Critical Prophecy Fulfilling in the Nation
Critical Prophecy Fulfilling in the Nation
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What is the role of the church going forward?
THE ACTS (America’s Covenant Through The Spirit)
Announcing Christ Through Salvation
This is the time of the ACTS Church, a church that will actually act, a church that will actually be the standard, a church that will intercede, stand in the gap, and speak truth even if it goes against the society.
ACTS 2:1-28
When the day of [a]Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place, 2 and suddenly a sound came from heaven like a rushing violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 There appeared to them tongues resembling fire, which were being distributed [among them], and they rested on each one of them [as each person received the Holy Spirit]. 4 And they were all filled [that is, diffused throughout their being] with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other [b]tongues (different languages), as the Spirit was giving them the ability to speak out [clearly and appropriately
120 in the upper room.
The inauguration this year is 1/20.
The presence of Almighty God, the Lord of Hosts, and the Holy Spirit, the Ruach Hakodesh, is going to strongly defiantly and profoundly move through Washington, DC, New York, California, Michigan, and America during this time.
And then its going to enter Canada for the people have been crying out in Canada; they are restless and change is imminent.
Hebrew 2:6-7 What is man that you are mindful of him? Or the son of man that you take care of him? 7. You have made him a little lower than the angels. You have crowned him with glory and honor and set him over the works of your hands.
Who is like you, Lord God Adonai, maker of heaven and earth! Who is like you, Adonai, who created the highest mountain peaks and the deepest depths of the sea? To your name be all the glory and honor and praise forever and ever, amen.
And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, I AM a mighty God, My children! You serve a MIGHTY God; to My power and kingdom, there is no end. I am a God of Justice, I am a God of Mercy, I am sovereign, I am the Ancient of Days, and I see over all the earth, for the earth is My footstool, says the Lord of Hosts this day!
I, the Lord God, see what is being concealed, purposely hidden behind the scenes in order to further propitiate (win or regain the favor of (a god, spirit, or person) by doing something that pleases them) plans in the darkness without being noticed by the Light. However, I, the Lord God Adonai, know all things and I see all things. What has moved about in the dark, thinking they have gone forth undetected, I, the Lord, am shining a giant spotlight on those areas. I the Lord am exposing their dark exploits for what they are. I, the Lord, am exposing down to its components the nature of the infection in more ways than one!
For as the enemy roams about like a lion seeking whom he may devour, the lion of Judah has a far greater strength and roar, and where the enemy is devouring, I the Lord God am exposing, I the Lord God am rushing in like the mighty waters and rebuking the devourer! For as Michael the ark angel, when contending over the body of Moses, dare not bring a railing accusation but simply say, “The Lord REBUKE YOU,” and it was OVER!!
I, the Lord God, am going forth and REBUKING the wicked, for the persecuting spirit has gone forth; however, the cries from the church are getting greater in number. And it is the church who shall arise with a bullhorn in the midst of chaos, instability, and FEAR. The CORE of the church shall arise and shall shout forth praise to their God! For as FEAR and persecution, and uncertainty attempt to march forth, a spirit of boldness shall come upon the remnant of My church, where what they speak, the power that goes forth is going to arrest whole towns and cities, and a covering of conviction shall go forth and rest upon those areas as people come forth in all humility and surrender to the will of their Creator in heaven, says the Lord of Hosts this day.
The enemy is asking to sift those in leadership and their families like wheat However, I, the Lord God, have not allowed him his full request; however, I am allowing a certain amount of events to take place in order to humble those before Me who truly need to, in all sincerity, Surrender! Surrender truly right now in this hour, My children will cause a retreat on the part of the enemy for in surrender the arrows and attacks of the wicked fall to the ground, for in surrendering to the will of the Father truly means you are casting off all legal entry for the enemy and his access is denied for I am the righteous Judge and when I say NO, there is not a power or principality in any realm that can challenge that! For I am the One true Living Almighty God who sits on the throne and rules and reigns forevermore, says the Lord of Hosts this day!!
Know My children as in an airplane there may come a point where that plane enters turbulence and it is bumpy, it is uneasy, there is a lot of movement, HOWEVER, the pilot is still steering the plan, trained to navigate through such pockets. You may feel the turbulence; it may get bumpy However, the captain, an experienced captain, knows exactly how to navigate the plane and its passengers through such rough terrain. In the same way, My children you are entering some turbulence and it may feel bumpy and uneasy; things may get tossed about. HOWEVER, I THE LORD, YOUR GOD AM STILL NAVIGATING YOU THROUGH AND THIS POCKET OF TURBULENCE IS JUST THAT! I, the Lord, shall lead you through such events where you will see much shaking occurring as events unfold and take place.
They are looking to infect; they are looking to infect—a sinister plot indeed that shall be unearthed, says the Lord God Adonai this day.
There shall be a clash of the titans in Washington, DC the likes of which has never been seen, historic says the Lord of Hosts this day. However, in clashes there shall come forth casualties and there shall be those exposed in both parties who have been liaisons for wicked interests of foreign entities, says the Lord of Hosts this day BOTH PARTIES. And a core shall arise and come forth—a core that fights and stands for truth, MY word of truth says the Lord. My truth shall go forth in the midst and expose a chain gang of players all working together to overthrow not only the foundation of the United States of America BUT all sense of morality and faith in God. They are looking for a demolition, says the Lord, and a demolition they shall receive upon their own heads, watch, and see, says the Lord of Hosts this day!
The trumpet will sound the trumpet will sound in the midst the trumpet will sound, says the Lord, for I, the Lord am making an unexpected move that will catch the enemy, his alliance, and those involved in the darkest of dealings off guard, off-kilter, a SURPRISE ATTACK shall pierce and puncture their plans. They will draw their own blood for those spirits they have been conjuring and calling upon are out for blood and highly competitive MY children, this is where you shall see the most shocking infighting occurring within groups. There is one major player in particular who shall publicly fall fast and hard, branded for what they are, says the Lord of Hosts this day.
You shall see Jay Sekulow arise within the midst yet again, says the Lord for my mantle of Law and order is upon Him, My Spirit rests upon Him, and My wisdom dwells within Him; he shall be compelled to the forefront very soon. Watch for this for it is a sign that the defense of the wicked shall fall, says the Lord. They shall mount up a defense However, the Lord shall raise an even greater standard, righteous Judgment that only comes from the Throne of Almighty God; the verdicts shall be brought forth on scrolls and given to messenger angels to go forth with into the earth and that judgment shall be executed by an angelic army assigned to carry out what is written on these scrolls. Watch and see; you shall see confirmation of this, says the Lord God Yahweh this day.
You will hear of strange events in the national parks; there will be phenomenon that occurs as a sign; there shall be one near Mount Rushmore and another at a certain monument!
Hearing Yosemite, watch Yosemite, something big is coming!
A rival nominee shall arise, a false convert, one who would do the bidding of the wicked on the bench. Watch for this name to be dropped; there will be an unprecedented counter on the part of the corrupt that will infuriate their own party and shake even more from their slumber.
We are in a unique time, My children, that requires unique measures for I the Lord God, shall and will have My way.
A medical breakthrough is coming forth for emphysema to heal the lungs for that is where the breath is, My children; it carries the breath as I so breathed into molded earth, My Spirit and man came forth. So I, the Lord shall bring forth an incredible discovery to heal the disease in lungs and reverse the damage. Watch and see; you shall see this reported, says the Lord. For I am the Creator of the Body, and yes, I the Lord can heal the body in many ways, My Children.
