A Bang in January: A Bunch of Crazy, Portals Opening and a Civil War in the Church and Government
A Bang in January: A Bunch of Crazy, Portals Opening and a Civil War in the Church and Government
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HciH-iOaCh4
There is a lot going on at the same time between the Church, Vatican and the government.
2 Timothy 3:1-7
But understand this, that in the last days dangerous times [of great stress and trouble] will come [difficult days that will be hard to bear]. 2 For people will be lovers of self [narcissistic, self-focused], lovers of money [impelled by greed], boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane, 3 [and they will be] unloving [devoid of natural human affection, calloused and inhumane], irreconcilable, malicious gossips, devoid of self-control [intemperate, immoral], brutal, haters of good, 4 traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of [sensual] pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 holding to a form of [outward] godliness (religion), although they have denied its power [for their conduct nullifies their claim of faith]. Avoid such people and keep far away from them. 6 For among them are those who worm their way into homes and captivate morally weak and spiritually-dwarfed women weighed down by [the burden of their] sins, easily swayed by various impulses, 7 always learning and listening to anybody who will teach them, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 4:1-4
I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: 2 preach the word [as an official messenger]; be ready when the time is right and even when it is not [keep your sense of urgency, whether the opportunity seems favorable or unfavorable, whether convenient or inconvenient, whether welcome or unwelcome]; correct [those who err in doctrine or behavior], warn [those who sin], exhort and encourage [those who are growing toward spiritual maturity], with inexhaustible patience and [faithful] teaching. 3 For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine and accurate instruction [that challenges them with God’s truth]; but wanting to have their ears tickled [with something pleasing], they will accumulate for themselves [many] teachers [one after another, chosen] to satisfy their own desires and to support the errors they hold, 4 and will turn their ears away from the truth and will wander off into myths and man-made fictions [and will accept the unacceptable].
From December 20, 2024 broadcast…
Professional arsonists start a smoldering fire by a door and the smoldering fire that lacks oxygen, when a door opens oxygen flows in, it causes an explosion and makes it 10 times worse. There is going to be a backdraft in the church. The door is about to be opened.
When you breathe life onto something it becomes your creation.
Jewish word for soul and breath is the same word.
What we say, we are held accountable for this. God will hold you accountable.
You have to serve God, not man, man is fallible. We are just vessels He fills. Fills all to point back to Him and a relationship with Christ.
Do not lead with emotion. Use discernment.
Lord about to bear down conviction. He doesn’t need our help.
Judgment begins in the House of the Lord.
Surrender, Obedience and Sacrifice.
From December 30, 2024 broadcast…
The Holy Spirit is grieved.
Flying monkeys have been sent out to do the dirty work of certain people in the Christian world and the government. I was waiting for this moment when I was warned about a backdraft. It happened in the political arena and is continuing, and now it is happening in the church.
This has been handled wrong and this has turned into Peyton Place meets the Kardashians. What should have happened is Joni Lamb should have said I'm taking my hands off this, I want to be righteous before the Lord. Let the police investigate, let an investigator come in and do their due diligence, whatever happens, happens and according to the findings. I will act accordingly and deal accordingly with all parties involved.
This gentleman introduces himself as an executive vice president followed by all his titles and how important he claims he is. Somehow the claim is very quickly stated that he knows very little about social media, but he happens to know what clickbait is and all the stats on a YouTube channel and what they mean. They are trying to minimize her and reduce Laura Lynn when she has as many views as Daystar right now on YouTube.
You come on as having all these facts and wisdom, knowledge, and tenure at Daystar, you come out trying to bash her and destroy her WHERE WAS YOUR DISCERNMENT DAYSTAR WHEN you brought Laura Lynn on your network? I bet about 2 weeks before she left Daystar you were saying what a blessing Laura Lynn is.
They not only hit the iceberg–they backed up the ship and hit it a second time.
The flying monkeys are being sent in, within the church and the government.
There are some that did not learn their lesson the first time when fools rushed in for interviews and exposure and made a mess and now they say they have learned their lesson but they are publicly doing it again!
God is not your defender oh yea of little faith if you have to come on and threaten, apparently you do not think God is capable of a defense for you by your actions being you have let your pride and puffed up manhood step in front of Him again, apparently you think your mouth is bigger than your God. When someone says they are leaving a situation alone, washing their hands of it, and any other way you want to put it and steps right back into it, well they have not yet learned the lesson the Lord is attempting to teach them.
When you start saying I AM THE ONLY ONE, ME ME ME you are stepping into the same narcissism Elijah the prophet stepped into where the Lord had to correct him and say “there are 7000 who have not bowed their knee to Baal” you are not the only one, you may be the loudest most boastful one but behind the scenes there are a few that have spoken with both sides, publicly there is more than 1.
Had this been handled righteously and with wisdom from the start, wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove, no one would have ever heard about this publicly. It trickles down from the Head, how the head acts the body will follow, how the head acts the body will emulate. If the head manipulates the body will follow.
And that is all I have to say about this right now.
Coming into January starting with a bang!
