A Prophetic Warning: The Gate That Was Opened Over America
A Prophetic Warning: The Gate That Was Opened Over America
Watch Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX-krB_PeJo&t=13s
1.2.22 (A Dream)
It was dark and three large powerful demons stood before me, they were not allowed to come near me.
The first was muscular, with large horns, a deep loud voice, a body like fire, and could turn into a ball of fire with a lion letting out a gut-wrenching roar (Molech or Baal).
The 2 others:
One was silverish and looked like armor.
And then there was a third that was a darker figure who may have been wearing a cloak.
The 1st demon with a thunderous voice boasted as did the others about what they were going to do in the courts.
Each demon represents a different issue in the Supreme Court.
Demons representing a mock trial will operate through an attorney or 1 or 2 of the judges.
The people are going through a mock trial right now a trial run, trial, and testing.
The government and the worldly order want to see how far they can go with all of this.
We're entering the time of Danie. (We will get into at another time.
Prince of Persia type of a demon that is trying to block the United States.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego made no compromise.
21 days of fasting and prayer with Daniel for the angel to show up for Gabriel to come which the prince of Persia engaged and Michael was summoned to move (in) order that the message may be delivered A man battling the principality of the prince of Persia over a period.
That principality had a hold of the leadership over that entire area.
This has to do with the unborn.
With a mock trial.
A trial run.
We are in a time very much like Daniel lived in a Babylonian pagan regime that is hostile to believers
Babylon was surrounded by a massive wall over one hundred feet thick and three hundred feet high (see Enrichment G). To breach such a wall, even with constant sieging, would take months, and yet there is no hint in Daniel's record that the city was under siege at this time.
Babylon was ruled for most of its time by Nebuchadnezzar (45 years in all) who never tired of beautifying and improving its great capital city.
45 years, 45.....
Ancient historians say that the walls around the city were 60 miles long (15 miles on each side). The walls were 300 feet high, 80 feet thick, and 35 feet into the ground so enemies could not tunnel under. All were made of brick.
Well isn't that interesting that even Babylon understood WALLS WORK.
Isaiah (Isaiah 13:17-22) and Jeremiah (Jeremiah 51:37-43) both prophesied that this great city would not only be destroyed but it would remain uninhabited forever. In 539 Cyrus, who had taken over Media, Persia, and Elam, led his army into Babylon and captured this seemingly indestructible city and nation without going into a long protracted battle.
Keep that in mind... Cyrus captured MEDIA.
Trump is known as a modern-day Cyrus.
There was temple prostitution and sexual immorality.
Pagan temples and sacrifices to false gods.
In fact, in Daniel, chapter 3 nebuchadnezzar erects a golden statue 90 feet tall in the nation to be worshiped by all, and about 5 days before the DNC happened in Chicago in Sugar Land, Texas a 90-foot-tall golden statue of Hanuman a false god half man half monkey is erected, the only taller statue is the Statue of Liberty in the nation. Kamala DEVI which means goddess in Hindu was set to be anointed as their nominee.
March 2023–Covenant School shooting Tennessee.
The city became known for the many institutions of higher education that were founded there and was given the nickname “Athens of the South”.
The temple of Zeus was in Athens, Greece.
So when the enemy wanted to shed blood to affect the nation he zeroed in on the place known as the “Athens of the south” and a school named Covenant because that is what the enemy was after. The school was attacked by a transgender who was demonically possessed and deceived into doing the enemy’s bidding to shed blood in the same place named after the city where the temple of Zeus. The throne of satan resided.
Dr. Crumb is a man and a believer who headed up Project Morningstar for the US government.
Donne Clement sent me a video of him speaking about certain projects that affected our nation.
1960’s Soviet union started training agents to astral Project and remote view and would see classified documents in Washington, DC.
June 25, 1962–1962 in the United States prayer is taken out of school by the Supreme Court decision in the Engel vs Vitale case. Prayer in schools across America was helping to keep a gate closed that the enemy desperately wanted to open. So first a covering or a cover must be lifted to expose the gate’s lock or code. This was the event that did that.
The enemy doesn’t attempt to manipulate the United States military first to open this gate, he has to entice them, TEMPT them before he can manipulate them, so the enemy, because communism at its core is dark and satanic, entices the Soviets because of the cold war to remote view, and astral project. The Soviets launched this program and through it, began to steal classified document secrets of the United States Government.
17 months after prayer was taken out of school November 22, 1963–John F Kennedy was assassinated. That was the blood that needed to be shed for the enemy to open a gate. Every ratifying of an agreement or covenant with the kingdom of darkness requires the shedding of blood–more so innocent blood.
