©2024 Ark of Grace Ministries

A Powerful Word and Insight: God in the Storm and An Urgent Hour

9-29-24 Word 
And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God. Behold, I will strengthen you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand, says the Lord of hosts. In an hour, says the Lord, of tumult and upheaval and sinking and breaking and shaking within the nation. An outcry has gone up in the nation, says the Lord. And I have heard that outcry, says the Lord, come before my courts. I have begun to hear the cries of my people, says the Lord. Get louder and louder. In an hour where the enemy is attempting to drown out the word of the Lord.

Thus says the Lord. Around the time of Yom Kippur, I am going to begin to muzzle the enemy's mouth. I am going to begin to muzzle the megaphones. I am going to begin to muzzle those that have yelled the loudest and done his bidding and played the thieves for him to steal what does not belong to him. It belongs to me, says the Lord.

Thus says the Lord. As the pressure builds in this hour, as you reach the precipice of leadership in your nation, of choosing a leader. I speak to you, says the Lord, all those running for office, humble yourselves completely before me, says the Lord. Proclaim my name, says the Lord, and I will honor you before the assembly. Fear not, do not falter right now. Do not let your mouth get ahead of your walk, says the Lord. For I order your steps, says the Lord. And I will order your steps, says the Lord, to November. And even though they falter, even though they attempt to make you fall,  even though they will come for your children, says the Lord, even though they do. I, the Lord, have issued a judgment from my throne that has nullified that request. And it shall be nullified in the natural, says the Lord. And you shall see these events take place as I, the Lord, am raising reverence in your nation. I am raising reverence in your capital. A reverence is going to raise to me, says the Lord, in an hour where they try to curse my name and challenge me, and they try to bring their gods before me. Thus, says the Lord, I shall crack their bases.  I shall throw down their gods. I shall make those who even do not serve me humble and tremble before me. For I, the Lord, am speaking down the judgments and the removal, says the Lord, of the puppets, says the Lord, of the abusers, of the accusers, of the brethren, says the Lord. I am removing those that have been used by corrupt individuals that hide behind a curtain of darkness and have put them in the forefront to fall and to be the bait.  I, the Lord, am tearing that curtain in two. I am grabbing them by their ear.  I am dragging them out into the public, says the Lord. And I shall expose them. This nation weighs in the balance, says the Lord. And my people, says the Lord, need to humble themselves right now in an hour of puffed up pride and arrogance,  in an hour of rhetoric and nonsensical bickering. My people need to operate in the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. The word of God is living and active, my children, and sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of soul and spirit, of joint and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

And thus, says the Lord, Israel is about to get reinforcements from me, says the Lord.  I am about to send reinforcements as they cry out to me.  For their leader shall be the ox for me that topples the regime of Iran. He shall be fully yoked, and your leader shall be fully yoked,  and used as an ox to plow the fields of America and tear down what the wicked have built.  For I, the Lord, use whom I choose. I search the heart. I search the depths of the soul that man could never see. And then I, the Lord, bring forth a plan to utilize them in a way and push them in a way they never thought they would go. Because when man is yoked, I am the master, says the Lord, and I steer them in the way they should go. And there has been a chain put on this nation for decades,  a heavy chain from the rulers of the darkness of this world that have tried to bind up the heavenlies, that have tried to squeeze this nation, that have tried to strip it of every blessing that came with the covenant that they made.  And thus says the Lord, I am giving orders to be sent forth from my throne on scrolls for my army to go forth and cut that chain in key areas and cause it to fall, says the Lord.  And then I, the Lord, shall take a yoke of submission and righteousness, and I shall place it around your capital that has become a haunt for every jackal and devil to come and operate in their agenda. It is not a White House, says the Lord. It is a detestable house. It is a smeared house. It is a darkened house. And thus says the Lord, that entire White House is about to be eclipsed, says the Lord.  That entire White House, by my power, says the Lord, is about to be eclipsed and dealt with down to the depths of even what lies underneath the White House. I, the Lord, shall bring it forth and expose it, says the Lord.