Right now, My children Press in as you are being pressed and watch the oil of anointing flow forth from you as My vessels. Press in and seek Me and look to Me for Wisdom and Instruction as the Holy Spirit goes forth, the counselor, to assist in navigating MY children through this harrowing maze, however, My children shall do it with a greater of ease for they are being led by MY Spirit and there shall be miraculous provisions that shall occur in the midst of an unstable world system. This provision is not only to sustain but to go forth at MY INSTRUCTION and do MY WORK, says the Lord God Elohim!
You are highly favored and set apart to do the work of the Lord and I have placed a hedge of protection around those doing so that the enemy’s quiver shall NOT prosper against those I have called. The “quiver full” shall become quiverless and the word TREASON shall come forth
Stand firm in your faith, knowing in whom you have believed and watch what I, the Lord God, am set to do, for I am going forth and seeing over My word to perform it and it shall and will be completed, How I the Lord, have so judged. Praise ME in the midst; Praise ME now; Praise Me and declare the works of the Lord in the land of the living and the words of MY Holy Word that is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword; go forth with that sword. For as we are in a big turn we still must go forth mighty in THE WORD thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts in Jesus mighty name who sits at My right hand and rules and reigns forevermore. Amen
There will be even more panic not only on the part of the donkeys who took payoffs BUT the elephants who took payoffs to look the other way from what they saw and conversations they witnessed, for their mini shrines and empires shall fall as it is made even more clear these politicians do not serve the people; they do not serve Me the Lord your God; they serve the interests of wicked, insatiable principalities who have been lording over Washington, DC.
You must understand My children, My son Donald, upset the balance of powers, and a blow in the realm of the Spirit was delivered unto them when he took office. He is a builder by nature, however, builders are diggers, they have to survey the property and dig around on it to ensure it is solid ground. Well, Donald and a select few went digging and what they found was frightening, sickening darkness that brings you to the point of being physically ill. And they panicked; these snakes, sorcerers, and thieves panicked because NO ONE was supposed to find out who was not puppeted by them to keep them in check. There was not one string they could pull to reign him back. And so they went on a quest; they made a pact to not only destroy him and his family but to destroy the entire country as punishment for the way they so voted their conscience and their voice. And so says the Lord of Hosts; they met with the great Red Dragon, and worshipped the dragon, and committed harlotry with this blasphemous being, and plotted every evil that only comes from the pits of hell that were so-called up by Lucifer himself, and contracts were signed, pacts were made. And so in their desperation, they attempted to unleash hell against this country, in attempts to get them to turn on the president and put their trust in the very people who went on a mission from hell to destroy them, whose allegiance is to principalities and powers, not to the Lord God the great I AM, and not to the people, says the Lord.
You must understand My children, My son Donald, upset the balance of powers, and a blow in the realm of the Spirit was delivered unto them when he took office. He is a builder by nature, however, builders are diggers, they have to survey the property and dig around on it to ensure it is solid ground. Well, Donald and a select few went digging and what they found was frightening, sickening darkness that brings you to the point of being physically ill. And they panicked; these snakes, sorcerers, and thieves panicked because NO ONE was supposed to find out who was not puppeted by them to keep them in check. There was not one string they could pull to reign him back. And so they went on a quest; they made a pact to not only destroy him and his family but to destroy the entire country as punishment for the way they so voted their conscience and their voice. And so says the Lord of Hosts; they met with the great Red Dragon, and worshipped the dragon, and committed harlotry with this blasphemous being, and plotted every evil that only comes from the pits of hell that were so-called up by Lucifer himself, and contracts were signed, pacts were made. And so in their desperation, they attempted to unleash hell against this country, in attempts to get them to turn on the president and put their trust in the very people who went on a mission from hell to destroy them, whose allegiance is to principalities and powers, not to the Lord God the great I AM, and not to the people, says the Lord.
And says the spirit of the Lord this day, now is the hour where I, the Lord God, shall gut open the great Red Dragon and pull forth out of its belly all it has consumed and its contents that is highly sensitive material. There were codes exchanged with the great Red Dragon, codes for missiles as well. And just as they have so wickedly opened the door for infiltration in this country, purposely giving jobs and favor to those who were indeed operatives, just when they think they have a hold I the Lord God Yahweh say this day I shall raise My right hand in judgment against them and shall send in a fierce warring army to literally rip them out of their bunkers, offices, positions, I the Lord God will strike a fatal blow to the Red Dragon and that sickness shall carry to Persia for their hand shall be cut off for dipping their interests into such a wicked scheme and the god they serve will be deaf to their cries as shaking, quaking, and explosions so go forth in that country, they will be sorry they ever tried to harm America and Israel, and so their operatives that have been waiting for their que deep within the government in America and other areas of the world, those operatives shall be pulled forth out of their offices, and hiding places. And the media of deceptions shall quake as these things come forth and the people shout for their dismantling, says the Lord of Hosts this day.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day these events will wake the country up from a long slumber, a stupor, chains that had been unknowingly placed upon them by the filth in the capital. The hostilities shall grow against those in Washington, DC, as the people completely reject their officials and their false way of government, for they have been operating in a government in the shadows that runs opposite what the laws of the land state. The persecuting spirit has gone forth to attempt to persecute truth and its soldiers. As their colosseums, and monuments, and contracts that they so built are falling apart at the seams and crumbling, in a complete panic, they have gone forth against those who are standing for truth, law, and order. The persecutions shall turn on them since they so chose to serve their father, the devil!
An alleged Chinese agent went undetected in New York state government for years. Why it may have taken so long for authorities to act?
Sun, a 41-year-old naturalized American citizen born in China, had been working for the State of New York for years at that point. Her roles included being deputy chief of staff for Gov. Kathy Hochul and an aide to the administration of Hochul’s predecessor, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, starting in 2012.
Now, following her firing in 2023 and a host of charges filed against her and her husband in an indictment unsealed this month, the New York state government is grappling with having employed an alleged agent for the Chinese government
DOJ announces charges in Iranian plot to kill Donald Trump
The Justice Department on Friday announced federal charges in a thwarted Iranian plot to kill Donald Trump before the presidential election.
According to court documents, Iranian officials asked Farhad Shakeri, 51, in September to focus on surveilling and ultimately assassinating Trump. Shakeri is still at large in Iran, the Justice Department said.
A surprise with the presidency is imminent, for the pit is literally one step away from those who have become drunk on the cup of haughtiness, pride, perversions, and lusts of every power they could whore their spirits out for, says the Lord of Hosts.
And so I shall fight for you, OH America; I shall fight for this covenant nation and shall break the eagle of its bondage and the blood covenants made on behalf of the sons and daughters of perdition and sin; and Balaam, I, the Lord, shall break the chain of command and constrictions of that covenant and shall evict Lucifer from what he so illegally took and inhabited in this country.
I shall set up blocks and roadblocks and stumbling blocks and thorns and briars and completely frustrate the chords of the wicked right now as they attempt to prematurely, says the Lord, prematurely bring in such a wicked agenda. Prematurely try to bring in the events in the latter book of Revelation. Prematurely try to bring in Anti-Christ, with the spirit of anti-christ and lawlessness, says the Lord, is swirling around this country. It is circling it and slithering around it, says the Lord thy God this day.