When the government of the US realizes what is happening, the Soviets are remote viewing and stealing classified intelligence, instead of seeking the Lord how to righteously stop this, because of FEAR, and competition, the 2 main building blocks of the occult, the United States launches their own program in remote viewing and astral projection in an attempt to outdo the Soviets. This program was known as
Project Stargate & Project Looking Glass
Fort Meade had an abandoned building used for Project Stargate.
Mead, well the MEDES of MEDIA biblically speaking: The Medes[N 1] were an ancient Iranian people who spoke the Median language[N 2] and who inhabited an area known as Media between western and northern Iran.
Darius in Daniel was a Mede they were a pagan people so interesting a similar-sounding name Fort MEAD is strategically picked
Project Stargate only had 15 percent accuracy over 23 years.
This unlocked a gate in the nation the devil had been working for decades to get open. This gate was keeping out and restraining the principalities and rulers of the darkness of this world who were out for blood, and out to pervert creation and the gospel on a Mass scale. They wanted the minds of the younger generation to do their bidding and they wanted the blood of the younger generation for their power to grow.
Project Stargate as it was named opened a massive gate over America.
Deuteronomy 4:19 And beware that you do not raise your eyes toward heaven and see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, and let yourselves be led astray and worship them and serve them, [mere created bodies] which the Lord your God has allotted to [serve and benefit] all the peoples under the whole heaven.
Star- any of the celestial bodies visible at night from Earth as relatively stationary, usually twinkling points of light.
How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High’” (Isaiah 14:12-14).
a movable barrier (as at a grade crossing)
a means of entrance or exit
: starting gate which has STARGATE in it: a mechanically operated barrier used as a starting device for a race.
And satan is racing against Almighty God’s schedule in order to advance his dark agendas within the earth and this nation
A starting device for the beginning of a race.....
This is a race and it’s a war and we are soldiers in the army of the living God ordained by God to RUN the RACE set before us.
This is why at the Olympics in their OPENING Ceremonies for the races and competitions that proceed they do ceremonies that open gates that summon dark powers for them to succeed.
Starting gate, STARGATE: A Gate that is the starting point when opened for a race… This is why the occult is built upon FEAR and COMPETITION.
It truly is a race for the enemy to pervert, destroy, kill, and steal as much as possible before Armeggedon in the valley of Megiddo. Mt Carmel, where Elijah the prophet challenged the prophets of Baal and Ashtoreth and called down fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice, that mountain looks down on that valley.
Project Stargate as you will see goes back to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, a tempting piece of fruit that was dangled before the US Government, the CIA to be specific.
Genesis 3:1-7 Now the serpent was more crafty (subtle, skilled in deceit) than any living creature of the field which the Lord God had made. And [a]the serpent (Satan) said to the woman, “Can it really be that God has said, ‘You shall not eat from [b]any tree of the garden’?” 2 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees of the garden, 3 except the fruit from the tree which is in the middle of the garden. God said, ‘You shall not eat from it nor touch it, otherwise you will die.’” 4 But the serpent said to the woman, “You certainly will not die! 5 For God knows that on the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened [that is, you will have greater awareness], and you will be like God, knowing [the difference between] good and evil.” 6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was delightful to look at, and a tree to be desired in order to make one wise and insightful, she took some of its fruit and ate it; and she also gave some to her husband [c]with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of the two of them were opened
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was a gate the Lord wanted to remain closed because once it was opened death and bloodshed would come.
The serpent tempted and made the case that partaking would make them wise and insightful and they would become LIKE God knowing good from evil and being able to VIEW what God views…keep this in mind for a moment.
Biblically speaking When the King of Israel listened to the prophets they were safe from their regional enemies, there was a covering of protection and the gates were closed to Israel's enemies, they could not enter and attack.
The enemy needs the cooperation of man always in his plans in order for them to be activated and gates and portals to open.
So in 1963, prayer was taken out of school, Supreme Court decision Engle vs Vitale, which lifted the covering that exposed the gate. The Soviets are taking part in occultic practices of remote viewing and astral projection against the US at this time.
The Shepherd of the land, Kennedy is assassinated which shed blood that ratified the lifting of the covering.
The groundwork then was laid for Project Stargate to be active.
This Project brought a curse on America that curse came with horrible implications.
Taking prayer out of schools comes first.
Abortion will come into play soon.
There is a Starbucks inside the Pentagon=Stargate=Dagon=Philistines, Israel fell operating and adopting the ways of the Philistines. The Pentagon has most of the letters of a dragon in it.
December 1972–Something changed with Project Stargate, a demonic principality physically manifested in the room. Dr Crumb gives this account as the man who led Project Stargate years later had gotten saved and had a lot of guilt from what they had done and shared with Dr. Crumb at a Starbucks in the Pentagon!! So a ruling demonic power within the earth manifests in the room in December 1972.
