scratched, says the Lord, as to the darkness and corruptness that has been hidden away in vaults, within codes that have been continued on for decades, says the Lord.
What has laid hidden for decades and evaded truth, truth in this time in this season shall drill and excavate down to the root and what has been hidden for decades within unsolved crime, highly publicized unsolved crime, heists that were never solved, national events and shakings that the truth was buried far beneath a wall of tape and lies, what banks have hidden for decades what the Church has hidden for decades, what fell decades ago, what was attacked and bombed decades ago in this season the truth shall come forth.
DAR PA, what has been buried in Pennsylvania in this season, is coming forth, says the Lord.
And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, reversals have gone forth. I, the Lord, have ruled from MY throne there shall be a reversal in the Israel-Hamas war, says the Lord. There shall be a reversal in Iran, says the Lord. There shall be a reversal in Japan, says the Lord, in Norway, says the Lord. There shall be a reversal in Ukraine, says the Lord, in Russia, says the Lord. I, the Lord, from MY throne have decreed it forth and sent such forth.
Thus says the Lord, fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God. Behold I will strengthen you, I will uphold you with MY righteous right hand, says the Lord, for behold, says the Lord, an announcement has come forth this day. An announcement on this day, the day of the REVERSAL.
AND SAYS THE Spirit, hear ye this day the inhabitants of the earth, the Lord, strong and mighty, has taken His justice seat. The Lord, strong and mighty, is speaking forth reversals into the earth. The Lord, strong and mighty, has come forth from His holy habitation to deal with the wicked matters of men and nations and to ratify an excavation, a season of excavation and tearing up and breaking up what has been embedded for decades amongst the soil of your governments. What has been embedded for decades amongst the Church, amongst denominations that have been nothing more than 4 stone walls for decades with stagnant air and no move of the Spirit of God, the excavation shall expose a stagnation and a deflation within the nations, within the house of God, within nations that have appeared dormant until now; however, in this season shall be rattled and shaken at the word of the Lord God Almighty in order to fool the governments and free the people, says the Spirit. The Lord with His hand outstretched and scrolls of redemption, recompense, and scrolls of rectification are now going forth into the earth, says the Spirit! Humble yourselves before the Lord, MAKER of THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH CREATOR AND SUSTAINER OF EVERY PLANET, OF EVERY BLOCK OF TIME, OF THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EARTH THAT ARE HELD IN PLACE BY WHAT PROCEEDS FROM THE MOUTH OF THE EVERLASTING ALMIGHTY GOD!
Thus says the Lord, I, the Lord, strong and mighty, am coming forth in your nation and I have plucked forth from the wicked’s own crop, from their own assembly those who have been commissioned as excavators. Though they do not KNOW ME, I, the Lord, have allotted a time of grace and have fashioned the wicked’s own weapons against them that they raised up in their camp, that they taught their ways, that they brought into their forums and were planning on utilizing them for domination on a global scale before its time. And I, the Lord, have plucked those from the crop of the wicked and I, the Lord, have ordained a season of excavation, says the Lord.
The great excavation in your nation, OH America has gone forth. The great unearthing has begun in order to expose what has been buried for decades, says the Lord. I am going back and reaching back decades, says the Lord. I have fooled the corrupt, allowing them to think they have buried such deep enough. HOWEVER, says the Lord, I am coming forth in this time and causing the soil to be tilled, the roots to be broken, the resource systems to be disrupted. I, the Lord, am allowing a BREACH of their walls, their firewalls, their vaults, their filings, their programs and their bugs that have caused these activities to be veiled from the people of your nation, from the people of Iran, from the people of Russia, from the people of Denmark, from the people of Europe. What has been hidden for decades is being excavated in this time, says the Lord, for I am allowing it for a time and a time.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the rams have gotten into their positions to vie for dominance, says the Lord. The bilateral rams have gotten into position, says the Lord. The rams of Europe have positioned themselves, the rams within the administration of America have all stepped into the area of dominance and they vie in this time for their portion. Unaltered rams whom many have no direction in ME, says the Lord, these rams have come forth in this time in the spring the CLASH, says the Lord.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, what has become a cancer within the government, within the Church, within the lives of My people, what the enemy has exploited, I, the Lord, in this season am cutting such out, says the Lord. I, the Lord, am removing the root for the enemy looks to bring such vile and bile and it has attempted a super spread, says the Lord, and I, the Lord this day, order it be cut out, says the Lord, for a super spread was attempted in your government, says the Lord, a super spread was attempted in the Church.