And those, says the Lord, that are taking entitlements, entitlements from Iran, from China, from countries in Europe, says the Lord; those that are taking those entitlements, there will be a digital chain, says the Lord, to expose them. It shall be exposed, taking entitlement from those who want to blow Israel and America off the map. It will be exposed those who are in contracts with them. It will be exposed those who are being blackmailed by them. It will be exposed those who have chosen to do business with those in the world who hate God and that hate America. I the Lord, still have a covenant with America. I have a covenant with the Eagle and although they attempt to chain the Eagle, although they attempt to oppress the Eagle, although they attempt to infect the Eagle, says the Spirit of the Lord this day, I speak life and life more abundant. And I, the Lord, am going to speak life and you are going to see a resuscitation happen. It will take time, says the Lord, but you will see a resuscitation happen. You will hear the faint song of victory; you will see the faint cloud in the distance of rain; as was said, I hear an abundance of rain. As you see the faint, faint cloud in the distance, start praising Me at that moment for the rain, because it rains on the just and unjust. However, there is about to be a storm, says the Spirit of the Lord this day, upon the heads of the wicked, upon the heads of those in agreement with them, upon head of state, upon governors, upon mayors, upon prime ministers, upon parliament, upon congress says the Spirit of the Lord this day.
As part of the church chooses to cower in darkness and ignorance, double-mindedness and spiritual erraticness has plagued them. There is a significant part of the church that is being shaken awake, who cannot operate in the address of oblivion anymore. They shall cry for holiness, repentance, renewing their covenants with God and standing in a boldness and power that shall make the corrupt visibly uneasy, including the corrupt in the church. The Korah’s who are attempting to cause large deviations from the word in their foolishness, thinking they have a better way than Moses, that those standing bold in their faith have no ability to lead, causing themselves to become an opponent of the will of God and shall find themselves at enmity with Me, the Lord their God. They shall attempt to lead astray back to the comforts of Egypt for it is not the Spirit of the Lord leading them. For this you shall see what they have built, their churches gut wide open and what has been festering underneath. I, the Lord will make the matter plain, and from this the public cries of holiness and sanctification shall become even louder. For I, the Lord your God, have the measuring rod in my hand and I am dropping upon both leadership of this nation and the church. Events shall unfold simultaneously for some have been holding hands in the dark. And now I, the Lord, shall bring it into the light, including the funneling of funds. Churches shall even be exposed for funneling money to terrorist groups and so have funded their sprees of destruction and terror. That shall be another wakeup call, says the Lord. For the Jakes have entered into illegal territory, taking what was given to them and using it to fund an alternate doctrine with those who make new age and ancestral spirits their dogma. Spiritual harlotry says the Lord! And now the people shall come out of the fog and the haze that corrupt leaders have ushered into the church. The winds of change are blowing in, says the Lord, and blowing it off the people, and they shall see these leaders with clear vision for what and who they truly are, says the Lord. Too much handholding, not enough handraising, says the Lord of Hosts. This is a year of massive and deep change, says the Lord, as I allow events to take place to shift the mindset of the people to submit and align with the Word of God and My plans, says the Lord. Habakkuk 1:5 Look among the nations and watch, Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told to you...Thus says the lord of Hosts, the King of Glory, the Lion of Judah, the Righteous Judge in the name of Yeshua, Jesus, amen and amen.
Just as there were the men of 1776, the brave men who stepped forth from the crowd to bring about change, to usher in these inalienable rights, to usher in true freedom and independence, so the Lord shall bring forth from the quagmire in D.C. From the career corrupt identical politicians, the Lord shall bring to the forefront brave men with the boldness and the convictions of 1776. And these men are marked for such a time that congressman, senators, governors, women shall be brought forth to join alongside this fight. And they shall take a bold stance, a stance not for the faint of heart, a stance for truth, not counting the cost because the Lord has searched their hearts and they have been chosen for such a time to boldly stare evil in the face and call it for what it is. Who will call out the deceptions? Whoever is under threat of persecution will speak forth with more boldness and conviction. Whose cries will get louder, voices crying out in the wilderness as they all endure their own wilderness as they are processed in the refiners fire because the Lord is with them in that fire, and because of that fire they shall not bow the knee to Baal, to Asherah, to any principality attempting to keep a grasp on the regions of this nation, for they have appointed fools to do their bidding, says the Lord. The more the enemy, in a panic, attempts to strip them (those fighting for truth), the greater cause for suspicion shall fall upon their camps as these mighty servants stay the course. This is a God-ordained mission. This is the Brave coming together to help stop the super spread of communism and of an infectious evil to help keep this nation the land of the free and the home of the brave. This saying shall be echoed in this hour.
Now we must go back to the dream I had in early 2021, where I saw Joe Biden so sick in bed and Obama at his bedside.
Biden's family was nowhere to be found. Biden appeared grief-stricken, like he could not go on living. There were 3 different pairs of shoes on the floor representing 3 former leaders, and Obama was at his bedside dressed in a nice suit and ready, excited at the condition of Biden. There was a crowd of Middle Eastern people gathered around waiting as well, potentially representing different countries in cahoots, and a piece of apricot candy, known as Turkish delight, on the bed, and I fought through that crowd, and I reached and snatched the candy away from them and ate it so they could not have it. That candy represented a celebration and victory as is prevalent in the Muslim and Middle Eastern cultures and it was snatched away from them, and I represented WE The People Fighting through and rising up; I also represented the prophets, rising up and being utilized by God to expose and destroy their plans.
I was in an auditorium; there was an aisle down the middle and seats on either side I was on the right side. Suddenly Barack and Michelle Obama came down the middle aisle; he was an electric blue suit, and she was in a one-shoulder white dress to her knees. At the end of the aisle where the stage was, they split up, and he went left and she went right. She came over to me and said, “Don’t worry, we are going to get him." Barak was by the stage very smug and laughing and overconfident.
Now a big Scream suddenly came down or appeared and an old plane like one the Tuskegee airmen would fly appeared and then it was announced, “Alabama has voted for Trump.” The states were going to go in order and after that, I woke up....
Habakkuk 1:5 Look among the nations and watch, Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told to you…Thus says the lord of Hosts, the King of Glory, the Lion of Judah, the Righteous Judge in the name of Yeshua, Jesus amen and amen…
A time to rise up and a time to fall. There shall be a string that attaches strategic falls in this hour, says the Lord. And says the Lord of Hosts, Rosh Hashanah, says the Lord, one of the most strategic and pivotal falls and removals shall take place during this time, for a dark horse is coming forth and leadership shall be overthrown and challenged, one shall even be a coup and reported as such, a political coup so strategic in its planning and timing that you shall see leaders around this country, I the Lord speak of, you shall see them fumble their words and visibly quake for the winds of change are blowing across Europe, says the Lord, the winds of change have begun to go forth in the United States of America.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the bell shall ring, the hour shall reach midnight, where you see a large shift in positions in this nation for elections shall not be such, for sticky fingers shall be caught before the elections and arrests made, says the Lord of Hosts that will further drive the people to take a stand and areas of blue shall turn red BUT not the mixed shade of red that has blue streaks running through it says the Lord BUT RED. A RED FLAG A RED FLAG SAYS THE LORD OF HOSTS JUST WATCH FOR NOT ONLY THIS NATION BUT A LARGE RED FLAG TO OCCUR IN YOUR NATION THAT GIVES AWAY THEIR POSITION as a group of 3 shall fall says the Lord of Hosts.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the papers will NOT be in order, the cords of the wicked shall be frustrated, their briefs shall be frustrated, their case shall not be in order and shall be missing key documentation, and as they push more and more to bring forth an indictment is shall turn and that indictment shall fall upon members of the Department of Justice as it is so named I the Lord thy God have sent holy angels to write the word JUSTICE IS SERVED upon the doorposts and areas where those attempting to hunt down not only political; opponents, but ones who have seen what they are doing, and it has been written above the posts and the doors and the control rooms and the legal areas and now I shall send My angelic army forth to look for that writing and where it resides those shall be struck, removed, sudden retirement, and sudden falls from position shall occur as I the Lord am sweeping MY JUSTICE through the Department of Justice
Judge Grants Jack Smith’s Request for Pause in Jan. 6 Case After Trump’s Election
The special counsel asked for time to assess how to proceed now that Donald Trump is returning the White House, triggering a Justice Department policy against prosecuting a sitting president.