December 18, 2024
A bang in January says the Lord a bang in January around that time says the Lord, they plot for blood at this time says the Lord, however for such you shall be ripped from your seats of influence in the bureaus and the Intelligence agencies and the pentagon says the Lord for you have been allured with the aroma of another 9-11 to turn the nation your have been allured with delicate dainties that are deceit says the Lord IT IS A DECEPTION AND I SHALL UNCOVER YOU SAYS THE LORD YOUR plots your deceptions your working with nations involved in war to turn America on a chain where you want it to go you foul perverse leaders, you foul perverse agencies, I shall turn you says the Lord another stroke and page says the Lord sound the alarm!
God will come to someone multiple times privately to course correct before they dig in their heels in rebellion and it becomes public.
The last time the Lord used the word BANG was just before January 6, 2021.
April 22, 2024
This applies to the government, congress and the church because it is running parallel.
June 8, 2024
The root shall and will be dug up in a public excavation before the people, for the wicked have mixed in sand with the soil and it has weakened the root.
Thus says the Lord that the door is about to open and this nation must prepare for the enormous political backdraft that will occur because of a door suddenly opening.
YOUR LEADERS SHOULD TREMBLE FOR SCROLLS HAVE ENTERED WASHINGTON DC AND THEY ARE ABOUT TO BE OPENED BY ANGELS PREPARED TO OVERTURN IT AT THE OPENING OF THESE SCROLLS, MY CHURCH NOW IS YOUR HOUR TO RISE UP AND BE THE VOICE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS PROCLAIMING THE WAY OF SALVATION AND LEADING A VERY LOST NATION THROUGH THIS DARK VALLEY, YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD A CITY ON A HILL AND IF PART OF THE CHURCH WANTS TO DIE IN THAT VALLEY OF DRY BONES THEN CONTINUE ON MY LITTLE FLOCK. PROPHESY TO THE VALLEY OF BONES IN YOUR NATION THAT THE GRAVE WILL RELEASE ITS GRIP AND YOUR NATION COMES FORTH FROM THE TOMB OF SODOM IT WAS SO PLACED IN, know this day I am God there is no other, a historic and unprecedented time calls for such measures, the sword of the Spirit and your faith My children is what will make a very broken nation a new vessel upon the wheel of the Potter, the winds of change shall suddenly bring a storm that is one of judgment and correction, prepare My children the desperation they so unleash will be what causes their fall, PRIDE shall now be their judge and jury thus says the Lord of Hosts in Jesus' name.
Dream from November 16, 2018
The Lord gave me a dream a year prior and took me underground under the Vatican where there were tunnels, rooms, etc. Arches step things like that.
There were witches, one disappearing and reappearing, there were warlocks, there were court jesters, there were animal-like demonic figures and they were doing this all around me, however none could harm me because I was under the protection of Almighty God.
So when I awoke and I realized there were more satanic things going on underground within the Vatican than maybe was realized at that point.
Underneath the Vatican rumblings of hell, witchcraft, sorcery, why do you think child abuse with priests has increased says the Lord, that is of the occult in an attempt to split the soul to program those children to be pawns for the spiritually dead.
Specific ceremonies of the Illuminati and the occult beneath the Vatican.
Satan himself has walked the underground, even the interior of the Vatican says the Lord.
The Vatican priests are playing with fire, glazing over God's word for good reason. What people do not know, they are programmed easier in the direction the heads of the Vatican want them to go.
The Vatican is a spiritual mess with unclean spirits from all religions walking inside its walls.
Consulting of spirits is happening in underground chambers, asking these spirits these demon princes for influence over whole countries as long as they do the bidding and plant the seed of one world religion.
An assassination attempt against this pope by those who have seen his agenda watch for this says the Lord and watch for strange signs around the Vatican NEWSWORTHY that will confirm these words and events in Jesus name.
March 29, 2020
Is it another wonder an absolutely Holy God is allowing judgments to begin to deal with these countries, the hammer and the sickle, the axe and the sickle, Germany here the altar of zeus, the throne of satan is housed, is is a wonder we are seeing these events stirring around Purim, into Passover.
January 25, 2024
May 6, 2024
Thus says the Lord, the Vatican, smoke from their chimneys, a changing of the guard for every foul perverse spirit is feasting at their table and they have praised the gods of gold and silver, and the serpent of the rainbow, they have praised their saints and the work of THEIR hands. I the Lord have given mercy and time and in this time their altars shall be broken as well says the Lord as well as the place of MY Son who died at Calvary cleansed of its relics in this time for I the Lord am calling you back to HOLINESS.
October 14, 2024
Thus says the Lord, Europe shall have a large turnover in leadership in this time for they have been weighed and the Vatican has been weighed and their heads shall be paid their wage in this time for leading people astray away from the Lord and wrapping your arms around what is egregious to me.
One of the largest money scandals shall come forth from the Vatican in this time, says the Lord, I see what you have done and I have given time to rectify, yet you have funneled and sent to my enemies to do horrific exploits within the earth, this shall be exposed, smoke from the chimney of the Vatican is coming in this season, says the Lord.
Popes and Jubilees: The opening of the Holy Door in history
Hammer and sickle- Pope uses a hammer to open the door.