And thus says the Lord, to the Supreme Court, in this hour, you are a representation of me on this earth. You are a judge. You are a high judge. I expect you to rule and walk in righteousness and to not back down to the threats, for if you do, your seat will rupture and you will lose your seat before the nation. For I require obedience in this hour from those who want to sit in the highest seats of the land. I require it, says the Lord. From their families, I require it. And they will humble themselves in obedience, or they will not serve. For I am a God of justice, and I am a merciful God, and I have given time, I have given mercy, and I have given a window that I have left open for my people to call to the heavens before my throne. And in this season, says the Lord, since death and life are in the power of the tongue, you speak life over this nation, says the Lord. You speak to the tomb that the United States of America was put in because my son is the resurrection, and his power dwells within you. Allow me, says the Lord, to operate through you. Speak the word. Be in the word. Know the word in this hour of tumult, for the enemy is about to bring another fierce advance that is going to attempt to throw your nation into complete chaos and destruction. However, I, the Lord, have raised a standard, and it shall stop him short of his mark. And those who serve their father, the devil shall be dealt with in this hour, for they chose. And I'm telling you this day, my people, choose this day. How long will you falter between two opinions? How long? I have shown signs in the heavens. I have worked miraculously in the earth. How long will you falter between pagan, demonic, false gods who do not have power? They may try influence.  But behold, I have given unto you the power, says the Lord, to trample upon serpents and scorpions against all the onslaught of the enemy, all the power of the enemy. So nothing shall by any means hurt you, says the Lord. Speak it in this hour. I require it of my people, for I am weighing the church in this hour. And those that stand, says the Lord, will be elevated before the assembly, and those that end up retreating, those that falter, those that turn a blind eye, says the Lord, shall be stripped of what they built because they loved Mammon, and they loved what they built more than they loved me.

I require it in this hour. So stand, my children. Stand in an hour of tumult. Stand in an hour of darkness. Be the salt. Be the light. Be the name that echoes across the nation. Speak the name of Jesus Christ and his word into the tomb the United States was put in because the power that raised Christ from the dead dwells within you. And if you speak it, it shall strip its grave clothes and bring it back forth from the tomb they were prepared to put the stone over. However, I have delayed it and I have not allowed it because I am merciful. Rise up in this hour, my church. Rise up out of this state. Rise up as a voice crying in the wilderness. Prepare ye the way of the Lord, for I am coming and my glory will hit this nation in this hour. Thus says the Lord of hosts, in Jesus' name.

F5 Word from 8.29.22 
"During the storm the disciples thought they were sinking, they thought the boat would not make it, they thought they would perish, HOWEVER my Son Jesus Christ was IN THE BOAT, and within your nation is a growing remnant in which MY SON is in the boat during the Storm, and the storm shall not be able to take out and destroy your nation for I the Lord thy God am the one who rebukes the Storm, I am the great I am, I the Lord speak and it is and I the Lord God see the storm, the whirlwind the enemy has attempted, an F5 indeed as he attempts to gain momentum however, the eye is weak, the formings of the storm are corrupt and what gives it its power is weakening says the Lord of Hosts and I the Lord am allowing these things to take place in your nation to bring down wickedness, to expose corruptness in the house of God, to bring down America’s golden calves, the bring down the high places, to stop their flow of Blood, to rectify back past the 1960’s the wicked root that was planted in your nation, that has grown into a vine and has stretched forth its tentacles and attempted to hold on to all KEY areas in your nation, however says the Lord the root has weakened the vine has become dry and brittle, and death is creeping up that vine SAYS THE LORD OF HOSTS, the life is leaving it and departing and it shall be split in two so it cannot send resources to the head anymore. "

7.11.24 Word of the Lord
Be ready, and Alert says the Lord, be sober-minded in this hour, for the desperation has mounted that the most outlandish, destructive, heinous acts shall be attempted to hold onto a platform that has now become dry sand and is crumbling piece by piece in this hour.