Those in that room, the members of the CIA, made a deal with that demonic entity and made a covenant that if it would give them an advancement over the Russians and more power for remote viewing astral projection techniques for intelligence gathering purposes they would give that demonic Entity rights over America. And because they were at the helm of government they were able to do such.
Guess who was the president in 1972 when this happened? Nixon!
Making deals with devils and sealing doctrines of devils to “beat” the Russians, FEAR and COMPETITION.
1960’s prayer taken out of schools it was prayer that was preventing the gate from opening by keeping a covering over it and this covenant from being made.
1972 is when satan got his greatest advantage because a covenant was made that December.
Just about a month later, the covenant was ratified. Remember the enemy needs blood to ratify a covenant.
January 22, 1973–Abortion was legalized 1 month after.
A covenant was made with this ruler of darkness, innocent blood was shed, and things began to get dark in the United States.
And to continue abortion the enemy very craftily came up with my body, my choice when really it's your body but Satan's choice because of the covenant made. You are helping the Kingdom of Darkness continue their dark exploits.
And it's not your body your choice because that baby is another life–it's not your lung or your liver. That is your body your choice and I don’t see many women lining up demanding their liver or lungs be taken out and destroyed.
I found this out from something Charlie Kirk said that fetus means little human in Latin.
America became the first down payment and installment of innocent blood to seal and activate a covenant that our government made with that principality and powers of darkness.
After the covenant and abortion being legalized, child trafficking began to get traction in America.
The concern about youth in the sex trade has surged during times of social change relating to sex, gender, sexuality, race, and immigration in the United States, (cambridgeblog.ord)
However, the blood of Jesus provided a more powerful covenant and the covenant our founding fathers made with God at the beginning and inception of this nation.
Because that covenant was made and the enemy manufactures and counterfeits what the Lord does, he had plans for his own covenant. The enemy cannot create; he can only steal and manipulate, and manufacture what already exists.
The blood of Jesus is far more powerful than the blood being shed to keep that dark covenant active.
Innocent blood is always required.
To open up the demonic, to open up gates of nations, of cities that is the requirement.
The Watergate scandal was a major political controversy in the United States during the presidency of Richard Nixon from 1972 to 1974, ultimately resulting in Nixon's resignation. The name originated from attempts by the Nixon administration to conceal its involvement in the June 17, 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters located in the Watergate Office Building in Washington, D.C.
so after Stargate, after abortion, the Watergate scandal begins to grow and grip the nation.
So you have STAR GATE–and now, WATER GATE.
There is a whole fraction of the kingdom of darkness called the marine kingdom, the Philistine false god Dagon, half man half fish is a part of that.
Palestine means Philistine keep this in mind because this was a very ancient demon that those in the CIA made an agreement with.
This is why the name WATER GATE happened.
This is the price of making deals with devils, once this happened under Nixon that was the door opened for Nixon's removal as well.
All the pagan gods had 1 thing In common they demanded the blood of innocent children in order for those nations to prosper. In fact, they would go to the poorest in those nations and tell them if you sacrifice your baby you will greatly prosper. The Canaanites, the Amorites, the Amalekites, and the Moabites.
That argument has been taken for the modern day and refurbished like a used car and sold as new to a modern generation. Between My Body, My choice, and the argument made that having a baby will get in the way of a woman's career, of a woman prospering, give up your baby and you will PROSPER…..
In Africa when a witch or witch doctor wants to dedicate a piece of land to satan the first thing they want to do is get blood put into the ground according to Dr. Crumb.
For that covenant to be activated they have got to make a sacrifice of blood.
To get that favor of the demon of the land.
This is why in Luke 8 that fierce storm was sent against Jesus and his disciples as they made their way to Gadaran because Jesus was about to overturn the offerings to the dark rulers of that territory and evangelize the city. Not only by delivering the possessed man at Gadaran who then went on to evangelize the whole city
But the incident with the pigs, pig gate we will call it.
Luke 8:27-33
Now when Jesus stepped out on land, He was met by a man from the city [of Gerasa] who was possessed with demons. For a long time he had worn no clothes, and was not living in a house, but among the [c]tombs. 28 Seeing Jesus, he cried out [with a terrible voice from the depths of his throat] and fell down before Him [in dread and terror], and shouted loudly, “[d]What business do we have [in common] with each other, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg You, do not torment me [before the appointed time of judgment]!” 29 Now He was [already] commanding the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For it had seized him [violently] many times; and he was kept under guard and bound with chains and shackles, but he would break the bonds and be driven by the demon into the desert. 30 Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” And he answered, “Legion”; because many demons had entered him. 31 They continually begged Him not to command them to go into the abyss.
32 Now a large herd of pigs was feeding there on the mountain. The demons begged Jesus to allow them to enter the pigs, and He gave them permission. 33 Then the demons came out of the man and entered the pigs; and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned.