Pope Francis Prepares to Open 5 Sacred Portals This Christmas Eve
May 6, 2022
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day. What has gone back to Carter in your nation I the Lord am, pulling from the files kept as not all were destroyed and the time has come to reveal the contents of the boxes that were kept and what has been hidden about his involvement in what is happening now, for deals were made long ago, those deals WERE MADE IN STRICT PACT and now I the Lord your God shall reveal what was done in secret with the east countries what was done in secret with Russia, what was done in Secret with Cuba says the Lord of Hosts in this hour this shall be revealed
Jimmy Carter, the 39th US president, has died at 100
September 6, 2024
Now this 100-year cycle because in 1924 the Olympics were in Paris and the dictator of the Soviet Union died–(Lenin).
2024 The Olympics are in Paris, there is war on the Russian border and the grace period has run out for certain world leaders.
Carter dies 3 days before the end of 2024, 100 year cycle, watch Iran but also his death symbolizes the dying of part of the root of the democratic agenda that began to be laid and stretched out from his presidency forward.
Jimmy Carter turns 100 around the time Iran launches 100 missiles at Israel. When Carter was president November 4, 1979, was the Iranian Hostage Crisis.
The Iran hostage crisis was a diplomatic standoff between Iran and the United States. Fifty-three American diplomats and citizens were held hostage in Iran after a group of armed Iranian college students belonging to the Muslim Student Followers of the Imam's Line, who supported the Iranian Revolution, including Hossein Dehghan (future Iranian Minister of Defense), Mohammad Ali Jafari (future Revolutionary Guards Commander-In-Chief) and Mohammad Bagheri (future Chief of the General Staff of the Iranian Army), took over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took them as hostages. The hostages were held for 444 days, from November 4, 1979, to their release on January 20, 1981. The crisis is considered a pivotal episode in the history of Iran–United States relations. Our election is November 5, 2024, almost 45 years to the day.
Watch Iran!
2024-1979 is 45 years; the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump, is running in this election when another Iranian crisis has now arisen.
As a backdraft is happening in the church, as Carter dies, civil war is appearing to erupt.
As there appears to be a civil type of war or division happening within the church, even the leader of the church of England has stepped down in this time, it has erupted in the political Arena because they are running parallel right now, what is happening in the political arena is happening in the church, and what is happening in the church is happening in the political arena.
Musk had some social media commentators fearing that he’d “space laser us” after lashing out over H-1B immigration debate.
Elon Musk’s war on MAGA has gone nuclear after the billionaire CEO blasted a social media user’s comments about H-1B visas Friday, and former Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon called him a “toddler” for his response.
Musk liked a post that asserted Americans are too “retarded” to fill the country’s tech workforce and supported the idea that top roles should be taken up by “better educated” people from overseas.
In response to Musk’s perceived endorsement of the post, an X user going by the name Steven Mackey reposted a video of Musk from 2021 in which he spoke about SpaceX’s plans for a fully reusable rocket.
“Everyone’s basically—without knowing it—they’ve got a mental straight jacket on. They’ll work on optimizing the thing that should simply not exist,” said Musk in the clip.
Commentators quickly applied Musk’s logic to H-1B, with Mackey asserting that the visas could be “something that shouldn’t exist.”
Trump caught up in fight he 'did not need' due to 'unnecessary trouble-making': analyst
At a time when Donald Trump's inner circle should be working on getting his Cabinet nominees primed for getting Senate approval, now time is being spent tamping down on a foreign worker controversy that has riled the president-elect's base forcing him to have to weigh in.
At the center of the controversy are comments made by Trump advisors Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk about America needing more H-1B foreign specialty workers which has erupted into a war with Trump's MAGA base that had been promised "America First" policies.
Appearing on CNN early Sunday morning, longtime political observer Lynn Sweet claimed the timing could not be worse and it has forced Trump to take sides –– which is not being received well .
Speaking with host Amara Walker, the Chicago Sun-Times journalist explained, "What we're seeing here is a civil war being triggered by the unelected advisers to President Trump, so let's just see where this goes. Immigration is the most important issue to the MAGA base and now the DOGE, you know, he appointed Musk and Ramaswamy to reform the government, have waded into an area of making policy."
The Lord is going to shift the administration 2-3 months in.
April 28, 2023
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, this election cycle that is coming upon you shall be the most baffling, shocking, and head-scratching that has occurred, there shall be unexpected surfacings and there shall be a parting of the parties and independents shall rise who do not want to be chained to either the marching elephants or the backbiting donkeys says the Lord, beholden to neither side, there shall be a DEEP GAP AND SPLIT AND CIVIL WAR WITHIN ONE PARTY. A GAPING HOLE SAYS THE LORD INCLUDING IN A MONUMENT, WHAT A SPECTACLE SAYS THE LORD.
May 26, 2023
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day; a CIVIL war says the Lord CIVIL, a war of cases in the courts shall flood the system going into 2024; a case of the century is set to form going into 2024, says the Lord. And says the Lord of Hosts, Titans, huffing and puffing as bulls says the Lord are moving into their appointed corners; a vying for dominance is not what candidates make. However, says the Lord, a surrender to the strategy I the Lord have to put forth shall change the course of races; however, says the Lord, shall bulls huffing and puffing be tame enough to accept such? This is the hour, says the Lord; they are to decide as lines are being drawn for a clash of the titans where carnage shall be everywhere if they do not learn to be yoked to the same yoke and till the fields of America together, says the Lord.