America is in the valley, says the Lord, yes, it is a valley of decision; however, it is also a valley of dryness of lawlessness and I AM YOUR SHEPHERD, Oh AMERICA. I THE LORD, YOUR GOD AM YOUR SHEPHERD, if you stay in this valley you will stagnate and fall, In this hour there must be a great push of faith to get through such a valley, for the pressure system in such is causing nothing to grow and a decaying of what is.

Thus says the Lord, the government, the highest seats in your nation are about to make a VERY sharp maneuver that those of both parties shall look on in shock as this sharp maneuver shall cause a derailment and tracks to break and wheels to lose their security and fall off, says the Lord.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the high places says the Lord how they have attempted to claim territory. In this time you shall begin to see these high places fall in unusual and unexpected ways, for MY POWER shall tear them down, says the Lord, in ways that will shock the nation and cause those in their corruption to become very uneasy as such occurs.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, a double fall within family lines, within party lines, falls in 2's, says the Lord. This you shall see for an emergency meeting has been called, and the elephants in the room have sat with the most boastful of Donkeys and developed an elaborate plan; they have moved to distract and switch, and both parties are involved, says the Lord, including those on the high committees, says the Lord. Those 2 who have been in Congress the longest will fall because of such a meeting, says the Lord, for when they attempt it, it shall hit a snag and tare before the people of the nation, and it shall be a crisis for both parties, says the Lord BOTH PARTIES.

And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day phenomenons of nature, of land, of ocean, of weather will continue in such a year, says the Lord, they will continue to call such BIBLICAL events, and they are such, says the Lord, and I shall continue to allow such to separate the people from that same spirit that ensnared them in Egypt, says the Lord. It is being allowed to demonstrate My power; the earth is MY footstool, and I the Lord, do what I please because the earth is the Lord’s and the FULLNESS THEREOF.

Thus says the Lord, around the time of September there shall be events in tandem, MULTIPLES says the Lord, that are going to attempt to throw your nation into upheaval says the Lord, do not fall for the charade or the public parade they attempt to put on to punish the people of this nation, for the upheaval shall be a desperate attempt that shall look as if it is succeeding, however ultimately shall cause much devastation through the branches of government, for all three branches simultaneously are about to be shaken and shaken HARD says the Lord for a whirlwind of their own making has turned on them and their already weak branches shall shake and cause much to fall.

Around the time of the High Holy Days Phenomenons in the sky, and a sifting, for they must sift through now, says the Lord. For what the wicked have planned with those submitted to do terror, they have planned for around a month from the elections, says the Lord, pray now, My children, that this is thwarted, for this is meant to stop the process and declare emergencies.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, what they plot around the time of October phase 2 of the Red Flood, says the Lord.

Arrest in OK

1 year from the October 7th attack on Israel.

Judges 10:7-8
7 So the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and He sold them into the hands of the Philistines and the Ammonites, 8 and they oppressed and crushed Israel that year.  

Judges 10:8-9
For eighteen years, they oppressed all the Israelites who were beyond the Jordan in the land of the Amorites, which is in Gilead. 9 The Ammonites crossed the Jordan to fight against Judah, Benjamin, and the house of Ephraim, so that Israel was greatly distressed.

What happened in 2006?
The Lebanon War
The conflict was precipitated by the 2006 Hezbollah cross-border raid. On 12 July 2006, Hezbollah fighters fired rockets at Israeli border towns as a diversion for an anti-tank missile attack on two armored Humvees patrolling the Israeli side of the border fence. The ambush left three soldiers dead.

Israeli troops have launched a ground offensive in southern Lebanon. Here’s what we know | CNN

Israeli troops have launched a ground offensive in southern Lebanon. Here’s what we know

Israel has launched a ground operation across its northern border into Lebanon targeting the Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah, opening a new and dangerous phase in almost a year of war.