The enemy in this time in a rageful campaign is attempting a super spread across the airwaves, a fast moving campaign of visceral and spiteful vendettas for HIS interest are being put on display and exposed in this time for the world to see. However, says the Lord, in the midst of this, I, the Lord, shall take My right hand and destroy the idolatry that has entered your nation, that has entered CPAC, that has entered and permeated areas of your nation that has attempted to entice the leadership within the White House to come into agreement with such and I, the Lord, shall destroy that idol at its base, says the Lord, I shall bring perspective, says the Lord, I shall bring order, and I shall utilize the excavators for a time and then their idol shall be brought low as well.
For I, the Lord, use whom I please and I, the Lord, am making unexpected moves and changes in leadership within the window from Purim to Passover. I, the Lord, am causing a sudden sharp maneuver to cause a weakening of Russia and Ukraine. I, the Lord, am bringing forth sharp maneuvers against Hamas, in this time. They shall destroy their own, they shall be stricken with plague like events until they free whom they have held. Iran shall have an iron curtain torn that has been for more than 40 years, says the Lord, yes the 40 year mark is pivotal, says the Lord.
Thus says the Lord, I, the Lord, have ordained deliverance and reversals in the lives of MY people. I have ordained such on scrolls to go forth in this time and those who have been a cancer and an infection of sin and open doors shall be relocated and removed, for the enemy has attempted to unleash a vengeful strife against my people against my children in order to distract, he has stirred up the weak in mind to attempt to harm from within.
There shall be a shaking in the middle of your nation and points of the map, says the Lord, that shall be strategic and confirm what is to come, says the Lord, for a plot is about to be unearthed, says the Lord. A plot is about to be unearthed. Esther 2, says the Lord, Esther 2 it shall be exposed, says the Lord.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, a violation of airspace by a nation being stirred up in this time shall add even greater weight to their crimes, for they shall violate airspace within your nation and it shall trigger events to drive back and weaken such a nation. The ports are about to be battled for, says the Lord, strategic global ports, says the Lord.
Japan, Japan, I am calling you, says the Lord, for you are about to endure another shaking. You must fortify, says the Lord, for the snake of China has reared up for a strike against you, says the Lord, and against India, says the Lord. A program with the name of a certain viper has gone out to attempt to hack the pentagon, says the Lord. For out of the Pentagon shall be unearthed a plot involving missiles and weapons trade and a positioning of a nation that was meant to weaken the United States in this time.
Another Strzok and Page, cells within your own government have met cells of individuals intent to crash the system. They have a set time, says the Lord, before the end of the first year to do such. Pray it is unearthed and exposed for disaster has been determined with the help of communist nations against the president and his cabinet, says the Lord. Pray and it shall be exposed and dismantled before your nation, a coup within a coup occurs, says the Lord.
Thus says the Lord, is My arm too short that it cannot reach? Is My hand too short that it cannot save? I, the Lord, am exacting a wage upon those who have butchered my people in the Congo, says the Lord. Your fate shall be as Haman, your fate shall be as Pharaoh and I, the Lord, shall raise up an enemy against you, you liars who claim you butcher to serve Me. You are thieves and wicked children of Belial and I shall raise up an enemy against you that shall destroy your villages and drive you out of the areas you took for plunder, says the Lord, in the Congo, says the Lord. I am raising up an arm of strength out of Africa, says the Lord, those leaders that have stolen from their own people and assisted terrorist groups to stay in power. Over the next 2 years, you shall see those leaders fall, says the Lord. SUDDENLY, says the Lord, for I gave time and mercy; however, says the Lord, the cries out of Africa are great and a revival and renewal is about overshadow the continent of Africa that they shall be free for a time and leadership, who knows Me, shall be raised up, says the Lord, who knows me, whom I call friend says the Lord. Africa, your day of deliverance is upon you and South Africa, your day of recompense is upon you, says the Lord, for you have entertained the whisperings of apartheid over and over again and you have begun to move toward such a temptation. That spirit has moved to take power in South Africa, that spirit has oppressed and now, says the Lord, there shall be a decompression of such.