June 4, 2024 was titled prison door and a TURBULENT TRANSITION
Those with loose lips right now will very publicly sink their own ships that they have steered into waters of non-credibility, fallacy, lies, and putting sources and information out that are meant to confuse and cause people to put their trust in sources that are fallible rather than Almighty God who is absolute truth.
December 12, 2024
Now, here comes the Civil War and Sibling War, because David opened the door with coveting, adultery, murder, and abuse.
December 12, 2023
On December 7th at 11:09pm I had a vision. I had closed my eyes for a few minutes and I saw what looked like a sign coming down vertically, all black squares with white letters in it. It spelled the name Abner. As I opened my eyes, I clearly heard Abner, son of Ner.
Biblically Speaking Abner, the son of Ner, was the commander-in-chief of Saul’s army in 1 Samuel 14, during his reign as king of Israel. As Saul's top general, Abner was a respected military commander and valued advisor to the king. He held one of the highest positions of power in the nation. He played a pivotal role in the military career of David. Although he became a staunch adversary to David in his flight from King Saul, David mourned for Abner when he died, granting his former commander full honors.
As David became more successful and famous, his role in the army under Saul's rule, fell under Abner’s command. We do not know how much influence Abner had in David’s life. However, it is not out of the question to conclude that Abner mentored David as he came up the ranks of the army.
As David’s popularity increased, the people of Israel began to praise David’s triumphs above the king’s triumphs.
1 Samuel 18:7
The women sang as they played, and said,
“Saul has slain his thousands,
And David his ten thousands.”
This caused the schism. As Saul became more corrupted and neurotic, he grew angry and suspicious of David.
Before long, this tormented king viewed David’s prosperity as a threat. Saul suddenly turns on David and resolves to kill Him to do away with David ascending to the throne. His once-adopted son now becomes a fugitive and an exile.
Why Did Joab Kill Abner?
As Abner left the contest, Asahel, the swift-footed younger brother of Joab, pursued the much older general. Abner warned the ambitious Asahel to turn back, but he refused. As Asahel closed the gap, the more experienced Abner impaled Asahel with the butt end of his spear, killing him on the spot (2 Samuel 2:18-23).
Abner’s actions began a civil war with Abner, the house of Saul, and the armies of Israel fighting David, his mighty men, and the tribe of Judah.
As the war escalated, the Bible tells us that “Abner was making himself strong in the house of Saul”
2 Samuel 3:6-11
It came about while there was war between the house of Saul and the house of David that Abner was making himself strong in the house of Saul. 7 Now Saul had a concubine whose name was Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah; and Ish-bosheth said to Abner, “Why have you gone into my father’s concubine?” 8 Then Abner was very angry over the words of Ish-bosheth and said, “Am I a dog’s head that belongs to Judah? Today I show kindness to the house of Saul your father, to his brothers and to his friends, and have not delivered you into the hands of David; and yet today you charge me with a guilt concerning the woman. 9 May God do so to Abner, and more also, if as the Lord has sworn to David, I do not accomplish this for him, 10 to transfer the kingdom from the house of Saul and to establish the throne of David over Israel and over Judah, from Dan even to Beersheba.” 11 And he could no longer answer Abner a word, because he was afraid of him.
What exactly this means is up for debate. However, we read that Abner claimed Rizpah, a concubine of King Saul, for himself Some would have viewed this as a move to seize Saul’s power. We see this same issue arise with King Solomon and his brother Adonijah. While his motives may be unclear, Ish-bosheth perceived Abner’s actions as an attempt to claim the throne and accused Abner of sedition (2 Samuel 3:7).
Sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
There are a few Abner's in the church and around the president that are switching sides.
They are going to get us into a scuffle. They are strengthening themselves off the “civil war” in the church and the government.
They are inciting people. Same spirit trying to incite the same sedition: David and Saul and Trump and Elon.
Everything is running parallel between church and government.
In the word DOGE is God. These two better park it and submit to the Lord.
Intellectuals will do this when they are not kept in check. Known to gaslight, cause dumpster fires and wars. Too busy with the intellectual side and don’t listen to the spiritual side.
The government and church cannot go on in the current state they are in. The roots are the same, it has off shoots into different areas.
The church is supposed to be the standard and occupy until the Lord returns.
There comes a point where we have to break the cycle and be the standard.
Be righteous before God.
We are accountable to God by all words.
God will take what you have been given to steward if you become rebellious, you become a Saul, and give it to your neighbor, a David.
You should be able to hear the voice of your shepherd above all else, above all other voices.
God takes what is broken and restores it.
Saul fell on his own sword. The Vatican will fall by its own sword. The government will fall by its own sword.
Walk circumspectly, do not boast. Watch what we do and how we say it.
Motive matters to God. He is weighing and measuring it and watching your heart.
Don’t abuse what God has given you. Elijah is an example- tried to play God.
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HciH-iOaCh4
There is a lot going on at the same time between the Church, Vatican and the government.