Judges 10:10-16
Then the Israelites cried out to the Lord [for help], saying, “We have sinned against You, because we have abandoned (rejected) our God and have served the Baals.” 11 The Lord said to the Israelites, “Did I not rescue you from the Egyptians, the Amorites, the Ammonites, and the Philistines? 12 Also when the Sidonians, the Amalekites, and the Maonites oppressed and crushed you, you cried out to Me, and I rescued you from their hands. 13 Yet you have abandoned (rejected) Me and served other gods; therefore I will no longer rescue you. 14 Go, cry out to the gods you have chosen; let them rescue you in your time of distress.” 15 The Israelites said to the Lord, “We have sinned, do to us whatever seems good to You; only please rescue us this day.” 16 So they removed the foreign gods from among them and served the Lord; and He could bear the misery of Israel no longer.

Judges 12:11
11 After him Elon the Zebulunite judged Israel; and he judged Israel for ten years. 12 Then Elon the Zebulunite died and was buried at Aijalon in the land of Zebulun.

Judges 13:13
Now Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord gave them into the hands of the Philistines for forty years.

The Summer Olympics are in Los Angeles.  
2028 Olympics in Los Angeles—an election year and a Shemitah year.
44 years separate them.

Operation Overlord, code-name D-Day Allied Forces, land on the beaches of Normandy.
However, 80 years separate 2024 from 1944.

80 years

Moses was called at 80 years old By God to go back to Egypt to free the Lord’s people. Donald Trump is 78 right now, he has until 80 years old to rectify with the Lord what has been done, this will determine when the 80 year mark happens in his life the trajectory his life will take. He leans upon the Lord and walks in HIS ways and rectifies the damage the wicked have done The Lord will extend his years to finish what was started. There is a Joshua that has been called that will have to lead thereafter

Isaiah 31:1-3
Look Not to Egypt but to God

1 Woe (judgment is coming) to those who go down to Egypt for help,
Who rely on horses
And trust in chariots because they are many,
And in horsemen because they are very strong,
But they do not look to the Holy One of Israel, nor seek and consult the Lord!
Yet He is also wise and will bring disaster,
And does not retract His words,
But will arise against the house of evildoers
And against the helpers of those who do evil.
Now the Egyptians are men and not God,
And their horses are flesh and not spirit;
And the Lord will stretch out His hand,
And he (Egypt) who helps will stumble,
And he (Judah) who is helped will fall,
And all of them will perish together.

Mil to grind down.

Grinding the people down, oppressing them.
Just as in Judges chapter 7, the people were severely oppressed that last year before their deliverance from the Midianites.

Category 5, right after we enter 5785 within the 10 days of awe

Twins--5785 flanked by 5’s, twins.

Milton is coming during 10 Days of Awe on the eve of Yom Kippur.
PHOTO Most Updated Hurricane Milton Map Projection On Landfall From ...

The path of this hurricane looks like a boomerang.

It is also making the letter Vav in the Hebrew alphabet.

Hebrew Alphabet - The Jewish Museum London
Vav is the third letter in this image.

Vav means hook.

Torah is often compared to water. Just as water courses down the steep mountains to the valley below without changing its life-giving essence, so does the Torah reach us in its original, essential form. Torah began in Heaven, emanating from G-d, and then traveled—and continuously travels—down to the physical world utterly intact.

This message is conveyed through the letter vav, which is a hook connecting the higher realm to the lower; (chabad.org)

A hook also catches something; it ensnares.

The numerical value of 6–6 is the number of man.

This is about ensnaring man.

Man getting ensnared in their own hook that was cast out to ensnare others.

I the Lord thy God, have put a hook in their jaw, I have put a bit in their mouths and I have drawn them in, I have ALLOWED, the wicked corrupt, and darkest of men and women to take on a bridle of an insatiable desire for power, and that bit in their mouths, in their offices, in their seats has lead them right in for such a backfiring and reversal PROPHESY TO THE VALLEY OF BONES IN YOUR NATION THAT THE GRAVE WILL RELEASE ITS GRIP AND YOUR NATION COMES FORTH FROM THE TOMB OF SODOM IT WAS SO PLACED IN, know this day I am God there is no other, a historic and unprecedented time calls for such measures, the sword of the Spirit and your faith My children is what will make a very broken nation a new vessel upon the wheel of the Potter, the winds of change shall suddenly bring a storm that is one of judgment and correction, prepare My children the desperation they so unleash will be what causes their fall, PRIDE shall now be their judge and jury thus says the Lord of Hosts in Jesus' name.