A judge on Friday granted a request from the special counsel, Jack Smith, to pause all filing deadlines in the federal case accusing President-elect Donald J. Trump of plotting to overturn the 2020 election.
Mr. Smith asked earlier in the day to freeze the case for nearly a month as prosecutors mull whether to pursue the proceeding at all now that Mr. Trump is returning to the White House. Judge Tanya S. Chutkan of Federal District Court in Washington quickly granted Mr. Smith’s request.
The defendant, Mr. Smith’s filing said, “is expected to be certified as president-elect on Jan. 6, 2025, and inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2025.”
“The government respectfully requests that the court vacate the remaining deadlines in the pretrial schedule,” Mr. Smith’s deputies went on, “to afford the government time to assess this unprecedented circumstance and determine the appropriate course going forward consistent with Department of Justice policy.”
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, watch Kuwait as a part 2 will be attempted of what a corrupt and diseased Bush did long ago, that BUSH is soon to be uprooted says the Lord of Hosts for their meetings and plans and blueprints for leadership shall hit a SNAG as their members fall off the wagon and some will just fall and suffer a break for they are fumbling around in darkness and feeding the BEAST says the Lord that wants to control and put a chain around the neck of the eagle, however, there is a weak link, that chain is VERY compromised and it shall break at its core for iron does not mix with clay says the Lord of Hosts.
Elon Musk and buying Twitter, renaming it X, and utilizing it against them for the election.
What man would call strange occurrences will occur around the Temple Mount as a sign that what lies underneath is shifting and there shall be a discovery brought to the surface from that location as even the Wailing Wall shall lose a piece as an indication that I, the Lord, am tearing down their stronghold that they have built and those who have turned on their own people, who are stealing the silver and the gold, who have been moving it from vaults into another neighboring country shall be caught RED HANDED, says the Lord of Hosts. Watch and see as these things come forth and are brought to pass.
The Temple Institute announced a remarkable development that brought Israel one step closer to the Third Temple.
For the first time since the Temple stood in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago, a kohen (male descendant of Biblical Aaron the High Priest) ascended to the Temple Mount wearing the Biblically mandated Kohanic garments. While on the mount, the Kohen joined in a prayer quorum and gave the priestly blessing to those gathered.
The Temple Institute prepared the garments in preparation for the return of the Temple service.
This impressive feat was accomplished despite the numerous extra-legal restrictions placed on Jews at the site. There is no law preventing Jews from praying on the Temple Mount, and the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Jewish prayer several times. Jews do pray at the site in inconspicuous manners and out of sight from the Arabs, but the police frequently prevent this from happening. On Tuesday, Jews prayed freely in minyanim (quorums of ten).
On the first day of Rosh Hashanah, a group of Jews smuggled shofarot (ritual rams’ horns) onto the Temple Mount and, despite police efforts to stop them, blew all of the requisite shofar blasts for the holiday.
This happens exactly 34 days before the Election in the United States.
Psalm 34
I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
2 My soul shall make its boast in the Lord;
The humble shall hear of it and be glad.
3 Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
And let us exalt His name together.
4 I sought the Lord, and He heard me,
And delivered me from all my fears.
5 They looked to Him and were radiant,
And their faces were not ashamed.
6 This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him,
And saved him out of all his troubles.
7 The [a]angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him,
And delivers them.
8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
9 Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints!
There is no [b]want to those who fear Him.
10 The young lions lack and suffer hunger;
But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.
11 Come, you children, listen to me;
I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
12 Who is the man who desires life,
And loves many days, that he may see good?
13 Keep your tongue from evil,
And your lips from speaking deceit.
14 Depart from evil and do good;
Seek peace and pursue it.
15 The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their cry.
16 The face of the Lord is against those who do evil,
To [c]cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.
17 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears,
And delivers them out of all their troubles.
18 The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,
And saves such as [d]have a contrite spirit.
19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But the Lord delivers him out of them all.
20 He guards all his bones;
Not one of them is broken.
21 Evil shall slay the wicked,
And those who hate the righteous shall be [e]condemned.
22 The Lord redeems the soul of His servants,
And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned.
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What is the role of the church going forward?
THE ACTS (America’s Covenant Through The Spirit)
Announcing Christ Through Salvation
This is the time of the ACTS Church, a church that will actually act, a church that will actually be the standard, a church that will intercede, stand in the gap, and speak truth even if it goes against the society.
ACTS 2:1-28
When the day of [a]Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place, 2 and suddenly a sound came from heaven like a rushing violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 There appeared to them tongues resembling fire, which were being distributed [among them], and they rested on each one of them [as each person received the Holy Spirit]. 4 And they were all filled [that is, diffused throughout their being] with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other [b]tongues (different languages), as the Spirit was giving them the ability to speak out [clearly and appropriately
120 in the upper room.
The inauguration this year is 1/20.
The presence of Almighty God, the Lord of Hosts, and the Holy Spirit, the Ruach Hakodesh, is going to strongly defiantly and profoundly move through Washington, DC, New York, California, Michigan, and America during this time.
And then its going to enter Canada for the people have been crying out in Canada; they are restless and change is imminent.
Hebrew 2:6-7 What is man that you are mindful of him? Or the son of man that you take care of him? 7. You have made him a little lower than the angels. You have crowned him with glory and honor and set him over the works of your hands.
Who is like you, Lord God Adonai, maker of heaven and earth! Who is like you, Adonai, who created the highest mountain peaks and the deepest depths of the sea? To your name be all the glory and honor and praise forever and ever, amen.
And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, I AM a mighty God, My children! You serve a MIGHTY God; to My power and kingdom, there is no end. I am a God of Justice, I am a God of Mercy, I am sovereign, I am the Ancient of Days, and I see over all the earth, for the earth is My footstool, says the Lord of Hosts this day!
I, the Lord God, see what is being concealed, purposely hidden behind the scenes in order to further propitiate (win or regain the favor of (a god, spirit, or person) by doing something that pleases them) plans in the darkness without being noticed by the Light. However, I, the Lord God Adonai, know all things and I see all things. What has moved about in the dark, thinking they have gone forth undetected, I, the Lord, am shining a giant spotlight on those areas. I the Lord am exposing their dark exploits for what they are. I, the Lord, am exposing down to its components the nature of the infection in more ways than one!
For as the enemy roams about like a lion seeking whom he may devour, the lion of Judah has a far greater strength and roar, and where the enemy is devouring, I the Lord God am exposing, I the Lord God am rushing in like the mighty waters and rebuking the devourer! For as Michael the ark angel, when contending over the body of Moses, dare not bring a railing accusation but simply say, “The Lord REBUKE YOU,” and it was OVER!!