2 Timothy 3:1-7
But understand this, that in the last days dangerous times [of great stress and trouble] will come [difficult days that will be hard to bear]. 2 For people will be lovers of self [narcissistic, self-focused], lovers of money [impelled by greed], boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane, 3 [and they will be] unloving [devoid of natural human affection, calloused and inhumane], irreconcilable, malicious gossips, devoid of self-control [intemperate, immoral], brutal, haters of good, 4 traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of [sensual] pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 holding to a form of [outward] godliness (religion), although they have denied its power [for their conduct nullifies their claim of faith]. Avoid such people and keep far away from them. 6 For among them are those who worm their way into homes and captivate morally weak and spiritually-dwarfed women weighed down by [the burden of their] sins, easily swayed by various impulses, 7 always learning and listening to anybody who will teach them, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 4:1-4
I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: 2 preach the word [as an official messenger]; be ready when the time is right and even when it is not [keep your sense of urgency, whether the opportunity seems favorable or unfavorable, whether convenient or inconvenient, whether welcome or unwelcome]; correct [those who err in doctrine or behavior], warn [those who sin], exhort and encourage [those who are growing toward spiritual maturity], with inexhaustible patience and [faithful] teaching. 3 For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine and accurate instruction [that challenges them with God’s truth]; but wanting to have their ears tickled [with something pleasing], they will accumulate for themselves [many] teachers [one after another, chosen] to satisfy their own desires and to support the errors they hold, 4 and will turn their ears away from the truth and will wander off into myths and man-made fictions [and will accept the unacceptable].
From December 20, 2024 broadcast…
Professional arsonists start a smoldering fire by a door and the smoldering fire that lacks oxygen, when a door opens oxygen flows in, it causes an explosion and makes it 10 times worse. There is going to be a backdraft in the church. The door is about to be opened.
When you breathe life onto something it becomes your creation.
Jewish word for soul and breath is the same word.
What we say, we are held accountable for this. God will hold you accountable.
You have to serve God, not man, man is fallible. We are just vessels He fills. Fills all to point back to Him and a relationship with Christ.
Do not lead with emotion. Use discernment.
Lord about to bear down conviction. He doesn’t need our help.
Judgment begins in the House of the Lord.
Surrender, Obedience and Sacrifice.
From December 30, 2024 broadcast…
The Holy Spirit is grieved.
Flying monkeys have been sent out to do the dirty work of certain people in the Christian world and the government. I was waiting for this moment when I was warned about a backdraft. It happened in the political arena and is continuing, and now it is happening in the church.
This has been handled wrong and this has turned into Peyton Place meets the Kardashians. What should have happened is Joni Lamb should have said I'm taking my hands off this, I want to be righteous before the Lord. Let the police investigate, let an investigator come in and do their due diligence, whatever happens, happens and according to the findings. I will act accordingly and deal accordingly with all parties involved.
This gentleman introduces himself as an executive vice president followed by all his titles and how important he claims he is. Somehow the claim is very quickly stated that he knows very little about social media, but he happens to know what clickbait is and all the stats on a YouTube channel and what they mean. They are trying to minimize her and reduce Laura Lynn when she has as many views as Daystar right now on YouTube.
You come on as having all these facts and wisdom, knowledge, and tenure at Daystar, you come out trying to bash her and destroy her WHERE WAS YOUR DISCERNMENT DAYSTAR WHEN you brought Laura Lynn on your network? I bet about 2 weeks before she left Daystar you were saying what a blessing Laura Lynn is.
They not only hit the iceberg–they backed up the ship and hit it a second time.
The flying monkeys are being sent in, within the church and the government.
There are some that did not learn their lesson the first time when fools rushed in for interviews and exposure and made a mess and now they say they have learned their lesson but they are publicly doing it again!
God is not your defender oh yea of little faith if you have to come on and threaten, apparently you do not think God is capable of a defense for you by your actions being you have let your pride and puffed up manhood step in front of Him again, apparently you think your mouth is bigger than your God. When someone says they are leaving a situation alone, washing their hands of it, and any other way you want to put it and steps right back into it, well they have not yet learned the lesson the Lord is attempting to teach them.
When you start saying I AM THE ONLY ONE, ME ME ME you are stepping into the same narcissism Elijah the prophet stepped into where the Lord had to correct him and say “there are 7000 who have not bowed their knee to Baal” you are not the only one, you may be the loudest most boastful one but behind the scenes there are a few that have spoken with both sides, publicly there is more than 1.
Had this been handled righteously and with wisdom from the start, wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove, no one would have ever heard about this publicly. It trickles down from the Head, how the head acts the body will follow, how the head acts the body will emulate. If the head manipulates the body will follow.
And that is all I have to say about this right now.
Coming into January starting with a bang!
December 18, 2024
A bang in January says the Lord a bang in January around that time says the Lord, they plot for blood at this time says the Lord, however for such you shall be ripped from your seats of influence in the bureaus and the Intelligence agencies and the pentagon says the Lord for you have been allured with the aroma of another 9-11 to turn the nation your have been allured with delicate dainties that are deceit says the Lord IT IS A DECEPTION AND I SHALL UNCOVER YOU SAYS THE LORD YOUR plots your deceptions your working with nations involved in war to turn America on a chain where you want it to go you foul perverse leaders, you foul perverse agencies, I shall turn you says the Lord another stroke and page says the Lord sound the alarm!
God will come to someone multiple times privately to course correct before they dig in their heels in rebellion and it becomes public.
The last time the Lord used the word BANG was just before January 6, 2021.
April 22, 2024
This applies to the government, congress and the church because it is running parallel.
June 8, 2024
The root shall and will be dug up in a public excavation before the people, for the wicked have mixed in sand with the soil and it has weakened the root.