It also looks like a boomerang, and a boomerang when thrown out reverses and heads straight for the one who threw it.

Check out a map of Hurricane Helene.
Hurricane Helene 2024 Path Map - Pier Ulrica

If you take the path of Helene with the path of Milton, it makes an X.
A black symbols with white text 
Description automatically generated with medium confidence
Aleph originally looked like an ox.

Aleph is the Father-Lord; it represents Strength and leadership because God is still in the storm even though it comes, His Strength is still there.

The Hebrew letter vav is connected to Aleph.

Now, look at a map of the two eclipses.
One. More. Month: Our Guide to the Total Solar Eclipse - Universe Today

7 years separate them, and it makes the Hebrew letter Aleph over the nation.

Now Helene and Milton also make an x and the Hebrew letter Aleph across the southeast into Nashville.

Helene hits Thursday, September 26th

Milton will hit Thursday, October 10th

Thursday is the 5th day of the week on the Jewish calendar.

Double 5’s.

Year 5785 double 5’s.

Milton hit category 5 in the year 5785.

14 days separate these 2 hurricanes, double 7’s.

Helene hit 5784 on the heels of Rosh Hashanah.

Milton is hitting in 5785 during the Ten Days of Awe, where the Jews believe a trial begins right after Rosh Hashanah in God’s Court and the verdict comes down on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.

Florida hit both times. The word Lord is in Florida; the word Raid is in Florida.
Let me just explain the origins of Florida's name for a moment so you can better understand now, 511 years later (5+1+1=7), entering the year 5785, why this matters.

According to some historical accounts of de León’s journey, his crew landed in the future Florida on Easter Sunday. For these very religious Spaniards, the day of Jesus’s resurrection was one of the most sacred holidays of the year. In Spanish, Easter Sunday is often called La Pascua de las Flores—the festival of flowers. So a prominent early theory states that de León named the new land La Pascua Florida in honor of Easter Sunday.

Explains a lot why they tried to plant Disney World there and the occult doesn’t it...
7 years separate the two eclipses.

7 years separated the Arch of Baal being placed in NYC and that Ashtoreth/Ishtar/Aphrodite statue being placed atop the NYC courthouse in January 2023.

For 7 years, the Midianites in Judges 7 ransacked Israel and stripped them of their barley harvest and their resources because Israel had strayed, and at the 7-year mark, God judged the Midianites and delivered Israel, who cried out to Him.

It was November 7, 2020, at approximately 4:30 that the Lord said to me, “There is a barley loaf headed for their camp.”
That barley loaf in a dream a Midianite soldier had destroyed their tent. It represented EVERYTHING they had stolen for 7 years, that cup of iniquity was full and judgment was being issued against them by Almighty God.

FEMA has stolen from the American people; the government has stolen from the American people, they have stolen the resources to give to our enemies and the charges are mounting against them in God’s courts and a judgment will come down, BUT America has to turn back to the Lord and forsake the false God’s idolatry and shedding of innocent blood that allowed Midian in.