Project Morningstar was the righteous counter to Project Stargate and and we think that the name for the movie Star Wars just a random idea…Star Wars came out in 1977 after Project Stargate opened an enormous gate in America.
God had a redemptive plan that had been implemented through Project Morning Star which Kim Clement was a part of. Project Morningstar gathered prophets together and gave them hard intelligence to seek the Lord about. It was the righteous counter to a demonic program.
God has a redemptive plan, He loves America so much that he would give America another chance.
Very close to all these events Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab joined forces with the World Economic Forum.
The WEF was founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, a business professor at the University of Geneva.[15] First named the European Management Forum, it changed its name to the World Economic Forum in 1987 and sought to broaden its vision to include providing a platform for resolving international conflicts.[16]
In February 1971, Schwab invited 450 executives from Western European firms to the first European Management Symposium held in the Davos Congress Centre
How many prophets of baal were there? 450!
Events in 1973, including the collapse of the Bretton Woods fixed-exchange-rate mechanism and the Yom Kippur War, saw the annual meeting expand its focus from management to economic and social issues, and, for the first time, political leaders were invited to the annual meeting in January 1974.[20]
January 1974–2 years after the covenant was made and abortion legalized the WEF started inviting Political leaders, that is by no mistake.
Worship and repentance closes demonic gates.
Dr. Crumb and intercessors attempted to close that gate however that gate being opened let in dark powers that established themselves in the nation.
What we are dealing with today is darkness that flooded in by a covenant, by our govt, through an open gate, that though it was shut at the time we are still having to round up the cattle according to Dr Crumb. Meaning deal with all the demons that got loose through that gate and sending them back where they belong.
I believe when Roe v Wade was overturned 50 years after it was ratified, 50 being the Jubilee where what was stolen must be given back. That gate began to majorly close however I think a part of that gate is still open.
We are called kings and priests who cost Jesus His blood on the cross for us to be given that authority.
Behold I have given unto you power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy so nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Something similar going on at Cern that is affecting Europe cern is attempting to do the same thing, open a very dangerous gate to the Kingdom of Darkness.
The attempt on Trump’s life July 13, 2024 = 7+13+20+24 =64 When the soviets were using remote viewing against the United States the covering had been lifted taking prayer had just been taken out of schools.
The second attempt on his life was September 15, 2024 9+15+20+24=64
It’s that year 1964 that connects to this.
BUT 1864 was the Civil War, which is why these dates line up like this: they were attempting to assassinate him to start another Civil War and have enough blood to get this gate back open.
Assassinating Donald Trump would have given a chance to re-open that gate wide, just as they did with Kennedy
2 Kings 3:26-27
26 When the king of Moab saw that the battle was too fierce for him, he took with him 700 men who drew swords, to break through to the king of Edom; but they could not. 27 Then he took his oldest son who was to reign in his place, and offered him as a burnt offering on the wall. And there came great wrath against Israel, and they departed from him and returned to their own land.
The sacrifice was made on the wall when the battle became too fierce for Israel's opposition, a child sacrificed on a wall.
What is one of the biggest contentions? Immigration–the wall and child trafficking.
I believe the Shepherd of this nation, Donald Trump needs to repent for the nation and ask the Lord to close the gate with those who hold the prophetic office and ask the Lord to lock it and seal it with the blood of Jesus, something like this needs to happen because the enemy is desperately attempting to reopen this gate.
And this forward together that Kamala Harris has adopted ties back to Russia and communism.
On the communist party USA website they adopted the slogan forward together before she took it on.
Obama's second-term campaign slogan was forward.
Hillary Clinton’s was Stronger Together.
In May 2017 Hillary Clinton announces a new action group Onward Together.
Kamala’s is Forward Together, Obama, Hillary, and the communist party combined.
They want to push this gate fully open again.
Forward together they want AGREEMENT to ratify their agenda in the realm of the spirit.
Forward Together — block and build against fascism
This is dated April 17, 2024.
On their site, they call MAGA supporters fascists which is exactly what the communist party is .....
Good morning, revolution! How would Lenin vote in November?
Dated September 13, 2024
Remember Lenin–100-year cycle he died in 1924. THEY are attempting to resurrect that same spirit and mindset that influenced and controlled Lenin.
It's not a Revolution War–it’s a Revelationary War!
The shepherds need to stand in the gap at the SHEEP GATE against the predators that have come to steal, kill, and destroy.
I will tell you--some orders have gone out from the Kingdom of darkness against the ELDERS. The men who are pillars in their community pray and intercede because it's an order against the shepherds and elders.
Watch Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX-krB_PeJo&t=13s
1.2.22 (A Dream)
It was dark and three large powerful demons stood before me, they were not allowed to come near me.