Thus says the Lord that the door is about to open and this nation must prepare for the enormous political backdraft that will occur because of a door suddenly opening.
YOUR LEADERS SHOULD TREMBLE FOR SCROLLS HAVE ENTERED WASHINGTON DC AND THEY ARE ABOUT TO BE OPENED BY ANGELS PREPARED TO OVERTURN IT AT THE OPENING OF THESE SCROLLS, MY CHURCH NOW IS YOUR HOUR TO RISE UP AND BE THE VOICE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS PROCLAIMING THE WAY OF SALVATION AND LEADING A VERY LOST NATION THROUGH THIS DARK VALLEY, YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD A CITY ON A HILL AND IF PART OF THE CHURCH WANTS TO DIE IN THAT VALLEY OF DRY BONES THEN CONTINUE ON MY LITTLE FLOCK. PROPHESY TO THE VALLEY OF BONES IN YOUR NATION THAT THE GRAVE WILL RELEASE ITS GRIP AND YOUR NATION COMES FORTH FROM THE TOMB OF SODOM IT WAS SO PLACED IN, know this day I am God there is no other, a historic and unprecedented time calls for such measures, the sword of the Spirit and your faith My children is what will make a very broken nation a new vessel upon the wheel of the Potter, the winds of change shall suddenly bring a storm that is one of judgment and correction, prepare My children the desperation they so unleash will be what causes their fall, PRIDE shall now be their judge and jury thus says the Lord of Hosts in Jesus' name.
Dream from November 16, 2018
The Lord gave me a dream a year prior and took me underground under the Vatican where there were tunnels, rooms, etc. Arches step things like that.
There were witches, one disappearing and reappearing, there were warlocks, there were court jesters, there were animal-like demonic figures and they were doing this all around me, however none could harm me because I was under the protection of Almighty God.
So when I awoke and I realized there were more satanic things going on underground within the Vatican than maybe was realized at that point.
Underneath the Vatican rumblings of hell, witchcraft, sorcery, why do you think child abuse with priests has increased says the Lord, that is of the occult in an attempt to split the soul to program those children to be pawns for the spiritually dead.
Specific ceremonies of the Illuminati and the occult beneath the Vatican.
Satan himself has walked the underground, even the interior of the Vatican says the Lord.
The Vatican priests are playing with fire, glazing over God's word for good reason. What people do not know, they are programmed easier in the direction the heads of the Vatican want them to go.
The Vatican is a spiritual mess with unclean spirits from all religions walking inside its walls.
Consulting of spirits is happening in underground chambers, asking these spirits these demon princes for influence over whole countries as long as they do the bidding and plant the seed of one world religion.
An assassination attempt against this pope by those who have seen his agenda watch for this says the Lord and watch for strange signs around the Vatican NEWSWORTHY that will confirm these words and events in Jesus name.
March 29, 2020
Is it another wonder an absolutely Holy God is allowing judgments to begin to deal with these countries, the hammer and the sickle, the axe and the sickle, Germany here the altar of zeus, the throne of satan is housed, is is a wonder we are seeing these events stirring around Purim, into Passover.
January 25, 2024
May 6, 2024
Thus says the Lord, the Vatican, smoke from their chimneys, a changing of the guard for every foul perverse spirit is feasting at their table and they have praised the gods of gold and silver, and the serpent of the rainbow, they have praised their saints and the work of THEIR hands. I the Lord have given mercy and time and in this time their altars shall be broken as well says the Lord as well as the place of MY Son who died at Calvary cleansed of its relics in this time for I the Lord am calling you back to HOLINESS.
October 14, 2024
Thus says the Lord, Europe shall have a large turnover in leadership in this time for they have been weighed and the Vatican has been weighed and their heads shall be paid their wage in this time for leading people astray away from the Lord and wrapping your arms around what is egregious to me.
One of the largest money scandals shall come forth from the Vatican in this time, says the Lord, I see what you have done and I have given time to rectify, yet you have funneled and sent to my enemies to do horrific exploits within the earth, this shall be exposed, smoke from the chimney of the Vatican is coming in this season, says the Lord.
Popes and Jubilees: The opening of the Holy Door in history
Hammer and sickle- Pope uses a hammer to open the door.
Pope Francis Prepares to Open 5 Sacred Portals This Christmas Eve
May 6, 2022
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day. What has gone back to Carter in your nation I the Lord am, pulling from the files kept as not all were destroyed and the time has come to reveal the contents of the boxes that were kept and what has been hidden about his involvement in what is happening now, for deals were made long ago, those deals WERE MADE IN STRICT PACT and now I the Lord your God shall reveal what was done in secret with the east countries what was done in secret with Russia, what was done in Secret with Cuba says the Lord of Hosts in this hour this shall be revealed
Jimmy Carter, the 39th US president, has died at 100
September 6, 2024
Now this 100-year cycle because in 1924 the Olympics were in Paris and the dictator of the Soviet Union died–(Lenin).
2024 The Olympics are in Paris, there is war on the Russian border and the grace period has run out for certain world leaders.
Carter dies 3 days before the end of 2024, 100 year cycle, watch Iran but also his death symbolizes the dying of part of the root of the democratic agenda that began to be laid and stretched out from his presidency forward.