I, the Lord God, am going forth and REBUKING the wicked, for the persecuting spirit has gone forth; however, the cries from the church are getting greater in number. And it is the church who shall arise with a bullhorn in the midst of chaos, instability, and FEAR. The CORE of the church shall arise and shall shout forth praise to their God! For as FEAR and persecution, and uncertainty attempt to march forth, a spirit of boldness shall come upon the remnant of My church, where what they speak, the power that goes forth is going to arrest whole towns and cities, and a covering of conviction shall go forth and rest upon those areas as people come forth in all humility and surrender to the will of their Creator in heaven, says the Lord of Hosts this day.
The enemy is asking to sift those in leadership and their families like wheat However, I, the Lord God, have not allowed him his full request; however, I am allowing a certain amount of events to take place in order to humble those before Me who truly need to, in all sincerity, Surrender! Surrender truly right now in this hour, My children will cause a retreat on the part of the enemy for in surrender the arrows and attacks of the wicked fall to the ground, for in surrendering to the will of the Father truly means you are casting off all legal entry for the enemy and his access is denied for I am the righteous Judge and when I say NO, there is not a power or principality in any realm that can challenge that! For I am the One true Living Almighty God who sits on the throne and rules and reigns forevermore, says the Lord of Hosts this day!!
Know My children as in an airplane there may come a point where that plane enters turbulence and it is bumpy, it is uneasy, there is a lot of movement, HOWEVER, the pilot is still steering the plan, trained to navigate through such pockets. You may feel the turbulence; it may get bumpy However, the captain, an experienced captain, knows exactly how to navigate the plane and its passengers through such rough terrain. In the same way, My children you are entering some turbulence and it may feel bumpy and uneasy; things may get tossed about. HOWEVER, I THE LORD, YOUR GOD AM STILL NAVIGATING YOU THROUGH AND THIS POCKET OF TURBULENCE IS JUST THAT! I, the Lord, shall lead you through such events where you will see much shaking occurring as events unfold and take place.
They are looking to infect; they are looking to infect—a sinister plot indeed that shall be unearthed, says the Lord God Adonai this day.
There shall be a clash of the titans in Washington, DC the likes of which has never been seen, historic says the Lord of Hosts this day. However, in clashes there shall come forth casualties and there shall be those exposed in both parties who have been liaisons for wicked interests of foreign entities, says the Lord of Hosts this day BOTH PARTIES. And a core shall arise and come forth—a core that fights and stands for truth, MY word of truth says the Lord. My truth shall go forth in the midst and expose a chain gang of players all working together to overthrow not only the foundation of the United States of America BUT all sense of morality and faith in God. They are looking for a demolition, says the Lord, and a demolition they shall receive upon their own heads, watch, and see, says the Lord of Hosts this day!
The trumpet will sound the trumpet will sound in the midst the trumpet will sound, says the Lord, for I, the Lord am making an unexpected move that will catch the enemy, his alliance, and those involved in the darkest of dealings off guard, off-kilter, a SURPRISE ATTACK shall pierce and puncture their plans. They will draw their own blood for those spirits they have been conjuring and calling upon are out for blood and highly competitive MY children, this is where you shall see the most shocking infighting occurring within groups. There is one major player in particular who shall publicly fall fast and hard, branded for what they are, says the Lord of Hosts this day.
You shall see Jay Sekulow arise within the midst yet again, says the Lord for my mantle of Law and order is upon Him, My Spirit rests upon Him, and My wisdom dwells within Him; he shall be compelled to the forefront very soon. Watch for this for it is a sign that the defense of the wicked shall fall, says the Lord. They shall mount up a defense However, the Lord shall raise an even greater standard, righteous Judgment that only comes from the Throne of Almighty God; the verdicts shall be brought forth on scrolls and given to messenger angels to go forth with into the earth and that judgment shall be executed by an angelic army assigned to carry out what is written on these scrolls. Watch and see; you shall see confirmation of this, says the Lord God Yahweh this day.
You will hear of strange events in the national parks; there will be phenomenon that occurs as a sign; there shall be one near Mount Rushmore and another at a certain monument!
Hearing Yosemite, watch Yosemite, something big is coming!
A rival nominee shall arise, a false convert, one who would do the bidding of the wicked on the bench. Watch for this name to be dropped; there will be an unprecedented counter on the part of the corrupt that will infuriate their own party and shake even more from their slumber.
We are in a unique time, My children, that requires unique measures for I the Lord God, shall and will have My way.
A medical breakthrough is coming forth for emphysema to heal the lungs for that is where the breath is, My children; it carries the breath as I so breathed into molded earth, My Spirit and man came forth. So I, the Lord shall bring forth an incredible discovery to heal the disease in lungs and reverse the damage. Watch and see; you shall see this reported, says the Lord. For I am the Creator of the Body, and yes, I the Lord can heal the body in many ways, My Children.
Right now, My children Press in as you are being pressed and watch the oil of anointing flow forth from you as My vessels. Press in and seek Me and look to Me for Wisdom and Instruction as the Holy Spirit goes forth, the counselor, to assist in navigating MY children through this harrowing maze, however, My children shall do it with a greater of ease for they are being led by MY Spirit and there shall be miraculous provisions that shall occur in the midst of an unstable world system. This provision is not only to sustain but to go forth at MY INSTRUCTION and do MY WORK, says the Lord God Elohim!
You are highly favored and set apart to do the work of the Lord and I have placed a hedge of protection around those doing so that the enemy’s quiver shall NOT prosper against those I have called. The “quiver full” shall become quiverless and the word TREASON shall come forth
Stand firm in your faith, knowing in whom you have believed and watch what I, the Lord God, am set to do, for I am going forth and seeing over My word to perform it and it shall and will be completed, How I the Lord, have so judged. Praise ME in the midst; Praise ME now; Praise Me and declare the works of the Lord in the land of the living and the words of MY Holy Word that is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword; go forth with that sword. For as we are in a big turn we still must go forth mighty in THE WORD thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts in Jesus mighty name who sits at My right hand and rules and reigns forevermore. Amen
There will be even more panic not only on the part of the donkeys who took payoffs BUT the elephants who took payoffs to look the other way from what they saw and conversations they witnessed, for their mini shrines and empires shall fall as it is made even more clear these politicians do not serve the people; they do not serve Me the Lord your God; they serve the interests of wicked, insatiable principalities who have been lording over Washington, DC.
You must understand My children, My son Donald, upset the balance of powers, and a blow in the realm of the Spirit was delivered unto them when he took office. He is a builder by nature, however, builders are diggers, they have to survey the property and dig around on it to ensure it is solid ground. Well, Donald and a select few went digging and what they found was frightening, sickening darkness that brings you to the point of being physically ill. And they panicked; these snakes, sorcerers, and thieves panicked because NO ONE was supposed to find out who was not puppeted by them to keep them in check. There was not one string they could pull to reign him back. And so they went on a quest; they made a pact to not only destroy him and his family but to destroy the entire country as punishment for the way they so voted their conscience and their voice. And so says the Lord of Hosts; they met with the great Red Dragon, and worshipped the dragon, and committed harlotry with this blasphemous being, and plotted every evil that only comes from the pits of hell that were so-called up by Lucifer himself, and contracts were signed, pacts were made. And so in their desperation, they attempted to unleash hell against this country, in attempts to get them to turn on the president and put their trust in the very people who went on a mission from hell to destroy them, whose allegiance is to principalities and powers, not to the Lord God the great I AM, and not to the people, says the Lord.
