©2024 Ark of Grace Ministries

Amanda Grace Talks..Update on Waddles, Hearing the Word Airborne, & More Divine Battle Strategy

Nov 9, 2018

Amanda Grace talks an update on Waddles and how the Lord is miraculously working all things together for good. How she heard the word AIRBORNE in the Spirit, and how that pertains to a key battle strategy the Lord has been revealing. How words can infect like the flu or build up like supercharged vitamins and what we can do to combat negativity around us!! Sowing and Giving are very personal between you and the Lord, if the Lord leads you to bless this ministry that ministers to both people and animals below is the direct link from youtube to Amanda's paypal account! Or you can go to the about section and click on the blue donate to my channel link. You will also on your PC find the paypal icon to the right of the background pic on the channels home page. God Bless you All!