The first was muscular, with large horns, a deep loud voice, a body like fire, and could turn into a ball of fire with a lion letting out a gut-wrenching roar (Molech or Baal).
The 2 others:
One was silverish and looked like armor.
And then there was a third that was a darker figure who may have been wearing a cloak.
The 1st demon with a thunderous voice boasted as did the others about what they were going to do in the courts.
Each demon represents a different issue in the Supreme Court.
Demons representing a mock trial will operate through an attorney or 1 or 2 of the judges.
The people are going through a mock trial right now a trial run, trial, and testing.
The government and the worldly order want to see how far they can go with all of this.
We're entering the time of Danie. (We will get into at another time.
Prince of Persia type of a demon that is trying to block the United States.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego made no compromise.
21 days of fasting and prayer with Daniel for the angel to show up for Gabriel to come which the prince of Persia engaged and Michael was summoned to move (in) order that the message may be delivered A man battling the principality of the prince of Persia over a period.
That principality had a hold of the leadership over that entire area.
This has to do with the unborn.
With a mock trial.
A trial run.
We are in a time very much like Daniel lived in a Babylonian pagan regime that is hostile to believers
Babylon was surrounded by a massive wall over one hundred feet thick and three hundred feet high (see Enrichment G). To breach such a wall, even with constant sieging, would take months, and yet there is no hint in Daniel's record that the city was under siege at this time.
Babylon was ruled for most of its time by Nebuchadnezzar (45 years in all) who never tired of beautifying and improving its great capital city.
45 years, 45.....
Ancient historians say that the walls around the city were 60 miles long (15 miles on each side). The walls were 300 feet high, 80 feet thick, and 35 feet into the ground so enemies could not tunnel under. All were made of brick.
Well isn't that interesting that even Babylon understood WALLS WORK.
Isaiah (Isaiah 13:17-22) and Jeremiah (Jeremiah 51:37-43) both prophesied that this great city would not only be destroyed but it would remain uninhabited forever. In 539 Cyrus, who had taken over Media, Persia, and Elam, led his army into Babylon and captured this seemingly indestructible city and nation without going into a long protracted battle.
Keep that in mind... Cyrus captured MEDIA.
Trump is known as a modern-day Cyrus.
There was temple prostitution and sexual immorality.
Pagan temples and sacrifices to false gods.
In fact, in Daniel, chapter 3 nebuchadnezzar erects a golden statue 90 feet tall in the nation to be worshiped by all, and about 5 days before the DNC happened in Chicago in Sugar Land, Texas a 90-foot-tall golden statue of Hanuman a false god half man half monkey is erected, the only taller statue is the Statue of Liberty in the nation. Kamala DEVI which means goddess in Hindu was set to be anointed as their nominee.
March 2023–Covenant School shooting Tennessee.
The city became known for the many institutions of higher education that were founded there and was given the nickname “Athens of the South”.
The temple of Zeus was in Athens, Greece.
So when the enemy wanted to shed blood to affect the nation he zeroed in on the place known as the “Athens of the south” and a school named Covenant because that is what the enemy was after. The school was attacked by a transgender who was demonically possessed and deceived into doing the enemy’s bidding to shed blood in the same place named after the city where the temple of Zeus. The throne of satan resided.
Dr. Crumb is a man and a believer who headed up Project Morningstar for the US government.
Donne Clement sent me a video of him speaking about certain projects that affected our nation.
1960’s Soviet union started training agents to astral Project and remote view and would see classified documents in Washington, DC.
June 25, 1962–1962 in the United States prayer is taken out of school by the Supreme Court decision in the Engel vs Vitale case. Prayer in schools across America was helping to keep a gate closed that the enemy desperately wanted to open. So first a covering or a cover must be lifted to expose the gate’s lock or code. This was the event that did that.
The enemy doesn’t attempt to manipulate the United States military first to open this gate, he has to entice them, TEMPT them before he can manipulate them, so the enemy, because communism at its core is dark and satanic, entices the Soviets because of the cold war to remote view, and astral project. The Soviets launched this program and through it, began to steal classified document secrets of the United States Government.
17 months after prayer was taken out of school November 22, 1963–John F Kennedy was assassinated. That was the blood that needed to be shed for the enemy to open a gate. Every ratifying of an agreement or covenant with the kingdom of darkness requires the shedding of blood–more so innocent blood.
When the government of the US realizes what is happening, the Soviets are remote viewing and stealing classified intelligence, instead of seeking the Lord how to righteously stop this, because of FEAR, and competition, the 2 main building blocks of the occult, the United States launches their own program in remote viewing and astral projection in an attempt to outdo the Soviets. This program was known as
Project Stargate & Project Looking Glass
Fort Meade had an abandoned building used for Project Stargate.