Jimmy Carter turns 100 around the time Iran launches 100 missiles at Israel. When Carter was president November 4, 1979, was the Iranian Hostage Crisis.
The Iran hostage crisis was a diplomatic standoff between Iran and the United States. Fifty-three American diplomats and citizens were held hostage in Iran after a group of armed Iranian college students belonging to the Muslim Student Followers of the Imam's Line, who supported the Iranian Revolution, including Hossein Dehghan (future Iranian Minister of Defense), Mohammad Ali Jafari (future Revolutionary Guards Commander-In-Chief) and Mohammad Bagheri (future Chief of the General Staff of the Iranian Army), took over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took them as hostages. The hostages were held for 444 days, from November 4, 1979, to their release on January 20, 1981. The crisis is considered a pivotal episode in the history of Iran–United States relations. Our election is November 5, 2024, almost 45 years to the day.
Watch Iran!
2024-1979 is 45 years; the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump, is running in this election when another Iranian crisis has now arisen.
As a backdraft is happening in the church, as Carter dies, civil war is appearing to erupt.
As there appears to be a civil type of war or division happening within the church, even the leader of the church of England has stepped down in this time, it has erupted in the political Arena because they are running parallel right now, what is happening in the political arena is happening in the church, and what is happening in the church is happening in the political arena.
Musk had some social media commentators fearing that he’d “space laser us” after lashing out over H-1B immigration debate.
Elon Musk’s war on MAGA has gone nuclear after the billionaire CEO blasted a social media user’s comments about H-1B visas Friday, and former Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon called him a “toddler” for his response.
Musk liked a post that asserted Americans are too “retarded” to fill the country’s tech workforce and supported the idea that top roles should be taken up by “better educated” people from overseas.
In response to Musk’s perceived endorsement of the post, an X user going by the name Steven Mackey reposted a video of Musk from 2021 in which he spoke about SpaceX’s plans for a fully reusable rocket.
“Everyone’s basically—without knowing it—they’ve got a mental straight jacket on. They’ll work on optimizing the thing that should simply not exist,” said Musk in the clip.
Commentators quickly applied Musk’s logic to H-1B, with Mackey asserting that the visas could be “something that shouldn’t exist.”
Trump caught up in fight he 'did not need' due to 'unnecessary trouble-making': analyst
At a time when Donald Trump's inner circle should be working on getting his Cabinet nominees primed for getting Senate approval, now time is being spent tamping down on a foreign worker controversy that has riled the president-elect's base forcing him to have to weigh in.
At the center of the controversy are comments made by Trump advisors Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk about America needing more H-1B foreign specialty workers which has erupted into a war with Trump's MAGA base that had been promised "America First" policies.
Appearing on CNN early Sunday morning, longtime political observer Lynn Sweet claimed the timing could not be worse and it has forced Trump to take sides –– which is not being received well .
Speaking with host Amara Walker, the Chicago Sun-Times journalist explained, "What we're seeing here is a civil war being triggered by the unelected advisers to President Trump, so let's just see where this goes. Immigration is the most important issue to the MAGA base and now the DOGE, you know, he appointed Musk and Ramaswamy to reform the government, have waded into an area of making policy."
The Lord is going to shift the administration 2-3 months in.
April 28, 2023
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, this election cycle that is coming upon you shall be the most baffling, shocking, and head-scratching that has occurred, there shall be unexpected surfacings and there shall be a parting of the parties and independents shall rise who do not want to be chained to either the marching elephants or the backbiting donkeys says the Lord, beholden to neither side, there shall be a DEEP GAP AND SPLIT AND CIVIL WAR WITHIN ONE PARTY. A GAPING HOLE SAYS THE LORD INCLUDING IN A MONUMENT, WHAT A SPECTACLE SAYS THE LORD.
May 26, 2023
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day; a CIVIL war says the Lord CIVIL, a war of cases in the courts shall flood the system going into 2024; a case of the century is set to form going into 2024, says the Lord. And says the Lord of Hosts, Titans, huffing and puffing as bulls says the Lord are moving into their appointed corners; a vying for dominance is not what candidates make. However, says the Lord, a surrender to the strategy I the Lord have to put forth shall change the course of races; however, says the Lord, shall bulls huffing and puffing be tame enough to accept such? This is the hour, says the Lord; they are to decide as lines are being drawn for a clash of the titans where carnage shall be everywhere if they do not learn to be yoked to the same yoke and till the fields of America together, says the Lord.
June 4, 2024 was titled prison door and a TURBULENT TRANSITION
Those with loose lips right now will very publicly sink their own ships that they have steered into waters of non-credibility, fallacy, lies, and putting sources and information out that are meant to confuse and cause people to put their trust in sources that are fallible rather than Almighty God who is absolute truth.
December 12, 2024
Now, here comes the Civil War and Sibling War, because David opened the door with coveting, adultery, murder, and abuse.
December 12, 2023
On December 7th at 11:09pm I had a vision. I had closed my eyes for a few minutes and I saw what looked like a sign coming down vertically, all black squares with white letters in it. It spelled the name Abner. As I opened my eyes, I clearly heard Abner, son of Ner.