And says the spirit of the Lord this day, shock out of Ukraine, says the Lord. Shock amidst an attempted deal as Putin shall attempt a power move and there shall be a triangular hit to Russia, Iran and China, says the Lord. It shall be in tandem, says the Lord, for those that have gone out to hunt, the hackers that have gone out to hunt shall in this time be hunted, says the Lord. THE HUNTER SHALL BECOME THE HUNTED SHALL ECHO AGAIN IN THIS TIME IN THIS SEASON, SAYS THE LORD, FOR THE LEADER OF NORTH KOREA HAS HUNTED DOWN PREY TO ATTEMPT A PREEMPTIVE STRIKE ON SOUTH KOREA, SAYS THE LORD. THE MISSLES ARE BEING LOADED, SAYS THE LORD, AND THAT LEADER SHALL BE HUNTED IN THIS TIME FOR HIS CRIMES, SAYS THE LORD OF HOSTS.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, there shall be a burning bush from Purim to Passover, says the Lord. A burning bush, this you shall see, says the Lord, as well as what has burned against the bushes for decades. A smoldering fire, says the Lord, that is about to have a door opened and a backdraft occur, says the Lord.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, My people must come under my wings and take refuge in this time. My truth is their shield and buckler, My truth, says the Lord, is a shield that is why, says the Lord. Ephesians 6, the shield of faith because faith is the EVIDENCE, it is the truth of things not seen. The enemy has gone out on a rageful campaign to distract, weaken, weary. Do not focus on the noise, SAYS THE Lord, or the strife he stirs up, do not even give it your speech, says the Lord, for that fire shall be depleted of its oxygen and the enemy's ploys put down and those who were utilized to cause such strife shall be restrained and removed, says the Lord. For those who have become invasive weeds and poison plants are being removed, says the Lord, within the government and within the Church, says the Lord, the toxic agendas the tonics that have been poison are being removed, says the Lord, for breakthrough is at hand, deliverance is at hand the enemy is about to lose his puppets, says the Lord for a time of severance, of separation from the fleshly things that tug and pull and drain, a time of severance for multiple AGs on the east coast and another on the west coast, for the time of their severance has come and they shall be cut off from the platform that they so violated in order to make a name for themselves, says the Lord. Haman attempted to make a name for himself and the price was the destruction of his family line. I, the Lord, promote and I position. Seek ye first the kingdom of GOD and HIS righteousness and all these things shall and will be added unto you. The pruning shall bring forth MATURE fruit in this season. MATURE including in the capital of Albany, for a surprise rupture of seats is imminent in New York, the winds of change have picked up speed into a whirlwind that shall run down the east coast. I, the Lord, shall speak through the wind, are you ready to hear what I, the Lord, Ruach Elohim, have to say in this season for I, the Lord, am a consuming fire and the tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit shall rest upon capitals and overturn cities at My word. Judgement and deliverance in the same day shall come in multiples. Doors are opening for promotion of what I, the Lord, have promised. Continue to endure amidst attacks, do not weary of well-doing; however, stand firm in your faith with your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace and watch what I, the Lord thy God, do in this time. Thus says the Lord of Hosts in the name of Jesus Christ who sits at MY right hand and advocates for you.
Amen and Amen
Power-Packed Purim Word
March 12th, 2025
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March 3rd, 2025
REACTION: Files Released, March and a Civil War
February 28th, 2025
Prophetic Alert: Sharp Maneuvers and Rapid Change are about to Happen in the Earth
February 25th, 2025
A Fiery Word from The Lord: The Hamans Have Gone Out to Hunt
February 20th, 2025
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Wonderful Word!