You must understand My children, My son Donald, upset the balance of powers, and a blow in the realm of the Spirit was delivered unto them when he took office. He is a builder by nature, however, builders are diggers, they have to survey the property and dig around on it to ensure it is solid ground. Well, Donald and a select few went digging and what they found was frightening, sickening darkness that brings you to the point of being physically ill. And they panicked; these snakes, sorcerers, and thieves panicked because NO ONE was supposed to find out who was not puppeted by them to keep them in check. There was not one string they could pull to reign him back. And so they went on a quest; they made a pact to not only destroy him and his family but to destroy the entire country as punishment for the way they so voted their conscience and their voice. And so says the Lord of Hosts; they met with the great Red Dragon, and worshipped the dragon, and committed harlotry with this blasphemous being, and plotted every evil that only comes from the pits of hell that were so-called up by Lucifer himself, and contracts were signed, pacts were made. And so in their desperation, they attempted to unleash hell against this country, in attempts to get them to turn on the president and put their trust in the very people who went on a mission from hell to destroy them, whose allegiance is to principalities and powers, not to the Lord God the great I AM, and not to the people, says the Lord.
And says the spirit of the Lord this day, now is the hour where I, the Lord God, shall gut open the great Red Dragon and pull forth out of its belly all it has consumed and its contents that is highly sensitive material. There were codes exchanged with the great Red Dragon, codes for missiles as well. And just as they have so wickedly opened the door for infiltration in this country, purposely giving jobs and favor to those who were indeed operatives, just when they think they have a hold I the Lord God Yahweh say this day I shall raise My right hand in judgment against them and shall send in a fierce warring army to literally rip them out of their bunkers, offices, positions, I the Lord God will strike a fatal blow to the Red Dragon and that sickness shall carry to Persia for their hand shall be cut off for dipping their interests into such a wicked scheme and the god they serve will be deaf to their cries as shaking, quaking, and explosions so go forth in that country, they will be sorry they ever tried to harm America and Israel, and so their operatives that have been waiting for their que deep within the government in America and other areas of the world, those operatives shall be pulled forth out of their offices, and hiding places. And the media of deceptions shall quake as these things come forth and the people shout for their dismantling, says the Lord of Hosts this day.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day these events will wake the country up from a long slumber, a stupor, chains that had been unknowingly placed upon them by the filth in the capital. The hostilities shall grow against those in Washington, DC, as the people completely reject their officials and their false way of government, for they have been operating in a government in the shadows that runs opposite what the laws of the land state. The persecuting spirit has gone forth to attempt to persecute truth and its soldiers. As their colosseums, and monuments, and contracts that they so built are falling apart at the seams and crumbling, in a complete panic, they have gone forth against those who are standing for truth, law, and order. The persecutions shall turn on them since they so chose to serve their father, the devil!
An alleged Chinese agent went undetected in New York state government for years. Why it may have taken so long for authorities to act?
Sun, a 41-year-old naturalized American citizen born in China, had been working for the State of New York for years at that point. Her roles included being deputy chief of staff for Gov. Kathy Hochul and an aide to the administration of Hochul’s predecessor, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, starting in 2012.
Now, following her firing in 2023 and a host of charges filed against her and her husband in an indictment unsealed this month, the New York state government is grappling with having employed an alleged agent for the Chinese government
DOJ announces charges in Iranian plot to kill Donald Trump
The Justice Department on Friday announced federal charges in a thwarted Iranian plot to kill Donald Trump before the presidential election.
According to court documents, Iranian officials asked Farhad Shakeri, 51, in September to focus on surveilling and ultimately assassinating Trump. Shakeri is still at large in Iran, the Justice Department said.
A surprise with the presidency is imminent, for the pit is literally one step away from those who have become drunk on the cup of haughtiness, pride, perversions, and lusts of every power they could whore their spirits out for, says the Lord of Hosts.
And so I shall fight for you, OH America; I shall fight for this covenant nation and shall break the eagle of its bondage and the blood covenants made on behalf of the sons and daughters of perdition and sin; and Balaam, I, the Lord, shall break the chain of command and constrictions of that covenant and shall evict Lucifer from what he so illegally took and inhabited in this country.
I shall set up blocks and roadblocks and stumbling blocks and thorns and briars and completely frustrate the chords of the wicked right now as they attempt to prematurely, says the Lord, prematurely bring in such a wicked agenda. Prematurely try to bring in the events in the latter book of Revelation. Prematurely try to bring in Anti-Christ, with the spirit of anti-christ and lawlessness, says the Lord, is swirling around this country. It is circling it and slithering around it, says the Lord thy God this day.
And those, says the Lord, that are taking entitlements, entitlements from Iran, from China, from countries in Europe, says the Lord; those that are taking those entitlements, there will be a digital chain, says the Lord, to expose them. It shall be exposed, taking entitlement from those who want to blow Israel and America off the map. It will be exposed those who are in contracts with them. It will be exposed those who are being blackmailed by them. It will be exposed those who have chosen to do business with those in the world who hate God and that hate America. I the Lord, still have a covenant with America. I have a covenant with the Eagle and although they attempt to chain the Eagle, although they attempt to oppress the Eagle, although they attempt to infect the Eagle, says the Spirit of the Lord this day, I speak life and life more abundant. And I, the Lord, am going to speak life and you are going to see a resuscitation happen. It will take time, says the Lord, but you will see a resuscitation happen. You will hear the faint song of victory; you will see the faint cloud in the distance of rain; as was said, I hear an abundance of rain. As you see the faint, faint cloud in the distance, start praising Me at that moment for the rain, because it rains on the just and unjust. However, there is about to be a storm, says the Spirit of the Lord this day, upon the heads of the wicked, upon the heads of those in agreement with them, upon head of state, upon governors, upon mayors, upon prime ministers, upon parliament, upon congress says the Spirit of the Lord this day.
As part of the church chooses to cower in darkness and ignorance, double-mindedness and spiritual erraticness has plagued them. There is a significant part of the church that is being shaken awake, who cannot operate in the address of oblivion anymore. They shall cry for holiness, repentance, renewing their covenants with God and standing in a boldness and power that shall make the corrupt visibly uneasy, including the corrupt in the church. The Korah’s who are attempting to cause large deviations from the word in their foolishness, thinking they have a better way than Moses, that those standing bold in their faith have no ability to lead, causing themselves to become an opponent of the will of God and shall find themselves at enmity with Me, the Lord their God. They shall attempt to lead astray back to the comforts of Egypt for it is not the Spirit of the Lord leading them. For this you shall see what they have built, their churches gut wide open and what has been festering underneath. I, the Lord will make the matter plain, and from this the public cries of holiness and sanctification shall become even louder. For I, the Lord your God, have the measuring rod in my hand and I am dropping upon both leadership of this nation and the church. Events shall unfold simultaneously for some have been holding hands in the dark. And now I, the Lord, shall bring it into the light, including the funneling of funds. Churches shall even be exposed for funneling money to terrorist groups and so have funded their sprees of destruction and terror. That shall be another wakeup call, says the Lord. For the Jakes have entered into illegal territory, taking what was given to them and using it to fund an alternate doctrine with those who make new age and ancestral spirits their dogma. Spiritual harlotry says the Lord! And now the people shall come out of the fog and the haze that corrupt leaders have ushered into the church. The winds of change are blowing in, says the Lord, and blowing it off the people, and they shall see these leaders with clear vision for what and who they truly are, says the Lord. Too much handholding, not enough handraising, says the Lord of Hosts. This is a year of massive and deep change, says the Lord, as I allow events to take place to shift the mindset of the people to submit and align with the Word of God and My plans, says the Lord. Habakkuk 1:5 Look among the nations and watch, Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told to you...Thus says the lord of Hosts, the King of Glory, the Lion of Judah, the Righteous Judge in the name of Yeshua, Jesus, amen and amen.