Biblically Speaking Abner, the son of Ner, was the commander-in-chief of Saul’s army in 1 Samuel 14, during his reign as king of Israel. As Saul's top general, Abner was a respected military commander and valued advisor to the king. He held one of the highest positions of power in the nation. He played a pivotal role in the military career of David. Although he became a staunch adversary to David in his flight from King Saul, David mourned for Abner when he died, granting his former commander full honors.
As David became more successful and famous, his role in the army under Saul's rule, fell under Abner’s command. We do not know how much influence Abner had in David’s life. However, it is not out of the question to conclude that Abner mentored David as he came up the ranks of the army.
As David’s popularity increased, the people of Israel began to praise David’s triumphs above the king’s triumphs.
1 Samuel 18:7
The women sang as they played, and said,
“Saul has slain his thousands,
And David his ten thousands.”
This caused the schism. As Saul became more corrupted and neurotic, he grew angry and suspicious of David.
Before long, this tormented king viewed David’s prosperity as a threat. Saul suddenly turns on David and resolves to kill Him to do away with David ascending to the throne. His once-adopted son now becomes a fugitive and an exile.
Why Did Joab Kill Abner?
As Abner left the contest, Asahel, the swift-footed younger brother of Joab, pursued the much older general. Abner warned the ambitious Asahel to turn back, but he refused. As Asahel closed the gap, the more experienced Abner impaled Asahel with the butt end of his spear, killing him on the spot (2 Samuel 2:18-23).
Abner’s actions began a civil war with Abner, the house of Saul, and the armies of Israel fighting David, his mighty men, and the tribe of Judah.
As the war escalated, the Bible tells us that “Abner was making himself strong in the house of Saul”
2 Samuel 3:6-11
It came about while there was war between the house of Saul and the house of David that Abner was making himself strong in the house of Saul. 7 Now Saul had a concubine whose name was Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah; and Ish-bosheth said to Abner, “Why have you gone into my father’s concubine?” 8 Then Abner was very angry over the words of Ish-bosheth and said, “Am I a dog’s head that belongs to Judah? Today I show kindness to the house of Saul your father, to his brothers and to his friends, and have not delivered you into the hands of David; and yet today you charge me with a guilt concerning the woman. 9 May God do so to Abner, and more also, if as the Lord has sworn to David, I do not accomplish this for him, 10 to transfer the kingdom from the house of Saul and to establish the throne of David over Israel and over Judah, from Dan even to Beersheba.” 11 And he could no longer answer Abner a word, because he was afraid of him.
What exactly this means is up for debate. However, we read that Abner claimed Rizpah, a concubine of King Saul, for himself Some would have viewed this as a move to seize Saul’s power. We see this same issue arise with King Solomon and his brother Adonijah. While his motives may be unclear, Ish-bosheth perceived Abner’s actions as an attempt to claim the throne and accused Abner of sedition (2 Samuel 3:7).
Sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
There are a few Abner's in the church and around the president that are switching sides.
They are going to get us into a scuffle. They are strengthening themselves off the “civil war” in the church and the government.
They are inciting people. Same spirit trying to incite the same sedition: David and Saul and Trump and Elon.
Everything is running parallel between church and government.
In the word DOGE is God. These two better park it and submit to the Lord.
Intellectuals will do this when they are not kept in check. Known to gaslight, cause dumpster fires and wars. Too busy with the intellectual side and don’t listen to the spiritual side.
The government and church cannot go on in the current state they are in. The roots are the same, it has off shoots into different areas.
The church is supposed to be the standard and occupy until the Lord returns.
There comes a point where we have to break the cycle and be the standard.
Be righteous before God.
We are accountable to God by all words.
God will take what you have been given to steward if you become rebellious, you become a Saul, and give it to your neighbor, a David.
You should be able to hear the voice of your shepherd above all else, above all other voices.
God takes what is broken and restores it.
Saul fell on his own sword. The Vatican will fall by its own sword. The government will fall by its own sword.
Walk circumspectly, do not boast. Watch what we do and how we say it.
Motive matters to God. He is weighing and measuring it and watching your heart.
Don’t abuse what God has given you. Elijah is an example- tried to play God.
Posted in Prophecy Fulfilling and Prophetic Insight
Posted in government, congress, church, the church, civil war, Vatican, Europe, Jimmy Carter, Carter, Iran, Musk, Trump, Daystar, Joni Lamb, Laura Lynn, Vivek Ramaswamy, the last days
Posted in government, congress, church, the church, civil war, Vatican, Europe, Jimmy Carter, Carter, Iran, Musk, Trump, Daystar, Joni Lamb, Laura Lynn, Vivek Ramaswamy, the last days
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This was posted by Dutch Sheets (Give Him 15) on January 1, 2025:
nThe introduction to the written devotion speaks of starting the year off with a bang!
Coming under the headship of God, under His yoke the chief and Commander and his appointees with the alignment of God to rebuild our church and nation. To be in align with God's heart in reaching the nations and the children.
In reference to the first part of the message, I have not followed to whats been said about Day Star and the headship, so I have been neutral. But from my experience and the Word of God, do not give stones to the enemy to throw back at you for the world to see. The realignment in God's house should remain in God's house and not in the world. We should be judged by God and not of men of the world. The restoration of the Republic of our nation, we the church is the authority and the example for our nations rebuilding, so become one with Him, One Nation Under God.
I wish Amanda would please do another prayer night before the inauguration.???