Mead, well the MEDES of MEDIA biblically speaking: The Medes[N 1] were an ancient Iranian people who spoke the Median language[N 2] and who inhabited an area known as Media between western and northern Iran.
Darius in Daniel was a Mede they were a pagan people so interesting a similar-sounding name Fort MEAD is strategically picked
Project Stargate only had 15 percent accuracy over 23 years.
This unlocked a gate in the nation the devil had been working for decades to get open. This gate was keeping out and restraining the principalities and rulers of the darkness of this world who were out for blood, and out to pervert creation and the gospel on a Mass scale. They wanted the minds of the younger generation to do their bidding and they wanted the blood of the younger generation for their power to grow.
Project Stargate as it was named opened a massive gate over America.
Deuteronomy 4:19 And beware that you do not raise your eyes toward heaven and see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, and let yourselves be led astray and worship them and serve them, [mere created bodies] which the Lord your God has allotted to [serve and benefit] all the peoples under the whole heaven.
Star- any of the celestial bodies visible at night from Earth as relatively stationary, usually twinkling points of light.
How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High’” (Isaiah 14:12-14).
a movable barrier (as at a grade crossing)
a means of entrance or exit
: starting gate which has STARGATE in it: a mechanically operated barrier used as a starting device for a race.
And satan is racing against Almighty God’s schedule in order to advance his dark agendas within the earth and this nation
A starting device for the beginning of a race.....
This is a race and it’s a war and we are soldiers in the army of the living God ordained by God to RUN the RACE set before us.
This is why at the Olympics in their OPENING Ceremonies for the races and competitions that proceed they do ceremonies that open gates that summon dark powers for them to succeed.
Starting gate, STARGATE: A Gate that is the starting point when opened for a race… This is why the occult is built upon FEAR and COMPETITION.
It truly is a race for the enemy to pervert, destroy, kill, and steal as much as possible before Armeggedon in the valley of Megiddo. Mt Carmel, where Elijah the prophet challenged the prophets of Baal and Ashtoreth and called down fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice, that mountain looks down on that valley.
Project Stargate as you will see goes back to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, a tempting piece of fruit that was dangled before the US Government, the CIA to be specific.
Genesis 3:1-7 Now the serpent was more crafty (subtle, skilled in deceit) than any living creature of the field which the Lord God had made. And [a]the serpent (Satan) said to the woman, “Can it really be that God has said, ‘You shall not eat from [b]any tree of the garden’?” 2 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees of the garden, 3 except the fruit from the tree which is in the middle of the garden. God said, ‘You shall not eat from it nor touch it, otherwise you will die.’” 4 But the serpent said to the woman, “You certainly will not die! 5 For God knows that on the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened [that is, you will have greater awareness], and you will be like God, knowing [the difference between] good and evil.” 6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was delightful to look at, and a tree to be desired in order to make one wise and insightful, she took some of its fruit and ate it; and she also gave some to her husband [c]with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of the two of them were opened
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was a gate the Lord wanted to remain closed because once it was opened death and bloodshed would come.
The serpent tempted and made the case that partaking would make them wise and insightful and they would become LIKE God knowing good from evil and being able to VIEW what God views…keep this in mind for a moment.
Biblically speaking When the King of Israel listened to the prophets they were safe from their regional enemies, there was a covering of protection and the gates were closed to Israel's enemies, they could not enter and attack.
The enemy needs the cooperation of man always in his plans in order for them to be activated and gates and portals to open.
So in 1963, prayer was taken out of school, Supreme Court decision Engle vs Vitale, which lifted the covering that exposed the gate. The Soviets are taking part in occultic practices of remote viewing and astral projection against the US at this time.
The Shepherd of the land, Kennedy is assassinated which shed blood that ratified the lifting of the covering.
The groundwork then was laid for Project Stargate to be active.
This Project brought a curse on America that curse came with horrible implications.
Taking prayer out of schools comes first.
Abortion will come into play soon.
There is a Starbucks inside the Pentagon=Stargate=Dagon=Philistines, Israel fell operating and adopting the ways of the Philistines. The Pentagon has most of the letters of a dragon in it.
December 1972–Something changed with Project Stargate, a demonic principality physically manifested in the room. Dr Crumb gives this account as the man who led Project Stargate years later had gotten saved and had a lot of guilt from what they had done and shared with Dr. Crumb at a Starbucks in the Pentagon!! So a ruling demonic power within the earth manifests in the room in December 1972.
Those in that room, the members of the CIA, made a deal with that demonic entity and made a covenant that if it would give them an advancement over the Russians and more power for remote viewing astral projection techniques for intelligence gathering purposes they would give that demonic Entity rights over America. And because they were at the helm of government they were able to do such.