Just as there were the men of 1776, the brave men who stepped forth from the crowd to bring about change, to usher in these inalienable rights, to usher in true freedom and independence, so the Lord shall bring forth from the quagmire in D.C. From the career corrupt identical politicians, the Lord shall bring to the forefront brave men with the boldness and the convictions of 1776. And these men are marked for such a time that congressman, senators, governors, women shall be brought forth to join alongside this fight. And they shall take a bold stance, a stance not for the faint of heart, a stance for truth, not counting the cost because the Lord has searched their hearts and they have been chosen for such a time to boldly stare evil in the face and call it for what it is. Who will call out the deceptions? Whoever is under threat of persecution will speak forth with more boldness and conviction. Whose cries will get louder, voices crying out in the wilderness as they all endure their own wilderness as they are processed in the refiners fire because the Lord is with them in that fire, and because of that fire they shall not bow the knee to Baal, to Asherah, to any principality attempting to keep a grasp on the regions of this nation, for they have appointed fools to do their bidding, says the Lord. The more the enemy, in a panic, attempts to strip them (those fighting for truth), the greater cause for suspicion shall fall upon their camps as these mighty servants stay the course. This is a God-ordained mission. This is the Brave coming together to help stop the super spread of communism and of an infectious evil to help keep this nation the land of the free and the home of the brave. This saying shall be echoed in this hour.
Now we must go back to the dream I had in early 2021, where I saw Joe Biden so sick in bed and Obama at his bedside.
Biden's family was nowhere to be found. Biden appeared grief-stricken, like he could not go on living. There were 3 different pairs of shoes on the floor representing 3 former leaders, and Obama was at his bedside dressed in a nice suit and ready, excited at the condition of Biden. There was a crowd of Middle Eastern people gathered around waiting as well, potentially representing different countries in cahoots, and a piece of apricot candy, known as Turkish delight, on the bed, and I fought through that crowd, and I reached and snatched the candy away from them and ate it so they could not have it. That candy represented a celebration and victory as is prevalent in the Muslim and Middle Eastern cultures and it was snatched away from them, and I represented WE The People Fighting through and rising up; I also represented the prophets, rising up and being utilized by God to expose and destroy their plans.
I was in an auditorium; there was an aisle down the middle and seats on either side I was on the right side. Suddenly Barack and Michelle Obama came down the middle aisle; he was an electric blue suit, and she was in a one-shoulder white dress to her knees. At the end of the aisle where the stage was, they split up, and he went left and she went right. She came over to me and said, “Don’t worry, we are going to get him." Barak was by the stage very smug and laughing and overconfident.
Now a big Scream suddenly came down or appeared and an old plane like one the Tuskegee airmen would fly appeared and then it was announced, “Alabama has voted for Trump.” The states were going to go in order and after that, I woke up....
Habakkuk 1:5 Look among the nations and watch, Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told to you…Thus says the lord of Hosts, the King of Glory, the Lion of Judah, the Righteous Judge in the name of Yeshua, Jesus amen and amen…
A time to rise up and a time to fall. There shall be a string that attaches strategic falls in this hour, says the Lord. And says the Lord of Hosts, Rosh Hashanah, says the Lord, one of the most strategic and pivotal falls and removals shall take place during this time, for a dark horse is coming forth and leadership shall be overthrown and challenged, one shall even be a coup and reported as such, a political coup so strategic in its planning and timing that you shall see leaders around this country, I the Lord speak of, you shall see them fumble their words and visibly quake for the winds of change are blowing across Europe, says the Lord, the winds of change have begun to go forth in the United States of America.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the bell shall ring, the hour shall reach midnight, where you see a large shift in positions in this nation for elections shall not be such, for sticky fingers shall be caught before the elections and arrests made, says the Lord of Hosts that will further drive the people to take a stand and areas of blue shall turn red BUT not the mixed shade of red that has blue streaks running through it says the Lord BUT RED. A RED FLAG A RED FLAG SAYS THE LORD OF HOSTS JUST WATCH FOR NOT ONLY THIS NATION BUT A LARGE RED FLAG TO OCCUR IN YOUR NATION THAT GIVES AWAY THEIR POSITION as a group of 3 shall fall says the Lord of Hosts.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the papers will NOT be in order, the cords of the wicked shall be frustrated, their briefs shall be frustrated, their case shall not be in order and shall be missing key documentation, and as they push more and more to bring forth an indictment is shall turn and that indictment shall fall upon members of the Department of Justice as it is so named I the Lord thy God have sent holy angels to write the word JUSTICE IS SERVED upon the doorposts and areas where those attempting to hunt down not only political; opponents, but ones who have seen what they are doing, and it has been written above the posts and the doors and the control rooms and the legal areas and now I shall send My angelic army forth to look for that writing and where it resides those shall be struck, removed, sudden retirement, and sudden falls from position shall occur as I the Lord am sweeping MY JUSTICE through the Department of Justice
Judge Grants Jack Smith’s Request for Pause in Jan. 6 Case After Trump’s Election
The special counsel asked for time to assess how to proceed now that Donald Trump is returning the White House, triggering a Justice Department policy against prosecuting a sitting president.
A judge on Friday granted a request from the special counsel, Jack Smith, to pause all filing deadlines in the federal case accusing President-elect Donald J. Trump of plotting to overturn the 2020 election.
Mr. Smith asked earlier in the day to freeze the case for nearly a month as prosecutors mull whether to pursue the proceeding at all now that Mr. Trump is returning to the White House. Judge Tanya S. Chutkan of Federal District Court in Washington quickly granted Mr. Smith’s request.
The defendant, Mr. Smith’s filing said, “is expected to be certified as president-elect on Jan. 6, 2025, and inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2025.”
“The government respectfully requests that the court vacate the remaining deadlines in the pretrial schedule,” Mr. Smith’s deputies went on, “to afford the government time to assess this unprecedented circumstance and determine the appropriate course going forward consistent with Department of Justice policy.”
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, watch Kuwait as a part 2 will be attempted of what a corrupt and diseased Bush did long ago, that BUSH is soon to be uprooted says the Lord of Hosts for their meetings and plans and blueprints for leadership shall hit a SNAG as their members fall off the wagon and some will just fall and suffer a break for they are fumbling around in darkness and feeding the BEAST says the Lord that wants to control and put a chain around the neck of the eagle, however, there is a weak link, that chain is VERY compromised and it shall break at its core for iron does not mix with clay says the Lord of Hosts.
Elon Musk and buying Twitter, renaming it X, and utilizing it against them for the election.
What man would call strange occurrences will occur around the Temple Mount as a sign that what lies underneath is shifting and there shall be a discovery brought to the surface from that location as even the Wailing Wall shall lose a piece as an indication that I, the Lord, am tearing down their stronghold that they have built and those who have turned on their own people, who are stealing the silver and the gold, who have been moving it from vaults into another neighboring country shall be caught RED HANDED, says the Lord of Hosts. Watch and see as these things come forth and are brought to pass.
The Temple Institute announced a remarkable development that brought Israel one step closer to the Third Temple.
For the first time since the Temple stood in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago, a kohen (male descendant of Biblical Aaron the High Priest) ascended to the Temple Mount wearing the Biblically mandated Kohanic garments. While on the mount, the Kohen joined in a prayer quorum and gave the priestly blessing to those gathered.
The Temple Institute prepared the garments in preparation for the return of the Temple service.