Luke 8:22-39
22 Now on one of those days Jesus and His disciples got into a boat, and He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side of the lake (Sea of Galilee).” So they set out. 23 But as they were sailing, He fell asleep. And a fierce gale of wind swept down [as if through a wind tunnel] on the lake, and they began to be swamped, and were in great danger. 24 They came to Jesus and woke Him, saying, “Master, Master, we are about to die!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging, violent waves, and they ceased, and it became calm [a perfect peacefulness]. 25 And He said to them, “Where is your faith [your confidence in Me]?” They were afraid and astonished, saying to one another, “Who then is this, that He commands even the winds and the sea, and they obey Him?”
The Demoniac Cured
26 Then they sailed to the [b]country of the Gerasenes, which is east of Galilee. 27 Now when Jesus stepped out on land, He was met by a man from the city [of Gerasa] who was possessed with demons. For a long time he had worn no clothes, and was not living in a house, but among the [c]tombs. 28 Seeing Jesus, he cried out [with a terrible voice from the depths of his throat] and fell down before Him [in dread and terror], and shouted loudly, “[d]What business do we have [in common] with each other, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg You, do not torment me [before the appointed time of judgment]!” 29 Now He was [already] commanding the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For it had seized him [violently] many times; and he was kept under guard and bound with chains and shackles, but he would break the bonds and be driven by the demon into the desert. 30 Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” And he answered, “Legion”; because many demons had entered him. 31 They continually begged Him not to command them to go into the abyss. 32 Now a large herd of pigs was feeding there on the mountain. The demons begged Jesus to allow them to enter the pigs, and He gave them permission. 33 Then the demons came out of the man and entered the pigs; and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. 34 When the herdsmen saw what had happened, they ran away and told it in the city and out in the country. 35 And people came out to see what had happened. They came to Jesus, and found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus’ feet, clothed and in his right mind (mentally healthy); and they were frightened. 36 Those who had seen it told them how the man who had been demon-possessed had been healed. 37 Then all the people of the country of the Gerasenes and the surrounding district asked Him to leave them, because they were overwhelmed with fear. So Jesus got into the boat and returned [to the west side of the Sea of Galilee]. 38 But the man from whom the demons had gone out kept begging Him, pleading to go with Him; but Jesus sent him away, saying, 39 “Return home and tell [about] all the great things God has done for you.” So the man went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done for him.

Now, there is a relationship between the storm that occurred and the demons in the man at Gadaran who was on the other side.

Every time you see storms, whether in a man or otherwise, the approach is the same:
You deal with the Spirit FIRST!

You see some people, their prosperity was because there was no salvation in the land. The spirits were working through the people to prosper them in a way that was not of God.
Jesus was arriving at a new level.

When Jesus arrived at Gadaran, it was not the leadership of the rulers who came to meet him; it was a madman filled with a legion of devils.

Question: Who told the madman that there were people coming from the other side? Who informed him?

To understand this, we must go back to the boat with Jesus and the disciples:

Luke 8:22-25 NKJV
22 Now it happened, on a certain day, that He got into a boat with His disciples. And He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side of the lake.” And they launched out. 23 But as they sailed He fell asleep. And a windstorm came down on the lake, and they were filling with water, and were in [j]jeopardy. 24 And they came to Him and awoke Him, saying, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” Then He arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water. And they ceased, and there was a calm. 25 But He said to them, “Where is your faith?” And they were afraid, and marveled, saying to one another, “Who can this be? For He commands even the winds and water, and they obey Him!”

Notice what is going on: there is a storm, the disciples are petrified, and Jesus is asleep in the boat. He is NOT FRETTING in the storm.

10 Cities…..
You know in scripture it is interesting Jesus’s ways: One moment He would be teaching and dealing with a crowd, and in the next moment, you would see Jesus with the same attention and focus dealing with 1 person.

You see Jesus looks at things from a will of God, outcome perspective.

With the Gadarene's men prospering because there was oppression in the land, the madman of Gadaran is your proof there was oppression in the land; that storm was proof there was oppression in the land.

That madman that Satan was attempting with such force to keep in bondage was going to become the evangelist for that whole land to free it!!

Almighty God intending to invade that land decides to send His Son Jesus to invest this time and power in this man, and Satan, being aware that in freeing this man it would save a city, seeing salvation coming to that city that he had a hold on.

And the enemy knew if the spirits were driven out, the people's possessions would go down!
The economy of the Gadarenes was rising because the purposes of God were bound.

And Jesus, intending to save an entire city, made the bold move to cross over, knowing the enemy was going to cause a storm to try and stop them.

There are attacks that have no business happening to you if you were not connected to the kind of purpose for the kingdom you are connected to.

The attacks have nothing to do with you, do not take them personally because the enemy is fighting many people through you to stop your purpose that will change the lives of many!
So the enemy attempts to stop you from going forward.