Guess who was the president in 1972 when this happened? Nixon!
Making deals with devils and sealing doctrines of devils to “beat” the Russians, FEAR and COMPETITION.
1960’s prayer taken out of schools it was prayer that was preventing the gate from opening by keeping a covering over it and this covenant from being made.
1972 is when satan got his greatest advantage because a covenant was made that December.
Just about a month later, the covenant was ratified. Remember the enemy needs blood to ratify a covenant.
January 22, 1973–Abortion was legalized 1 month after.
A covenant was made with this ruler of darkness, innocent blood was shed, and things began to get dark in the United States.
And to continue abortion the enemy very craftily came up with my body, my choice when really it's your body but Satan's choice because of the covenant made. You are helping the Kingdom of Darkness continue their dark exploits.
And it's not your body your choice because that baby is another life–it's not your lung or your liver. That is your body your choice and I don’t see many women lining up demanding their liver or lungs be taken out and destroyed.
I found this out from something Charlie Kirk said that fetus means little human in Latin.
America became the first down payment and installment of innocent blood to seal and activate a covenant that our government made with that principality and powers of darkness.
After the covenant and abortion being legalized, child trafficking began to get traction in America.
The concern about youth in the sex trade has surged during times of social change relating to sex, gender, sexuality, race, and immigration in the United States, (cambridgeblog.ord)
However, the blood of Jesus provided a more powerful covenant and the covenant our founding fathers made with God at the beginning and inception of this nation.
Because that covenant was made and the enemy manufactures and counterfeits what the Lord does, he had plans for his own covenant. The enemy cannot create; he can only steal and manipulate, and manufacture what already exists.
The blood of Jesus is far more powerful than the blood being shed to keep that dark covenant active.
Innocent blood is always required.
To open up the demonic, to open up gates of nations, of cities that is the requirement.
The Watergate scandal was a major political controversy in the United States during the presidency of Richard Nixon from 1972 to 1974, ultimately resulting in Nixon's resignation. The name originated from attempts by the Nixon administration to conceal its involvement in the June 17, 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters located in the Watergate Office Building in Washington, D.C.
so after Stargate, after abortion, the Watergate scandal begins to grow and grip the nation.
So you have STAR GATE–and now, WATER GATE.
There is a whole fraction of the kingdom of darkness called the marine kingdom, the Philistine false god Dagon, half man half fish is a part of that.
Palestine means Philistine keep this in mind because this was a very ancient demon that those in the CIA made an agreement with.
This is why the name WATER GATE happened.
This is the price of making deals with devils, once this happened under Nixon that was the door opened for Nixon's removal as well.
All the pagan gods had 1 thing In common they demanded the blood of innocent children in order for those nations to prosper. In fact, they would go to the poorest in those nations and tell them if you sacrifice your baby you will greatly prosper. The Canaanites, the Amorites, the Amalekites, and the Moabites.
That argument has been taken for the modern day and refurbished like a used car and sold as new to a modern generation. Between My Body, My choice, and the argument made that having a baby will get in the way of a woman's career, of a woman prospering, give up your baby and you will PROSPER…..
In Africa when a witch or witch doctor wants to dedicate a piece of land to satan the first thing they want to do is get blood put into the ground according to Dr. Crumb.
For that covenant to be activated they have got to make a sacrifice of blood.
To get that favor of the demon of the land.
This is why in Luke 8 that fierce storm was sent against Jesus and his disciples as they made their way to Gadaran because Jesus was about to overturn the offerings to the dark rulers of that territory and evangelize the city. Not only by delivering the possessed man at Gadaran who then went on to evangelize the whole city
But the incident with the pigs, pig gate we will call it.
Luke 8:27-33
Now when Jesus stepped out on land, He was met by a man from the city [of Gerasa] who was possessed with demons. For a long time he had worn no clothes, and was not living in a house, but among the [c]tombs. 28 Seeing Jesus, he cried out [with a terrible voice from the depths of his throat] and fell down before Him [in dread and terror], and shouted loudly, “[d]What business do we have [in common] with each other, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg You, do not torment me [before the appointed time of judgment]!” 29 Now He was [already] commanding the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For it had seized him [violently] many times; and he was kept under guard and bound with chains and shackles, but he would break the bonds and be driven by the demon into the desert. 30 Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” And he answered, “Legion”; because many demons had entered him. 31 They continually begged Him not to command them to go into the abyss.
32 Now a large herd of pigs was feeding there on the mountain. The demons begged Jesus to allow them to enter the pigs, and He gave them permission. 33 Then the demons came out of the man and entered the pigs; and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned.
Project Morningstar was the righteous counter to Project Stargate and and we think that the name for the movie Star Wars just a random idea…Star Wars came out in 1977 after Project Stargate opened an enormous gate in America.
