©2024 Ark of Grace Ministries

Word from the Lord--October 12, 2022 (from Amanda's Broadcast with Barbara Stone)

And the Lord thy God is saying this day, rise up my children rise up. Gird up your loins says the Lord gird up your loins take what I have equipped you with do not waste it says the Lord –do not burry it–do not forsake it–do not let the enemy convince you to abandon it, for I the Lord thy God have equipped you in this time in this season with the weapons of warfare that are not carnal–I have equipt you with armor–I have equipped you with gifts–I have equipped you with every good and perfect thing that only comes from above that is needed for you to do your assignments at hand and I the Lord thy God am handing out assignments in this hour–I am bringing you into the next chapter of your God-ordained mission– I am opening doors that have been prophesied and spoken over you from Heaven since you were a child says the Lord– I am opening those doors now–I am walking you through them–I am walking you into the position you are supposed to be in–I am ushering you out of the superficial–I am ushering you out of the unstable–I am ushering you out of the wobbly–I am ushering you out of the growth that is twisted–(it almost looks like a serpent)–the growth that is twisted like a vine and it has grown crooked says the Lord. I am ushering you out of that says the Lord. I am making your way straight–I am preparing your path–I am ordering your steps for the steps of the righteous are indeed ordered of the Lord says the Lord of Hosts and the Lord thy God says, take heart–do not become discouraged for the enemy has sent out a spirit of discouragement amongst the people and despair to get them to lose faith and get them to lose hope.

Faith is a gift. Receive it in Jesus' name. Cultivated it–allow Me the Lord your God to grow it for in this hour, I am doing a work says the Lord in your nation– I am doing a work that is not yet been seen–I am doing the work that those that think they know, I laugh at because they don't know says the Lord thy God this day. For I the Lord have sent forth this plan–I have given it to My army says the Lord–it has been sent into the earth and they have been positioned says the Lord all over this nation–they have been positioned in key points in the earth–they have been positioned on the borders of Ukraine and Russia and they have been positioned and they are waiting for Me the Lord thy God to release them to do what they have been ordered to do, for I am doing a work and this is greater than a man in this nation–this is greater than an administration in this nation–this is greater than a political party says the Lord thy God. I am doing a spiritual work and I am changing the heart of this nation, I am restoring the decay that's in this in the soul of this nation–I am restoring says the Lord. What has been built on an unstable, confusing, divisive platform. I the Lord thy God am tearing down that platform. I am bringing it down–I am ripping it down–I am ripping down entire news agencies says the Lord thy God this day. I am ripping down platforms of people that have claimed they have spoken from Me but they have not spoken from Me. They have spoken from a spirit says the Lord thy God this day that is NOT OF ME. I the Lord thy God am bringing correction to those that have branched out like vines and tried to hold on to things that I walked them away from a long time ago and they have allowed it into their lives, they have allowed it to their platforms, they have allowed into this nation and I the Lord thy God say, that I am through My righteousness–through My holiness–I am cleaning the House says the Lord. I am cleaning the House for the House is in disorder and decay and the House must be clean because it has become a haunt for jackals and for unclean spirits to speak and to wander and I the Lord thy God will have none of this anymore and you will see this the Lord thy God this day going into the high holy days next year–the first of them–the first of the group of them–you shall see this enormous cleansing to take place in your nation–you shall see an enormous cleansing to take place in the area where Russia and Ukraine lie, you shall see an enormous cleansing to take place in the states that have been a cancer to this nation, and that have fed the main artery of the nation that has been giving the principalities says the Lord life to try to keep a grip on what is not theirs says the Lord.

I made a covenant says the Lord. I will hold to My covenant. I made a promise to my people. I am faithful and just. I change not. Receive it in Jesus' name. Receive the gift of faith and clarity that I the Lord am giving you to see what I speak of this day. There shall be a confirmation says the Lord thy God this day, in the House–there shall be a confirmation says the Lord thy God this day in points of your nation. It will be unmistakable says the Lord–unmistakable, so hold fast to your faith–walk through these doors courageously–be strong and courageous–do not be afraid for I the Lord thy God am with you wherever you go. Know that I am redirecting you into what I have been grooming you for; for years says the Lord. Do not fight it, but allow it to take place–go the way I say and I the Lord thy God shall protect you, and keep you, and elevate you for My glory, for I search the heart says the Lord, and I know who is doing it from My glory and I know who is doing it for their glory, and I the Lord shall make the distinction in this hour and you shall know by the promotion who is doing it for My glory and concerned for how I the Lord thy God feel–not how they feel, but how I  ultimately feel for its My namesake says the Lord is for My namesake and that in this hour shall be laid bare and that shall be made plain to the people. Trust in Me, believe in Me fast and pray says the Lord–fervently pray–fervently and diligently pray for I am a rewarder says the Lord of those who diligently seek Me thus says the Lord of Hosts. In Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen.

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