You need Spiritual intelligence that helps you look beyond your understanding
Storms happen to all men, storms are a verification and a confirmation that you are going to the other side.

Here is a very important point to understand: Even Jesus himself being in that boat did not stop the storm from happening. However, with Jesus in the boat, He had the authority to stop the dominion of the storm during the journey.

There is a mind of Christ-mentality that allows men and women to rest in the middle of storms.

Jesus woke up, He ignored their panicking, he ignored the waves, and he rebuked THE WIND, and it was calm.

The first way to deal with storms is to rebuke the wind, which represents the spirit.

Satan does not attack failures; he does not attack that which is not a threat to him and his interests.

The Word of God says that Satan knows his time is short, so it would be a complete waste of time for him to attack that which is not a threat.

1 Comment

Michele Christine Carter - October 10th, 2024 at 11:09pm

Thank you for your insight. It has helped me put my full focus on the Lord.






#vatican 10 Days of Awe 1968 90 foot statue Alexander Hamilton Amalek American Pharoah Ashtoreth Athens Greece Athens of the South Baal Babylon Barack Belmont Stakes Bible Biden Big Ben Bonhoeffer Buckingham Palace Build Back Better Burr Bush CERN CIA California Canada Canadian Truckers Chicago Chile Clinton Constitution Convoy Covenant DC DNC DOJ Daily Wire Daniel David Day of Atonement Deleware Democrat Party Democratic National Convention Department of Justice Devil Comet Devi Donald Trump Dream Eagle Pass Eagles Pass Easter Egypt Elijah Streams Elon Musk Elon Empire State Building England Esther Europe F5 Feast of Trumpets Francefirstladyexposed France Francis Scott Key Bridge Freedom Tower Garland Gaza Gen Z George Floyd George Washington Bridge Germany Goldberg Golden Ishtar Statue Goliath Good Friday Governor Kathy Hochul Haman Hamas Hamilton Harris Harry Helen Hillary Clinton Hochul Hollywood Hunter Hurricane Helene Hurricane Milton Illinois Indonesia Iran Ishtar Israel JD Vance Jefferson Jerusalem Joe Biden Johnathan Cahn Jonathan Cahn Joseph Kamala Kansas Kennedy Crest Kennedy Kentucky Derby Kidron Valley King Charles Klaus Schwab Leadership Lebanon War Lebanon Liberty Bell Lincoln Tunnel Mad Hatter Mar-a-Lago Martha's Vineyard Martha\'s Vineyard Marxism Mexico Michigan Middle East Mordecai NYC NY Nahum Nashville Nazi Party Nebuchandnezzar New Jersey New York City New Zealand Nineveh North America Northeast Obama Ocean Olympics One World Trade Center PDiddy Palestine Palm Beach Passover Patriot Party Pelosi Pennsylvania Portrait Prayer in Schools Prayer President Joe Biden President Trump Presidents President Prince Harry Public Schools Rea Sea Roaman Empire Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Rosh Hashanah Royal Family Russia Ruth San Fernando Valley Saul Schools Schumer Scripture Shepherd Soros Spain Speaker of the House Stargate Statue of Liberty Story Daniels Sudan Supreme Court Switzerland Syria Ten Commandments Texas Border Texas The WHO The Weimar Window Tim Walz Tony Awards Triple Crown Trudeau Trump Turkey Ukraine Vatican Wailing Wall War Washington DC Washington State Washington Watergate Weather Weimar Republic White House Year of the Dragon Yom Kippur Yom Kippu Zeus agendas america blood moon bridges capital church leadership churches church cicadas comet congress court case courtroom courts court current events dreams earthquake earth eclipse elections election government governors horses horse idols immigrants indictments judges judge judgment justice lbgtq+ leaders manilla envelopes markets mayors media nasa nation nature new wine new york oak trees oak pastors pharaoh plagues poles pope pride month pride prison prophecy purim rabbis rainbow reawaken recovery restitution revelation revival shepherds signs social media states stock market storm sun the View the church the hil the nation transgenderism united states verdicts view wind word from the lord