This impressive feat was accomplished despite the numerous extra-legal restrictions placed on Jews at the site. There is no law preventing Jews from praying on the Temple Mount, and the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Jewish prayer several times. Jews do pray at the site in inconspicuous manners and out of sight from the Arabs, but the police frequently prevent this from happening. On Tuesday, Jews prayed freely in minyanim (quorums of ten).
On the first day of Rosh Hashanah, a group of Jews smuggled shofarot (ritual rams’ horns) onto the Temple Mount and, despite police efforts to stop them, blew all of the requisite shofar blasts for the holiday.
This happens exactly 34 days before the Election in the United States.
Psalm 34
I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
2 My soul shall make its boast in the Lord;
The humble shall hear of it and be glad.
3 Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
And let us exalt His name together.
4 I sought the Lord, and He heard me,
And delivered me from all my fears.
5 They looked to Him and were radiant,
And their faces were not ashamed.
6 This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him,
And saved him out of all his troubles.
7 The [a]angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him,
And delivers them.
8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
9 Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints!
There is no [b]want to those who fear Him.
10 The young lions lack and suffer hunger;
But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.
11 Come, you children, listen to me;
I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
12 Who is the man who desires life,
And loves many days, that he may see good?
13 Keep your tongue from evil,
And your lips from speaking deceit.
14 Depart from evil and do good;
Seek peace and pursue it.
15 The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their cry.
16 The face of the Lord is against those who do evil,
To [c]cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.
17 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears,
And delivers them out of all their troubles.
18 The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,
And saves such as [d]have a contrite spirit.
19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But the Lord delivers him out of them all.
20 He guards all his bones;
Not one of them is broken.
21 Evil shall slay the wicked,
And those who hate the righteous shall be [e]condemned.
22 The Lord redeems the soul of His servants,
And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned.
Posted in Prophecy Fulfilling and Prophetic Insight
Posted in church, the church, ACTS, the ACTS, inauguration day, Washington DC, new york, California, Michigan, america, Canada, election, Musk, Elon Musk, social media, Silicon Valley, Biden, Barak
Posted in church, the church, ACTS, the ACTS, inauguration day, Washington DC, new york, California, Michigan, america, Canada, election, Musk, Elon Musk, social media, Silicon Valley, Biden, Barak
Prophetic Warning: Entering an Explosive Window to Purim & an Intense March
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A Fiery Word from The Lord: The Hamans Have Gone Out to Hunt
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A Pivotal Season of Reformation in the Government and the Church
February 17th, 2025
Be on Alert: Urgent Prophetic Insight into Symbolic 9-11 Attacks and Mysterious FogJanuary 6th: Brace Yourselves for What’s Coming2025 The Soul Condition & The Changing of the GuardThe Plot Thickens: Where there is Smoke There is FireThe Great Exodus and What's Coming in the HeavenliesAn Urgent Word from the Lord Before the Inauguration and a WarningA Prophetic Warning: Stargate and America's Golden AgeA Crucial Word: A Fiercely Righteous ReckoningSerious Prophetic Insight: 911 & an Eagle Down...This is Urgent
Philadelphia Plane Crash 911: The Prophetic Warning You Need To HearA Plot Against the President… Be AlertUrgent Prophetic Alert: The U.S. is Taking Over Gaza and Politico has FallenA Word From The Lord: A Hostile Takeover & Righteous ReversalsA Pivotal Season of Reformation in the Government and the ChurchA Fiery Word from The Lord: The Hamans Have Gone Out to Hunt Prophetic Alert: Sharp Maneuvers and Rapid Change are about to Happen in the EarthREACTION: Files Released, March and a Civil War
An Urgent Prophetic Look: A Dream, Israel and Major Moves Being MadeWord from the Lord 1.16.24--A Powerful Wind of Change Sweeping the NationWord from the Lord 1.22.24--The Gathering in Grand Ridge, Florida with Timothy V. Dixon MinistryProphecy and an Urgent Message for Leadership and Contenders in the Political ArenaUrgent Prophetic Connections: Eagle Pass and the Return of American Pharoah
Prophecy Fulfilling in Canada: Tyrannical Trudeau in Trouble, Overreach OverruledAn Urgent Prophetic Connection: A Trojan Horse, the Super Bowl, Tucker Carlson and RussiaA Crucial Prophetic Insight: The Trump Kill Switch, a Bait and Switch, Indictments and the NationUrgent Word from the Lord 2.19.24--Righteous Judgments in the Courts, Changing of the Guard & an Open DoorA Prophetic Insight and Word: Georgia Court Case Implosion, Two Presidents & a Connection to WWII IIWord from the Lord 2.21.24--Live Broadcast (A Prophetic Revelation: The Georgia Court Case Implosion, Two Presidents & a Connection to WWII)
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Prophetic Mystery of the 2024 Kentucky Derby UNLOCKEDEgypt, Spirit of Pharaoh, and the EclipseWord from the Lord--May 6th, 2024Cracking the Prophetic Code: Stormy Daniels’ Name, Trump’s Wound & Horses Breaking LooseWhen Ben Stops, Judah Begins: A Major Changing of the Guard in the EarthNational Leaders, the Time of Daniel & the Writing on the WallThe Fiery Royal Portrait and the Year of the DragonUrgent Prophecy Fulfilling: The President of Iran is DeadMystery of the 2 Goats & a Warning to the NationThe W-H-O, England, and a Yom Kippur CometThe Trump Trial, Bait & Switch, and Hook in Their Jaw
Prison Doors and a Turbulent TransitionWord from the Lord--June 8th, 2024 & a Message to the ChurchA Political Game of Thrones, an Open Door, Russian Warships and Battle Lines Being DrawnBe Ready and Alert for A Surprise Attack and ManeuversProphecy Unfolding: Breaking The Weimar Altar and the Time of AccountabilityProphecy is Fulfilling in Current EventsA Fracturing and Exposing the Bait and Switch
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A Prophetic Storm Over the NationA Powerful Word and Insight: God in the Storm and An Urgent HourUrgent Word From The Lord On Yom Kippur--October 12th, 2024Prophetic Alert A Time of Two Kings: The Mystery of 2 Samuel 24 and AmericaThe Mystery of 2 Kings 17:18 and the ElectionA Fiery Word from the Lord: The Unraveling--October 24th, 2024The Night of Prayer & Word from the Lord (October 29th, 2024)
Prophetic Alert: The Election, Divine Justice & Demonic AttacksCritical Prophecy Fulfilling in the NationAn Explosive and Powerful Word from the Lord--November 14, 2024A Prophetic Warning: A Sifting in the Church and in the NationA Weighty Word from the Lord: A Time of Judgment and Restoration--November 26, 2024
I listened to the Word of the Father on 11/14/2024 and I heard what you said about the hearts of the men and women being placed in the Cabinet of Donald J Trump and that was a confirmation in my spirit too. As the Father is speaking and moving in this nation, I am home schooling my grandson in American History in the birth of our Nation and it is paralleled to this time. In my teaching the American History the Spirit is revealing to me of how the enemy came in through the cracks that men made and let the enemy come in and set up his plans to take down our country. I watched the dividing up of parties and states for compromising of the Truth and The Constitution. The birth and beginnings of the institutions that are being used to take out our country. Yes, those people who are being put in those position should have a heart for God but be children of God, but soldiers of the Lord to bring a rebirth of a Republic Nation and a love for God. Reaching nations for God, our house must be cleaned before we can operate with Gods Glory. God walks with you, God Bless you as you stand for the Father.
For what it's worth. You have repeated a paragraph twice in your above. Might want to delete it
nStarts...You must understand My children, My son Donald, upset the...