God had a redemptive plan that had been implemented through Project Morning Star which Kim Clement was a part of. Project Morningstar gathered prophets together and gave them hard intelligence to seek the Lord about. It was the righteous counter to a demonic program.
God has a redemptive plan, He loves America so much that he would give America another chance.
Very close to all these events Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab joined forces with the World Economic Forum.
The WEF was founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, a business professor at the University of Geneva.[15] First named the European Management Forum, it changed its name to the World Economic Forum in 1987 and sought to broaden its vision to include providing a platform for resolving international conflicts.[16]
In February 1971, Schwab invited 450 executives from Western European firms to the first European Management Symposium held in the Davos Congress Centre
How many prophets of baal were there? 450!
Events in 1973, including the collapse of the Bretton Woods fixed-exchange-rate mechanism and the Yom Kippur War, saw the annual meeting expand its focus from management to economic and social issues, and, for the first time, political leaders were invited to the annual meeting in January 1974.[20]
January 1974–2 years after the covenant was made and abortion legalized the WEF started inviting Political leaders, that is by no mistake.
Worship and repentance closes demonic gates.
Dr. Crumb and intercessors attempted to close that gate however that gate being opened let in dark powers that established themselves in the nation.
What we are dealing with today is darkness that flooded in by a covenant, by our govt, through an open gate, that though it was shut at the time we are still having to round up the cattle according to Dr Crumb. Meaning deal with all the demons that got loose through that gate and sending them back where they belong.
I believe when Roe v Wade was overturned 50 years after it was ratified, 50 being the Jubilee where what was stolen must be given back. That gate began to majorly close however I think a part of that gate is still open.
We are called kings and priests who cost Jesus His blood on the cross for us to be given that authority.
Behold I have given unto you power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy so nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Something similar going on at Cern that is affecting Europe cern is attempting to do the same thing, open a very dangerous gate to the Kingdom of Darkness.
The attempt on Trump’s life July 13, 2024 = 7+13+20+24 =64 When the soviets were using remote viewing against the United States the covering had been lifted taking prayer had just been taken out of schools.
The second attempt on his life was September 15, 2024 9+15+20+24=64
It’s that year 1964 that connects to this.
BUT 1864 was the Civil War, which is why these dates line up like this: they were attempting to assassinate him to start another Civil War and have enough blood to get this gate back open.
Assassinating Donald Trump would have given a chance to re-open that gate wide, just as they did with Kennedy
2 Kings 3:26-27
26 When the king of Moab saw that the battle was too fierce for him, he took with him 700 men who drew swords, to break through to the king of Edom; but they could not. 27 Then he took his oldest son who was to reign in his place, and offered him as a burnt offering on the wall. And there came great wrath against Israel, and they departed from him and returned to their own land.
The sacrifice was made on the wall when the battle became too fierce for Israel's opposition, a child sacrificed on a wall.
What is one of the biggest contentions? Immigration–the wall and child trafficking.
I believe the Shepherd of this nation, Donald Trump needs to repent for the nation and ask the Lord to close the gate with those who hold the prophetic office and ask the Lord to lock it and seal it with the blood of Jesus, something like this needs to happen because the enemy is desperately attempting to reopen this gate.
And this forward together that Kamala Harris has adopted ties back to Russia and communism.
On the communist party USA website they adopted the slogan forward together before she took it on.
Obama's second-term campaign slogan was forward.
Hillary Clinton’s was Stronger Together.
In May 2017 Hillary Clinton announces a new action group Onward Together.
Kamala’s is Forward Together, Obama, Hillary, and the communist party combined.
They want to push this gate fully open again.
Forward together they want AGREEMENT to ratify their agenda in the realm of the spirit.
Forward Together — block and build against fascism
This is dated April 17, 2024.
On their site, they call MAGA supporters fascists which is exactly what the communist party is .....
Good morning, revolution! How would Lenin vote in November?
Dated September 13, 2024
Remember Lenin–100-year cycle he died in 1924. THEY are attempting to resurrect that same spirit and mindset that influenced and controlled Lenin.
It's not a Revolution War–it’s a Revelationary War!
The shepherds need to stand in the gap at the SHEEP GATE against the predators that have come to steal, kill, and destroy.
I will tell you--some orders have gone out from the Kingdom of darkness against the ELDERS. The men who are pillars in their community pray and intercede because it's an order against the shepherds and elders.
Posted in Teaching and Prophetic Insight
Posted in nation, united states, Public Schools, Schools, Trump, President Trump, election, Prayer, Prayer in Schools, Kennedy, Stargate, Watergate
Posted in nation, united states, Public Schools, Schools, Trump, President Trump, election, Prayer, Prayer in Schools, Kennedy, Stargate, Watergate
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